Chapter 1136 Ancient Orcs

An hour later, Jiang Xiaolong finally set off apparently alone.

After all, he was also a member of the shrine, and he was even the direct descendant of the priest Mo Wudao.

Therefore, no matter how low-key it is, there is still a bit of a face.

That is the giant spirit god, which is said to be an imitation made by imitating the ancient gods.

Although the strength is definitely not comparable to the ancient gods, but it is not a problem to climb mountains and seas, and escape from the sky.

Especially strength, it can be said that it is similar to the kind of masters unlocked both inside and outside the giant god clan.

Moreover, there is no need to rest at all, because no energy is lost at all.

Just absorb a little solar power when the sun comes out.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaolong was standing on the shoulders of the giant spirit god more than ten meters high.

This big guy just jumps, basically 29 is a distance of thousands of meters.

Instantly cut through the kilometer-long sky, from this hill to another hill.

Speed ​​wise, of course, doesn't disappoint.

"Unfortunately, this is the limit." Jiang Xiaolong shook his head.

Of course, he wasn't talking about speed.

But the gigantic god can only reach this level at the smallest.

You can't go on, after all, the refining materials are very special.

Moreover, the energy contained in the body needs to be accommodated in such a large body.

As for magnification, it can reach a level of hundreds of meters.

A giant spirit god can basically sweep a city, which is very powerful.

"Little priest, there are still 300,000 kilometers before reaching the capital of the Dajiang Empire." The Giant Spirit God said.

"Don't worry, just go slowly, it's not me who is tired anyway. Jiang Xiaolong shrugged indifferently.

"Yes." Of course, the Giant Spirit God couldn't say a 'no'.

Just about half a day after leaving.

Suddenly there was a burst of explosions between the mountains.

As if something was bashing wildly.

This immediately attracted Jiang Xiaolong's attention and curiosity.

So let the giant spirit go over and take a look.

Take a look at what's going on here.

It didn't take long to reach the source of the sound and found it at the bottom of a mountain.

There are many people standing there, more or less some of the blood of the ancient gods.

Of course, compared with Armor and Giant God, it is naturally much thinner.

But one by one is also tall and big, and basically all males are more than two meters tall.

Women's favorite is also more than 1.8 meters. It can be said that they are all tall.

"What are these people doing?" Jiang Xiaolong asked curiously.

"This should be the sacrifice of the ancient orcs." The Giant Spirit God replied.

He has a wealth of knowledge.

In fact, it is equivalent to an independent giant.

However, there is an unsolvable order in his mind.

That is to forever surrender to all the members of the Jiashen family.

"So that ancient beast made the sound?" Jiang Xiaolong raised his eyebrows.

It is not far from the Shrine, it looks like thousands of kilometers.

Unexpectedly, the first group of people I met had such a big change.

It seems that these guys seem to respect and respect the ancient beasts very much.

Because these people are all tattooed, with a black monster tattooed on them.

"The ancient beasts have guarded the ancient beasts from generation to generation, and in the same way, they are also sheltered. 39 Giant Spirit God explained.

In other words, this sound is indeed sent by the ancient beast.

It is estimated that the annual sacrifice is about to start, so I am very excited.

Otherwise, it wouldn't make such a fierce sound.

"It's kind of interesting." Jiang Xiaolong blinked.

He really doesn't know much about ancient beasts.

It is said to be very old.

The entire Ancient God Realm doesn’t seem to have much left.

Now that I have finally seen one, I naturally want to witness the true appearance.

Therefore, instead of turning around and leaving, he stayed in one place to observe.

It seemed like about half an hour had passed.

All the ancient orcs have gathered in front of the sacrifice cave.

Immediately afterwards, one by one, people threw the food in their hands.

Basically, it is some common prey, such as tigers and lions.

Of course, because this is the Ancient God Realm, these things are huge.

A random tiger is almost seven or eight meters in length.

That's it, even 020 doesn't include the tail.

All of them are extremely ferocious.

The ancient gods die every year because of hunting.

And as the food was thrown into the sacrifice cave one after another.

Suddenly, a deafening sound came out from inside again.

It sounded as if bursts of dull thunder were passed on.

The surrounding mountains were shaking very violently.

"The food is not enough!" A stern voice sounded.

"Master Ancient Beast, we can only catch these prey." The Patriarch of the Ancient Beast Clan said quickly.

"I only eat once a year, which is already the greatest tolerance for you." The ancient beast shouted.

"But we really can't, these prey are too powerful." The patriarch said helplessly.

"If that's the case, let you sacrifice yourself. 35 Ancient beasts don't care so much.

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of all the people around changed greatly.

This time, Lord Ancient Beast actually wanted to eat a living person.

It was incredible and made them think they heard it wrong.

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