Chapter 1317 What kind of weapon is this?

Jiuzi, who was watching the battle in the air, even wanted to take action to kill Tantaiyue and save Wu Linger.

"get one"

Bai Ruo let out a cry, ashamed of being in the company of Tantai!

"you wanna die!"

Wu Linger was instantly furious, and her pretty face was stained with icy suffocating aura.

Swaying step by step, he attacked in the direction of Tantai Yue with a ghostly pace.

Luoying thirty-six palms!

Wu Ling'er's white and tender palms were shot again and again, and the palm prints were wrapping Tantai Yue, and the terrifying aura filled the coral land under the sea.

It was a little surprising that after the palm prints touched those corals, it was like a breeze, and the corals were unscathed.

"Bai Ruoqi, run!

Tantai's tongue became more and more fast, and Bai Ruoqi was also involved in suffering together with him.

The pure white wings opened in an instant, bringing a burst of icy cold air, condensing the surrounding sea water into ice ridges, and after breaking the palm prints, they flew up.

The ice edge was sharp, and after piercing the palm print, there was still Yu Wei, flying to Wu Linger's side, and by the way, the few fabrics on her body were cut open a few holes.

"What the hell, it's so dark.

Tantai squinted his eyes and glanced, then turned his head and started to complain.

Wu Linger looked at the clothes on her body, and then looked at Tantai Yue's disgusting expression, burning with anger, and then she scolded word by word:

"I want you to die!

Tantai swallowed a mouthful of saliva, how could this girl be so stingy? He was just telling the truth, how could he be so angry with her?

In Wu Linger's hand, a bell the size of a palm appeared out of thin air.

Not far from the location of the Hehuan Sect, there were bursts of exclamations.

"What happened to Elder Wu Ling'er? How did you take out the Soul Destroyer Bell~~?"

This soul capture bell is Wu Ling'er's natal magic weapon. Most of the Hehuan Sect are women, who use the yang qi of the opposite sex to help their own practice.

And the bell of soul capture day and night is by Wu Linger's side, and its charm is enough to confuse the opposite sex in the world.

Including stallions!

There was a bit of confusion in Bai Ruoqi's eyes, and the whole person looked at Wu Linger with a blurred gaze, and even had an urge to get close to the past immediately.

Don't! Don't be impulsive!"

Tantai Yue grabbed Bai Ruoqi's mane, closed his eyes tightly, and "advised" the stallion under his crotch with the loudest voice, "Brother, don't be fooled by her. She's so dark!"

As soon as these words came out, Wu Linger almost vomited three liters of blood!

"You give me to die! To die!

Wu Linger's whole body seemed to collapse.

This kind of woman who is extremely confident in her own charm, once she encounters goods that are not worth the money, the blow to her self-confidence is not a single star.

The soul-suppressing bell was activated again and again, but this time, it was the killing sound that was activated.

Yingluo, who was watching the battle in midair, frowned. In the ears of someone like her, who had mastered the piano, such a sound was simply the most piercing noise.

For a moment, Yingluo couldn't even control herself and wanted to kill her directly. Fortunately, in order to temper her men, she held back.

Tantai blocked his ears the more, and a tangled color appeared in his eyes.

Normally, you can beat the opponent yourself.

However, the other party didn't fight him properly and took a weapon!

Being taken advantage of by others on weapons, this one is not easy to fight, do you want to show the weapons that are at the bottom of the box?

Your weapon is a one-time use!

Bai Ruoqi's eyes showed an obsession, and he approached Wu Ling'er step by step. It seemed that the time left for Tantai Yue was running out.

||Hey! Black woman, I advise you to be your assistant now, we have a good fight, otherwise, I will show my weapon and you will die in an instant!"

Hearing Tantaiyue's threatening words, Wu Linger just sneered, with a little sarcasm in her eyes, "If you have any precious treasures, show it to me!"

Tantai Yue watched the black daughter's figure getting closer and closer, and finally, with a look that seemed to be under some kind of coercion, he took out a black thing from his storage bag.

what weapon is this?

Is it a hidden weapon?

Looking at it, it looks like a lump the size of a slap, showing a spiral upward state, and it is very playful with a point.

(Good) Wait!

Why does this thing look like a very familiar shape?

Moreover, the more you look, the more you look like a flying?!

The moment Tantai Yue threw the weapon, a terrifying aura enveloped Wu Linger, and even had a lock function.

Wu Linger felt a kind of fear from the depths of her soul, and the smell filled her nose, causing her entire sea of ​​consciousness to feel like it was about to collapse.

Smelling that smell, Wu Linger was almost certain of her third guess.

...that's it! It's flying!

Ke Bingheng in the sky opened his mouth in surprise for a while, how did this Tantai Yue stole his farmyard manure?

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