Chapter 1316 Nine Sons

Swords, lights, swords, shadows, charm, and spells all over the sky.

All kinds of attacks are scorching in one place.

However, the people from the Ancient Sword Sect and the Demon Sword Sect could only carry it hard.

They were led here by Daotianmen and fell into an ambush. It seemed that they could escape at any time without any obstacles under the sea. However, in fact, they were surrounded by inexplicable energy, like a copper wall and an iron wall, and they could not break through at all.

The Sect Master of the Ancient Sword Sect, Jian Jiubai, and Jianzi Liu Lingyi.

Demon Sword Sect Sect Master Mo Wutian.

The three people are at the back of the team, and the same brows are furrowed.

Originally, I wanted to support the Demon Swinging Alliance, but I didn't want them to get into a predicament first. "Master, there is someone!"

Liu Lingyi looked up not far away, and a slightly surprised voice came.


The moment Jian Jiubai turned around, he saw Luo Tanmeng 29 and his party fall outside the barrier.


In an instant, Jian Jiubai Yujian stood up, took a deep breath, almost sucked the sea water into his belly, and then shouted with all his strength: "I am the Sect Master of the Ancient Sword Sect, I would like to trouble you all to spread the word to the outside world. Tianmen and Hehuan Sect rebelled against the human race!

The unity of the human race is the general trend of the world.

Daotianmen and Hehuan Sect have been pursued and killed by ancient evil spirits, why can they still surrender to each other? Jian Jiubai does not know.

However, he believes that as long as the news can spread, there will definitely be people of insight from the human race to come to help.

At least

Xing Wusuan, that guy should make a move, right?

"over there."

After Luo Tanmeng outside heard the sound, he rushed over with the team.

Sword Nine Hundred:???

How did you come in?

This barrier allows entry and no exit.


Hope is gone.

"You idiots, didn't you see the battle here? Why did you rush in?!"

The demon of the Demon Sword Sect is impatient, and when he sees Luo Tanmeng and others coming in, he scolds him anxiously.

On the contrary, Jian Jiubai froze in place.

These people in front of them, looking at their bone age, are still young, but the aura of this body is extremely tyrannical

Are they all Chaos Heavenly Pivot?

The Chaos Heavenly Pivot Realm at this age is really the hope of the human race!

Jian Jiubai's eyes shifted.

Fishing boat Yuqin and singing late Yaoqin?

Wait, Heavenly Sword!

When his eyes fell on Mulan Mountain, he couldn't help but slack.

"You... Wood Emperor?"

Although this voice was three-pointed shocked, it clearly did not contain a trace of doubt.

He already recognized the person in front of him.

The Emperor Wood was unparalleled in elegance, but unfortunately he died defending the human race. Now, he has survived his second life, fortunately even!


Although Mulanshan replied, the figure did not move forward, and still stepped behind Jiuzi, which showed that this place was dominated by Jiuzi.


Even the nerve-wracking Mo Wutian was stunned.

"I am Luo Tanmeng, the princess of the ancient royal court, the eighth son of the current Lord of the World, with the order of the Lord of the World, to quell the chaos of ancient evil under the sea.

The princess of the ancient royal court?

Has that little girl grown up?

Wait, no, with the decree of the Lord of the World?

Isn't it all rumored that the Emperor Wood is the one who claims to be the Lord of the World?

Now, in this situation, is it someone else?

The amount of information was too large for a while, and the two suzerains of the ancient forces of the human race could not digest it.

The battle ahead was still going on, and a chaotic woman broke through.

He is the elder of the Hehuan Sect.

"I go!"

Miao Xiaomiao wanted to step forward, but was stopped by Yingluo, "Junior Sister Miao Xiaomao, before you take action, since Tantaiyue and the others have followed, let's have a good experience.

Immediately, Yingluo turned to look at Tantai Yue and said, "You go.

Jiuzi climbed into the sky and looked down.

Between the waves of the water, the ancient evil spirit permeated the air.

The woman from the Hehuan Sect was dressed in inch threads, swaying step by step and exuding a strange fragrance.

"The Hehuan Sect Wu Linger has arrived, the ancient sword sect and the magic sword sect have not come to greet the Taoist brother?

Wu Linger's tone of voice was full of anger, but in fact it was murderous.

"Hey, there are people here.

The figure was riding a white horse under his crotch and came galloping forward, and a long spear stabbed him in the face.

Wu Ling 003's body was light, like dancing, she used strength from her waist, and her figure suddenly flipped, and the long spear rubbed her body and passed.

"Who are you!

Wu Linger yelled loudly.

The ten major forces of the ancient human race are intertwined, and they are deeply intertwined with each other. How much strength does the ancient sword sect and the magic sword sect have?

The man in front of him has reached the Chaos Heavenly Pivot Realm, and the same is true of the horse that day. The two move tacitly, and they fight like one. They want to cooperate with each other. It is not an exaggeration to fight the chaos and break the chaos.

Chaos Breaking Chaos is a cutting-edge force in all forces. How could the ancient sword sect and the magic sword sect hide such a force under the eyes of everyone?

What's more, the one person and one horse in front of him are practicing neither the ancient sword sect's exercises nor the magic sword sect's exercises.

Where did this come from?!

"Beautiful girl, I'm your husband~"

Tantai Yue laughed and said teasing words.

This picture....

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