Chapter 1216 The Ancestor Tree

This name is definitely not normal.

As for the little doll.

At the age of six or seven, it's okay to call yourself a senior.


After hearing Jiang Xiaolong's reply, Yao Lao was overjoyed and directly pressed Yao Qingming to the ground, causing him to knock his head a few times.

"Call senior!"

Yao Qingming was ignorant, he did whatever his grandfather asked him to do, his forehead turned red, and he called out with tears in his eyes, "Senior.

There were no more moths on the road, and the group returned to the small yard smoothly.

Yao Lao's old eyes seemed to want to see the flowers in this yard.

The fence is full of anti-evil talismans, each of which is filled with the coercion of the Holy Light, the unspeakable power of the talisman, guarding this small courtyard,

The holy light is connected together, and all evils cannot invade!

Seeing Yao Lao's gaze fixed on the talisman, Jiang Xiaolong explained, "I always seem to encounter some evil things recently, this evil talisman has two points of power, and it is plastered around the yard to keep the house safe. .

These words exploded in Yao Lao's mind!

Immortal Jiang Xiaolong actually knew about the ancient evil and was ready.

He did not doubt the power of these spells at all. Every one of them had traces of the Great Dao on them. If those ancient evil spirits could conquer this place, the world would hand over to them!

"Immortal Jiang Xiaolong is of great mercy! Purdue all sentient beings!"

Yao Lao wanted to kneel down again.

Jiang Xiaolong was smart all over, and raised his hand to stop him, "There are so many things, you need to give you a stack!"

Yao Lao was crying more and more.

Stepping into the courtyard, a very familiar atmosphere suppressed Yao Lao and Yao Qingming from taking a step forward.

Ancestral tree?

Yao Lao looked at the center of the courtyard, the luxuriant ancestral tree, and only felt that there was a world that was pressing in his heart.

It's Immortal Jiang Xiaolong!

In the long river of those years, the seedlings of the ancestor tree suddenly rose from the sky, blocking the attack of the ancient evil for their grandfather and grandson.

At that time, Yao Lao knew that this was the other end of the river of time, and there was a superpower who came to help, but he didn't think that this superpower was Immortal Jiang Xiaolong!

Looking at the leafy Shizu tree in the courtyard, there are also tokens hanging in it, symbolizing the power of the ancient human race.

The token that belongs to their pharmacist is already protected in the branches and leaves, just like the situation in the long river that day!

"Thank you, Immortal Jiang Xiaolong, for protecting my pharmacist!"

Yao Lao knelt to the ground again.

Jiang Xiaolong: You could have walked to the yard in five minutes, but you were forced to kneel for fifty minutes, isn't that the end?

"Old man, stop kneeling.

As soon as Jiang Xiaolong's voice fell, Yao Lao's figure stood up uncontrollably.

For a time, a look of astonishment appeared in those slightly dim yellow eyes.

The power of Dao is so powerful, Yao Lao, who is now a broken body, can't bear such a force to press himself. The moment he got up, he vomited blood and fell into a coma.


Yao Qingming cried tragically, as if he was about to die.

Luo Tanmeng on the side also showed a little sadness.

Yao Lao has been holding on to his body, Luo Tanmeng has not been able to find that he has reached the point where the fuel is exhausted.


Now that his cultivation base is broken, his spiritual consciousness is weak, and the whole person is on the verge of dying, Luo Tanmeng suddenly realizes what price Yao always paid to keep his little grandson Yao Qingming.

"Brother Yaojia come here, don't disturb your grandfather.

When Luo Tanmeng opened her mouth, she choked a little.

Jiang Xiaolong:???

Kneeling all the way, when he came, he vomited blood again, no matter how he looked at it, he felt that it was extortion. "Get out of the way, keep the air clear, and let me take a pulse on him."

Jiang Xiaolong stepped forward and put his fingers on Yao Lao's veins.


Oh, it's just a bad cold!

However, the medicines for wind-cold and wind-heat are different, and it is necessary to carefully diagnose the pulse.

The old man's pulse is tight, as if it can break in an instant, just like the pulse of stroke and cold

There is some urgency indeed.

However, it's not so mournful.

"Anything that stabs cold evil on the sun to warm it, Xu Xiangji comes to its spirits, the door has been closed, and there is no distinction between the empty and the real.

The good words in this medical book are that for any needling to treat cold pathogens, it is still necessary to use a gentle method, using the acupuncture method of Xu Jinji out, to restore its own righteousness.

At the same time, it is necessary to use the auxiliary method of rubbing the pinhole to close its door. In this way, the righteousness will not be scattered and leaked, the virtual and the real can be reconciled, and the true energy can be solidified and stored.

Oh, yes, such a technique still requires the use of needles!

There are many kinds of filigree needles, the most famous of which is the Panlong Needle with a flower handle! This is the Panlong Needle made by Jiang Xiaolong.

On each of the coiled dragon needles, there is an endless breath of life attached to it, which seems to be able to dispel all negativity.

"Brother Dawang, are you trying to save the old man? Really... can you save him? Beg.

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