Chapter 1217 Wind and Cold

Luo Tanmeng's eyes looked watery in Jiang Xiaolong's direction.

Yao Lao's body has run out of oil, withered to the sky, and his body and soul have died out, how can we save him?

There is a saying in the mortal world, "Keep people in front of the Palace of Kings of Hell."

However, what remains is the soul.

It doesn't even have a soul!

"Don't worry, you can be saved.

Jiang Xiaolong's words seemed to have the power to calm people's hearts.

The little boy suddenly knelt on the ground and said with a sob, "Senior, as long as you can, go back to my grandfather and let me do anything!

Jiang Xiaolong:

It's just a cold, is "Nine Four Zero" really going to be such a parting of life and death?

Fengchi, Yingxiang, Lieque, Waiguan, Dazhui, Quchi, Hegu.

One Coiling Dragon Needle on each acupoint!

Jiang Xiaolong's index finger and thumb were slightly closed, and they flicked gently on the dragon needle.

The needle rotates and goes deep into the acupoint.

The rhythm above the needles hides vitality, penetrates deep into Yao Lao's body, and awakens his body.

Luo Tanmeng watched this scene, and her heart was shocked!

What kind of situation did the eldest brother come to, to be able to re-inject life into the human body!

Ordinary people cultivate the Dao for the sake of longevity, for the sake of this vitality.

If there is such a method that can inject vitality, what kind of way is there to cultivate?!


Jiang Xiaolong stretched out his hand and patted Yao Lao's chest, the needles that were spinning deeply stopped in an instant, the length of which was visible to the naked eye.

Solid soul!

From the token on the ancestor tree, a piece of remnant soul floated down, directly following Jiang Xiaolong's shot, fell into Yao Lao's body, and then was fixed by a needle.

That remnant of soul...

A hint of doubt flashed in Luo Tan's dream eyes. This remnant soul seemed to have always existed among the leaves of the ancestral tree of that generation, and had been nourished by it for hundreds of thousands of years.

Could it be that the eldest brother has already counted into the future in the ancient times, raised the ancestor tree, protected the remnant soul of Yao Lao, and met today...


Luo Tanmeng was stunned by the thoughts in his mind.

If this is the case, the cultivation realm of the eldest brother is probably far beyond his imagination!

"Three taels of cinnamon sticks, three taels of peony, three taels of ginger, twelve jujubes, and two taels of licorice. 35 Jiang Xiaolong suddenly spoke up.

After Ke Bingheng heard this, he nodded again and again, and then ran to the medicine field to prepare all the necessary medicinal materials.

Setting up the fire, Jiang Xiaolong prepared a small stove, threw all the medicinal materials into it, and slowly boiled it over a small fire.

The fragrance of the medicine wafted out, and just by smelling it, everyone felt that their souls became more and more stable. In this small furnace, everything is a fairy plant!

When these immortal plants are fused together, the strong medicinal power is enough to make the remnant soul instantly return to its peak! The remnant soul in Yao Lao's body is made up at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the strength of the body even exceeds that of the medicine. When old and young.

"Cough cough.

A relaxed cough sounded, and Yao Lao slowly opened his eyes.

Those eyes that had been chaotic for a long time regained clarity and looked around, revealing doubts. grandfather!"

Yao Qingming rushed over while crying.

My soul is gone, how can I see my little grandson again?

When Yao Lao was puzzled, Luo Tanmeng said, "Grandpa Yao, it was the eldest brother who saved you!" What?!

Yao Lao widened his eyes in disbelief and looked at Jiang Xiaolong, who had not put away the needle. It's a sign of time!

Exactly how ingenious acupuncture can smooth out the traces of the years!

"Since you are awake, then finish the medicine yourself."

Jiang Xiaolong handed the medicinal soup, which was still a little hot, to Yao Lao.


As the helm of the Yao family, Yao Lao knows how precious this bowl of soup and medicine is in his hands!

Immortal Jiang Xiaolong, great kindness!

Yao Lao climbed up from the ground and was about to kneel down.

Jiang Xiaolong:!!!

Don't kneel again. If you kneel again, it's not a matter of setting up your own time and medicinal materials. If you sell your small yard, you may not be able to pay!

"Don't kneel.

Jiang Xiaolong reached out to stop Yao Lao's movements.

However, he only cared about the old and ignored the young.

With a bang, Yao Qingming fell to her knees on the ground, her shriveled cheeks kept agitating: "I beg the seniors to accept me as a disciple and teach me medical skills!"

"If you really want to learn, I can teach you.

Jiang Xiaolong just finished speaking when the old one knelt down again.

"The immortal Jiang Xiaolong has no repayment of his great kindness. What can he do for the immortal with his old and broken body?" Jiang Xiaolong:

4.3 I just beg you not to kneel!

"Cough cough." Jiang Xiaolong coughed softly twice, then pretended to be deep and said: "I have a small courtyard and there are no extra guest rooms, so it is difficult for the two of you to stay. However, I have a acquaintance. , The name is Yingluo, she has some extra real estate on her side, so she can take in the two of you."

Yao Lao's respectful expression did not change at all.

This small courtyard is a supreme holy place, how can I allow my grandparents and grandchildren to set foot on it at will?

Immortal Jiang Xiaolong's willingness to teach his grandchildren is already a supreme kindness, and he must never be able to achieve longwangshu.

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