Chapter 1207 The Great Change Under the Sea

Jiang Xiaolong: "Tanmeng, where did you find them all?"


The little fox jumped directly into Jiang Xiaolong's arms and gently rubbed his chest.

Master~ Little Fox misses you so much!

"After so many days, do you know how to come back?"

Jiang Xiaolong flicked on the little fox's forehead as punishment.

But~ this little fox didn't seem to suffer for a while since he ran away. Look at the fur, it's a bit smoother and softer than before.

Under the friction of Jiang Xiaolong's big hand, the little fox squinted in enjoyment.

After fighting for so long, it is already a qualified fighter of "Nine Forty Zero"!

Now, it's time to enjoy~


The extremely warm scene in front of him seems inconvenient to disturb.

Immortal Emperor Qianshui was in the back, rubbing his hands tangled, what should I do?

"Shallow water, what's the matter with you?

Hearing Senior Jiang Xiaolong's name, Immortal Emperor Qianshui took a step forward, and then said with a solemn expression: "The new world is merging, and there are many changes. Every field has countless casualties, and it has the power to destroy. Crystal Palace is also hanging by a thread at this moment, and will be destroyed by those guys at any time.

Jiang Xiaolong:???

Wait, is this personal maid so powerful? Can she be in charge of a palace alone? And... the ancient royal court has been destroyed for so long, and the palace is still there?

The name Crystal Palace sounds quite ordinary. The royal family seems to have no culture. What about Kunning Palace, Ci'an Palace, and Yanxi Palace?

"Tanmeng, since it's your maid, you should go and have a look. Bring Qionglin and Yingbaiyi with them, so that they can protect you a little bit. Everything else is outside the body, and you don't need to care too much. , and most importantly, always people.”

bang one

As soon as these words came out, it exploded in the hearts of everyone like a thunder burst.

Is the most important thing always the people?

Sure enough, senior Jiang Xiaolong cared about the rise and fall of the eternal human race and the safety.

Yes! Big brother, leave it to Tanmeng!

Outside the Crystal Palace.

The sea is surging, and the waves are surging, and it seems that killer whales are turning over in the sea, stirring up the storm.

The mighty spiritual consciousness, accompanied by the evil aura, approached head-on. In the vast sea, it condensed into a large black net, shrouding the entire Crystal Palace, as if to make it irreversible! The defense formation of the Crystal Palace Constantly absorbing the power of the sea water and blooming light, however, it can only slightly dilute such darkness.

The light is looming, like a candle in the wind, and it will go out at any time.

"Shallow water, my beautiful friend, haven't you come out yet?

Immortal Emperor Lingzhi's voice spread in this sea.


It sounded like the long whistling sound of a blue whale, setting off a huge wave.

When the Immortal Emperor Spirit Consciousness was still not stable, a huge ocean wave shot down and drowned him in it.

"Go away! The mere guardian spirit dares to fight with this Immortal Emperor!

The evil aura around the Immortal Emperor Lingzhi was controlled by him, and it turned into long needles, stabbing at the great formation.

If the formation was originally a protective film, now it is like a deflated ball, and it collapses in an instant.

Fang Yuan, who was hiding in the array and controlled, couldn't help shivering.

Is this the power of the Immortal Emperor?

He frantically threw the immortal stones into the eyes of the formation, and under the action of the huge immortal power, the protection of the formation was condensed again.

However, it is already in danger.

"Lord Immortal Emperor, come back quickly, I'm just an ordinary razor, I can't hold it!

Fang Yuan closed his eyes tightly and did not dare to look at the pictures outside. He knelt on the ground and prayed constantly. Oh, little trick.

Immortal Emperor Lingzhi sneered, and the attack fell again.

Collapse of the Great Array!

A group of sea clan hid in the Crystal Palace and shivered.

They were only the weak sea clan who survived under the protection of Immortal Emperor Qianshui. The highest cultivation base is Fang Yuan, and only the cultivation base of the Immortal King level!

Seeing the clansmen and companions behind him, Fang Yuan gritted his teeth and rushed up!

He wants to protect the sea clan!

"Interesting and interesting. There is an immortal king who is over-thinking like you.

Immortal Emperor Lingzhi sneered.

Not to mention a mere Immortal King, even in the presence of thousands of Immortal Monarchs, he can defeat them with one force!

A piece of spiritual consciousness fell, directly containing Fang Yuan's figure in place.

Immediately, the Spiritual Sense Immortal Emperor watched with interest Fang Yuan's figure struggling under that ray of Spiritual Sense, and then kept being crushed.

Yo, the main body is exposed to 4.3.

What a big clam~

At this moment, the Immortal Emperor of Spiritual Consciousness made a deal with the ancient evil spirit, and obtained a trace of the ancient evil spirit's power, which was comparable to the power of the Great Desolation, and its strength could even fight against Luo Tanmeng.

It is precisely because of this evil aura that Fang Yuan can only hide in the shell to avoid being eroded by evil thoughts.


The breath of death enveloped Fang Yuan's head, and he was like the meat on the chopping board, and could only be slaughtered.

"I'm going to bite off a piece of your flesh!

Fang Yuan was unhappy and took off his shell.

The clam shell was enlarged infinitely, like a big mouth, containing the Immortal Emperor of Spiritual Sense in it.

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