Chapter 1305 Under the Sea

The depths of the sea seemed to be a little abnormal, and in the eyes of the shallow water, a hint of worry flashed, she wanted to go into the water for the senior!

From the bottom to the depths, there are pieces of coral land that divide the entire seabed.


Shallow couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva. She once heard her mother say that in the deepest part of the sea, it is the realm of the underworld. There are countless ghosts suppressing this place.

When she was young, she once strayed into this place and was almost left here forever by those ghosts. Fortunately, her mother pulled her back to "Zero Zero Three" at the first time. Since then, she has never been there again. Dare to come here to explore

If it wasn't for Namu Qingmeng leading the Qinglin fish clan to settle in the Canghai, the environment of the Canghai was changed a few times, causing Qian Shui to have doubts, she probably would never step into this place again in her life.

"It's okay, it's okay, I was just a child at that time, and I was not strong enough to be left behind by those ghosts. Now I am a powerhouse of Chaos Breaking Realm, so I don't need to be afraid of them.

The shallow water was still pumping itself as it moved downstream.

Thinking of her current cultivation level and the protection of Her Royal Highness the Queen and Senior Jiang Xiaolong behind her, for a while, her courage seemed to have grown a bit, and she quickly swung the fish tail behind her and swam deeper. .

The pieces of coral land appeared more and more clearly in the eyes of the shallow water, and an extremely cold aura emanated from the coral land.

This breath is a bit like the breath of ancient evil!

With this thought in mind, the shallow water moved forward more and more cautiously.

Shallow water's footsteps stopped, and the spell in her arms seemed to be a little hot.

This is no longer the evil-suppressing talisman drawn by Jiang Xiaolong, it's a simplified version of Meow Kitten~

The simplified version may be slightly weaker in power, but, fortunately, Kitten likes to win by quantity, and when the quantity is sufficient, it makes the shallow water feel a little more at ease.

Because of the reminder of Zhenxie Chongfu, the shallow water also paid attention to the situation in front of them. Those coral fields were intertwined with each other, and various strange shapes and colors of corals were scattered around, and there seemed to be some kind of special pattern formed between them. ?

It's a formation!

Shallow water's face changed slightly for a while.

Those ghosts have no brains and will never arrange any formations. In this case, they are the ghosts of the Green Scale Fish Clan!

Between the strange formations formed by these corals, there is a faint evil aura brewing in the meantime.

What seems to be something that provides a steady stream of energy?

Wait a minute, I don't seem to see any ghosts this time? Could it be to convert the power of the ghosts into the power of ancient evil spirits, to provide advanced power for some big devil in the ancient evil spirits?

Thinking of this, Qian Shui restrained his figure and probed inside.

At the core of the formation, there was a dark atmosphere, and nothing could be seen clearly.

Under the anxiety of the shallow water, there was an unusual rhythm in the swing of the fish tail.


A thunder-like "boom" sound suddenly exploded, and then, a figure suddenly emerged from the center of the formation.

So...the troll general?

Yes, the troll general, one of the three generals under the throne of Luo Shen..

General Feilong was dead and was sacrificed to Gu Xiexun. Luoshen's subordinates were only the troll general and the flower god servant.

Now, this troll seems to be using the power of the ancient evil spirits to break through to Hongmeng Avenue?


The shallow water threw out a talisman to suppress evil.

This evil-suppressing talisman was drawn for the kitten, and it cherishes throwing it one by one like the shallow water. Obviously, it did not get the essence of the spell used by the kitten. Therefore, the troll will be under the action of this evil-suppressing amulet. But it looks like a hole has been burned out of the body, and it's not a big problem.

On the contrary, it was the appearance of this evil-suppressing talisman, which seemed to have completely angered him, and he directly chased after him!

On the surface of the sea, the waves seemed to be calm, but suddenly there was a loud explosion of "Boom"!

A mermaid jumped out from above the water, and the light blue tail swayed quickly, supporting her figure into the air, and at the moment when it completely broke away from the water, the light blue fish tail It was a flash of Huaguang that directly transformed into human long legs.

Perhaps because 4.4 was in a hurry for the time, only a light blue gauze package was left, and he ran away in a hurry.

"Run! I can't beat that guy!

A hint of anxiety flashed in Shallow's eyes, constantly compressing the surrounding space, teleporting forward.

However, there was a turbulent wave on the water surface below, and the troll general's figure swept in with the waves of the sea, as if to drown her back under the sea.

Under such circumstances, Qian Shui didn't have time to feel sorry for those evil-suppressing talismans, and threw all the talismans in his arms.

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