Chapter 1193 World Fusion

With the three warriors under his command, from the ancient times to today, how can they let them die so easily?

Long before they were sent to the lower realm, they had already left their souls and souls, even if they died, what would it matter? It only took a little effort to rebuild their bodies.

"Reporting to His Highness Luoshen, the flower god attendant seems to have a reaction...

After Luoshen heard this, he closed his eyes and raised his right hand, stopping General Feilong's next words.

"It's just a mere servant of the goddess of flowers. I went the wrong way and went in the wrong direction. Now I have the opportunity to rebuild it. It's a chance for her. Feilong, you and I have been with me for the longest time. You should know that, I want to hear from you. Yes, not these things.

"Yes." 5

General Feilong lowered his head, as if organizing his own language.

After a long time, he said: "His Royal Highness Luoshen, the subordinates think that the Daqingshan is an extraordinary boundary that cannot be easily invaded.

"Not bad, I'm finally going to talk about some interesting things. Letting you go to the realm once, you came to such a conclusion, but it made me a little curious, what magic is there in that place that can attract you to this.

Luo Shen's words did not mean blame, but it made people feel stressed.

General Feilong bent his spine in an instant.

"His Royal Highness Luoshen, do you still remember what we were afraid of when we were sleeping?"

Asking this sentence has exhausted all the strength of General Flying Dragon.

Ask desperately!

Luoshen's face was unpredictable.

What are you afraid of?

What a shame this is.

Luoshen didn't want to mention it again, but he didn't want to be spoiled by his subordinates today.


Because of his arrogance, he thinks he is invincible in the world, and he goes straight into the chaotic universe to see the monstrous sky.

The waves!

There is a figure standing in the chaos, dominating everything.

The three realms of immortals and demons, or the thousands of small worlds.

In fact, they are all contributing continuously to that person.

What is terrifying is that the figure used the whole world to support its body, and no one could notice it. That is the most taboo existence in Luoshen's heart!

"His Royal Highness Luoshen, Senior Jiang Xiaolong in Daqingshan has also reached that level.

"No, it's impossible! If he also reached this level, he would definitely not be in a small mountain village!

Luoshen vetoed it sternly.

The existence of absorbing the power of the three thousand worlds, if one is in the human world, will inevitably cause huge waves, however, the human world is now safe.

The words have been said here, and it seems that there is nothing to say.

General Feilong bowed to the end, "His Royal Highness Luoshen, what Senior Jiang Xiaolong did is completely different from that of the previous one. He is using his own breath to feed the world back!"

Feeding the world back, is he crazy?

"It's true, now the Daqing Mountain is full of chaotic aura, and even the immortal energy of the human world is a bit more intense than that of the immortal world. I suspect that senior will eventually turn the entire human world into a Chaos world!

The power of chaos controlled by one person? The power of chaos that can be used by others?

If this kind of power fills the world, what's the point of his bloodline? Luoshen suddenly let out a "giggling" laugh.

"There really is such a person? Feeding the whole world with their own power, if that's the case, why should they be on one side? The power of feeding back should be spread across three thousand worlds!"

General Feilong looked at this scene and sighed in his heart.

The master is afraid that he does not want to...

This thought has not completely fallen, and the whole world has been turned upside down!


"What's the situation, the Fallen Immortal Cliff rose and landed in the center of the Immortal Realm?!"

"I went to the ancient fierce forbidden place to hunt for an ancient fierce beast, and I laughed to death, there is no life in it at all!

"Damn it, don't you all feel that the earth is moving under our feet?

All areas of the entire Immortal Realm were in a panic for a while, and even the Sifang Immortal Emperor was shaken by it.

This is world fusion!

The last time the fusion occurred, it was still centered on the Human World, and some small worlds were integrated. It was easy to understand. After all, the mere small world was originally inferior to the Human World.

But now, the Immortal Realm is also drifting in the direction of the Human Realm!

The whole fairyland is boiling!

The immortals who are high on weekdays, I am afraid that this time they will return to the "mortal world".

Demon world.

Similar to the situation in the fairy world, but the difference is that there is a natural boundary wall between the demon world and the human world, and at this moment, it has not been broken.

The wind is blowing.

Immortal energy and demonic energy repeatedly collided and washed away at the boundary wall.

After a short time, the boundary wall was broken.

The Demon Realm did not move in the direction of the Human Realm, but in a way of fusion. We only saw that the soil of the Demon Race and the soil of the Human Realm were in line with each other, and then, they blended and spread with each other, as if they could be able to do it in a moment or three. Completely integrated.

The old man, who was sleeping soundly hiding in the corner of the demon world, suddenly woke up, and then contacted Queyi in a panic.

"Queyi, the demon world I am in is going to be eaten!"

"Hehe, my Fallen Immortal Cliff has melted away.

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