Chapter 1206 The most important thing is people

If this is not a "unlucky ghost", they will not be ghosts in the future!

The same situation happened all over the world, and one after another, ancient evil spirits began to cause harm to the world, not only the territory of the Sifang Immortal Emperor, the domain of the demon clan, the domain of the elves, or the original domain of the demon world, every inch of land is indispensable for these ancient evil spirits. figure!

All immortals and demons are in danger, and the bloody atmosphere spreads all over the new world in one day! Human races in various places continue to die, and even Xianjun cannot be spared.

The human cities turned into ruins one after another, a scene after the war. On the streets and alleys, there are corpses hanging with broken arms.

Ancient evil roams the world!

A sea mirror hangs all over the world.

The ancient evil spirit who was frustrated in the Crystal Palace angrily used his ancient words to tell what happened in the Crystal Palace.

"Didn't you say that the ancient evil spirits split and multiplied all over the world, and will occupy all territories? The tone of the Spiritual Sense Immortal Emperor seems to be a little too high-pitched.

"Oh, the mere sea clan, Ben Gu thinks that it tastes delicious, doesn't want to kill them all, and wants to keep them in captivity for future rations. Now, it seems that those ignorant guys should be killed.

The ancient evil spirit's voice was cold, and then, from all over the new world, the ancient evil spirits turned into black-gray smoke and gathered in an instant, dyeing the sky into a gloomy color, like a black cloud in the sky, swimming in the direction of the Crystal Palace. Drag away!

Under the sea, Crystal Palace.

Immortal Emperor Qianshui was pacing anxiously in the Crystal Palace. After the sea mirror appeared, she felt that the whole new world was shifting in a bad direction.

The defense formation of the entire Crystal Palace opened wide, and Immortal Emperor-level divine consciousness spread all over the Crystal Palace, monitoring every inch of the land.

"Lord Immortal Emperor! Outside... it's really messy outside!"

A huge razor sank from the water surface and landed in front of Immortal Emperor Qianshui. It's a wish.

He spat out a blister, showing the chaos of the outside world.

"Dore's realm... Was this destroyed by himself?"

"The same is true in the realm of spiritual consciousness?"

"Isn't even the fields of elves and monsters immune?"

The Immortal Emperor Qianshui had a solemn expression on his face.

You can hide for a while, but you can't hide for a lifetime!

That ancient evil spirit will come over sooner or later.

Just as the Immortal Emperor Qianshui showed a sullen look, Fang Zi Fang Yuan suggested in a low voice: "Lord Immortal Emperor, perhaps, we can look for that... the senior who loves to eat the sea clan.

"Yes! Quick, go and prepare some mussel shells, let's go give gifts to the seniors!"

At this moment, in the Daqing Mountain, in the small courtyard, in the picture scroll in Luo Tanmeng's arms. In that mighty picture scroll of mountains and rivers, one person and one fox are confronting each other.

Bai Ruoli's fur was already stained with blood, both his own and Di Xin's.

Looking at Di Xin on the opposite side, an arm was torn off!

The little fox has the upper hand!

"Be my concubine, and we will join in the grand occasion.

Di Xin's detached imperial demeanor is still there, and he doesn't seem to care very much about the situation of his broken arm. You don't know how long you have to live, do you?

The little fox licked the blood from the corner of his mouth, looking a little wild.

Suddenly, a black-gray smoke rippled around Di Xin's body, and the broken arm was covered by the black-gray smoke, condensing a sharp claw like a beast.

"My clansmen seem to be approaching here.


The terrifying evil aura was overwhelming and suppressed in the direction of the little fox.

It's just that the invasion of this evil aura caused the little fox to spit out a mouthful of blood.

"I have learned a lot from the master's side, so I won't show it to you.

Bai Ruoli's words had no beginning or end, and Di Xin, who was on the opposite side, seemed to be a little confused. Ten tails form a ring, wrapping itself in the center.

The figure of the fox seemed to be meditating, and he kept reciting the verse of the Buddha: "When Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is deep in prajnaparamita, he sees that the five aggregates are empty, and all sufferings are saved. Sariputra, the form is not different from emptiness, emptiness. Not different from form, form is emptiness, emptiness is form, and the same is true of feeling, thought, action, and consciousness.


Wherever the Buddhist scriptures go, all evils are avoided.

"No... can't!"

Di Xin's mourning voice continued to sound, and his body began to crack inch by inch.

In an instant, his whole body was covered in blood, and he couldn't even get up.

Di Xin, who has experienced several generations, has survived for hundreds of thousands of years of immortality.

In the end, his moment of decay came.

That face full of horror seemed to be fixed, and then gradually dissipated with the wind. "If you are not possessed by ancient evil, I won't win you so easily."

The moment the little fox's voice fell, its ten tails stretched out again, and finally met its Immortal Emperor level!


Hearing the cry of the little fox, Luo Tanmeng found an open space and let it out. Just in time, he was greeted by Immortal Emperor Qianshui who came ashore.

Bump full.

After a while, Luo Tanmeng held the little fox in his arms, followed by the Immortal Emperor Qianshui who took a large bag of seafood.

This painting... beg.

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