Chapter 1303 Wake Up

Today, the Thunder Bear Lord is here, and he will definitely be slaughtered!

Oh, what a big bear!

Taking advantage of the time the two communicated, Mulanshan directly dismissed the blood velvet soldiers. As for herself, Bei Shi ran towards the small courtyard.

What are you kidding?

Do you really think you are still the wooden emperor of the year?

Today she is Mulan Mountain, the only disciple and grandchild of Jiang Xiaolong in Daqingshan!

The reason why he has been weak all the time is not because of the war that year, after hundreds of thousands of years of cultivation, he could not recover.

However, under the rejuvenation of the master and his old man, all kinds of orcs in the chaos realm have all become meals on the plate, great supplement!

She is no longer alone.

If you can't beat it, go home and report it!

I only saw the figure of Mulan Mountain rushing back and forth between the mountains and forests, and the movement was so fast that Mu Qingmeng and Thunder Bear Master were not able to react for a while.

Is this the wood emperor?

This is the wooden emperor who will not retreat and protect the human race?

Dammit! Come out!

Such thoughts only lasted for a moment 987, and the two figures immediately chased after them.

The Thunder Bear Master holds the divine thunder, and a faint purple aura lingers in his body, dyeing the divine thunder purple.

In the blink of an eye, he came to the vicinity of the small courtyard.

"Master, master, someone is bullying me!

Mulan Shan screamed for help, not only awakening Jiang Xiaolong, but also awakening all the drunk nine sons.

Someone bullied Mulan Mountain?!

In an instant, everyone came out of the courtyard.

When approaching the small yard, the Thunder Bear Master felt a hint of suppressing power, and it seemed that all of his Divine Thunder and Hongmeng Purple Qi had been stripped away, and he couldn't use it at all.

And Mu Qingmeng is even worse. For some reason, under the suppression of a strange force, he turned him into the body of the green scale fish clan, and he was constantly mobilized on the ground. There is a feeling of lack of oxygen.

...what's the situation?

Jiang Xiaolong felt his scalp go numb as he watched the three-person tall bear and the half-human-sized herring chasing behind Mulan Mountain.

Where did this grow, such a big bear and fish?

In other words, fish can't leave the water, this fish...

It must have been captured by Mulan Mountain, right?

Unexpectedly, a little girl who is usually very well-behaved, actually went to catch fish in the middle of the night.

She really caught a fish king!

As for why the big bear was chasing her, it was probably the half-human-sized herring, right?

"Master, I have troubled you.

Mulan Shan ran back to the small yard and said apologetically.

Thinking of Mulan Mountain's usual obedience, this time, it should be because everyone is happy to eat fish and meat hot pot, so you want to catch another fish?

"It's okay, it's easy to fix."

Jiang Xiaolong grabbed his bow and aimed in the direction of the big bear.

It is said that you can't have both fish and bear's paw, this time, isn't it coming?

Bend the bow, shoot the arrow, pull the string.

Jiang Xiaolong's left arm holding the bow is bent lazily, as if it is very random. The index finger, middle finger and (cjed) ring finger of the right hand are gently placed on the strings, and then the bow is fully drawn. The arrow flew out.

Time seemed to have been pressed the pause button, and the figure of the Thunder Bear Lord stayed in place. Sleeping in this world, it will not wake up until the power of chaos fills the world.

The Thunder Bear Lord's first appearance in this chaotic world, without thinking, has already gone to a dead end. Just above the head of the Thunder Bear Lord, there is a picture that is constantly evolving like a revolving lantern.

In the vast mountains, a little bear with purple thunder all over its body was just born. It was crawling on the ground, but could not find its parents.


That questioning sound was the first syllable it uttered.

In this vast mountain, the weak eat the strong, and without enough strength, they can only be bullied by others in the end.

The bear bites the enemy with its teeth and devours the enemy's flesh and blood.

Power pours into the body.

It turns out that by killing the enemy, you can become stronger!

This purple bear slaughtered the vast mountain all the way, until it established its status as the king.

It is called Thunder Bear Lord, and it is the king of this vast mountain.

Suddenly, an arrow shoots through this picture!

Everything in the past was directly chopped off at this moment, time, space, everything was affected by this arrow and disappeared.

The Thunder Bear Lord's figure fell to the ground, and the herring was crushed under the giant bear.

Hehe, Jiang Xiaolong didn't even bother to shoot that herring.

The Green Scale Fish Clan retreated step by step, facing such an incomparable powerhouse, they were only frightened.

What kind of arrow is this?

With just one arrow, the Thunder Bear Lord who touched Hongmeng was killed. As for the chaos-breaking Mu Qingmeng, in front of Jiang Xiaolong, he didn't even have a face!

Not to mention it was them, Jiang Xiaolong himself was also very surprised.

Such a big giant bear was actually shot by himself with one arrow?

Did it hit a dead end?

Could it be that an arrow pierced the bear's nose?

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