Chapter 1304 Unification of Dongshan Region


Bah, impossible.

Jiang Xiaolong's eyesight is good, the arrow clearly pierced through the eyes.

"Master, I'm going to bring the prey back to you!

As soon as Mulanshan finished speaking, he came to the side of Thunder Bear Master.

Mu Qingmeng, who was pressed under the Thunder Bear Lord, could not help but tremble.

"Lord Mudi, it was Qingmeng who was fascinated by ghosts back then. Please forgive me once. For the sake of my conscientiousness in serving you in the past, give me another chance!"

Mu Qingmeng kept begging, but there was no sign of forgiveness from Mulan Mountain.

"Cause and effect cycle, retribution is unhappy. The mistakes you make will be repaid with your life!"

A trace of chaotic power directly penetrated into Mu Qingmeng's body, ending her life, beheading her consciousness, leaving only a herring in place.

The mountain-like giant bear was broken apart by Jiang Xiaolong's knife. The most precious ingredient is naturally the pair of bear paws, but the bear meat can also be chopped and fed to dogs!

"Braised bear paw, sweet and sour herring. You've eaten enough today, I'll make it for you tomorrow!

During the time when the nine sons agreed in unison, Yingluo took a step back and spread the information out of Daqingshan and gave it to the Sang Demon Alliance.

Tantaiyue was the leader, Bai Ruoqi was the assistant, and the two led the Tianma cavalry to level the Dongshan area!

From now on, the Dongshan area needs to be the sphere of influence of the Demon Slayer Alliance, and no more forces like the Green Scale Fish Clan will be allowed to intrude into the Daqingshan.

Today's Tianma cavalry regiment has reached the level of Chaos Pull-Up, how many forces in the world can come up with such a regiment?

Under the sweep of the Tianma cavalry regiment, the major forces in the Dongshan area either surrendered or were destroyed. Wherever they passed by, they sensed the aura of evil, and they would rather kill them by mistake and never let them go.

When the Daqingshan was peaceful, the outside world had undergone earth-shaking changes.

The benefits of the Tianma Cavalry Regiment from the Bingshan group in the extreme north can be said to be insignificant, and their strength has been completely raised. Now, this formidable strength has initially shown!

Tianma's pure white figure formed a piece in mid-air, and wherever he went, it was where the battle flag of the Demon Sangling Alliance was erected.

This unifying order from the Dongshan area was in a hurry, and Tantaiyue and Bai Ruoqi were advancing day and night.

A group of heavenly horses continued to fight on various battlefields without a trace of rest. Their white hair was dyed red with blood, until they were completely blood-colored.

The Dongshan area was completely leveled, and everything was wiped out!

Weak water snake clan, extinct.

Black-hearted tiger clan, exterminate.

Blue scale fish clan, extinct.

One by one huge forces were slaughtered under this order, and all the forces associated with the ancient evil spirits in the Dongshan area were all pulled out, even those forces that seemed to be at the forefront of fighting against the ancient evil spirits in history, dozens of them. After ten thousand years of ups and downs, the figure of ancient evil has been mixed in.

A glimpse of the leopard in the tube can be seen.

From this Dongshan area, it can be seen that the forces of the ancient evil spirits are deeply hidden!

The entire world of chaos was shaken by this!

"Gu Xie Chong in the Dongshan area has all been abolished? Chi Chi, wouldn't that be great? Save Laozi carrying a knife and killing them one by one!"

There was a sound of laughter from the Demon Sword Sect.

"Is it them? Sure enough, they are invincible.

Xing Wusuan held the compass to deduce, and for a while, there was a warm smile on the corner of his mouth. "Oh? You met a force in the Dongshan area, and there is a person whose swordsmanship is far stronger than you, even stronger than me? Interesting.


The Sect Master of the Ancient Sword Sect looked at Liu Lingyi, the holy son of his sword sect, with interest in his eyes, and seemed to have the idea of ​​searching for the soul of his own holy son.

Just because the ancient evil forces in the Dongshan area were removed, the major forces in the entire Chaos Realm celebrated each other.

"The East Mountain area is where the Lord of the World lives, and no force should disturb it, and those who violate the order will die!" The force called the Sang Demon Alliance was once famous all over the world, and the Tianma Cavalry Regiment became the strongest army in the world. one.


Who is the Lord of the World?

Everyone has their own guesses.

In the Dongshan area, the battle song sounded again, and the sound of the horn bursts, it is suspected that the wood emperor has returned!

There are legends about the Emperor of Wood in the world. That blue shirt and blue shirt seem to have endless power. Back then, he created the invincible Tsing Yi Army and the Blood Velvet Army. Today, they have trained another Tianma cavalry regiment. Not difficult to understand.

Could it be that Emperor Wood lived out the second world, and is the master of this world?

Above the vast ocean, a mermaid with a pale blue tail appeared.

"Is it all over?"

The blue-scale fish clan was wiped out, and this piece of sea returned to the grasp of the shallow water.

Above the sea, there are turbulent waves, and it seems that some catastrophe is brewing forever. In the sky, the wind and clouds continued, and the dark clouds that gathered and scattered at that time seemed to be telling the abnormality of the seabed.

The shallow water plunged into the sea at one end, and it continued to go into the depths. As the sea became deeper and deeper, the surrounding gradually turned into a pure black color, without a trace of light, a dark atmosphere enveloped her. of the whole body.

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