Chapter 1137 One Punch

"Eating people?" Jiang Xiaolong was also surprised.

"The reduction in food makes it more difficult for the ancient beasts to survive." The Giant Spirit God explained.

"But these people respect it very much, eat it all? Jiang Xiaolong couldn't understand it.

If all these people are dead.

Then this ancient beast must starve to death in the end.

So, it's totally unnecessary.

Unless the other party is no longer happy.

So all you can do now is go for it.

"Sir, you actually want to eat us?

"My God, is this still Lord Ancient Beast? 99

"No, I don't want to be eaten!

a time.

The entire ancient beast clan was shocked.

They all stared in disbelief.

Unexpectedly, the ancient beasts who have been worshipped and respected for generations.

This time, he was so greedy that he wanted to eat everyone.

"Don't talk nonsense, I can't take it anymore, I'm hungry, too hungry." The ancient beast roared.


A mountain shook.

Immediately afterwards, a pitch-black animal claw protruded from the sacrifice cave.

It can be seen that the hair inside is very much, as hard as steel needles, and as barren as weeds.

Then, he swept directly to the outside, and immediately grabbed a few ancient orcs.

Regardless of whether it was three seven or twenty one, it was directly pulled into the sacrifice cave, and then there was a creaking sound.

Obviously, those caught were eaten alive by ancient beasts.

"Not running yet?" Jiang Xiaolong shouted angrily.

"Yes, run~~!" At this moment, the ancient orc talents reacted.

Although they guard and respect the ancient beasts of the times.

But when the other party wants to eat people, the faith has collapsed.

Therefore, no one wants to die and be eaten like this.

Naturally, he turned around and ran away, and after a while, only a few were left.

Of course, this also includes the patriarch.

These people are not willing to leave like this.

I want to know what happened to the ancient beast now.

Why did it change from the norm and actually want to eat people?

"Who? Who is disturbing the good things of this seat?" The ancient beast naturally heard the sound of reminder.

"It's me." Jiang Xiaolong jumped up and fell in the middle of the sacrificial venue in an instant.

"Where are you... a child?" The patriarch was stunned for a moment, then his expression changed.

So small, it would be too miserable if it was eaten by ancient beasts.

Therefore, he rushed forward in an attempt to take the other party away.

As a result, at this moment, the mountain shook again.

Immediately afterwards, an eye appeared in the sacrifice cave.

Then, the mountain began to crack, and the soil began to splash.

After a while, an incomparably huge black cat head towered out.

This is the ancient beast that was sacrificed and worshipped by the ancient orcs in the age of the ancient beasts, the nine-tailed black cat.

It is said that in ancient times even dared to attack the ancient gods, of course, it must have failed.

Therefore, he was directly imprisoned in this place, until now.

"The breath of the ancient gods." The nine-tailed black cat scum stared at him with huge eyes.

"I didn't expect your nose to be so sensitive." Jiang Xiaolong said playfully.

since I started practicing.

The blood and power of some ancient gods did appear in the body.

He guessed that it should have something to do with the evil seal.

Although he has been sealed with all his realm and strength.

But at the same time, something else entered the body.

It is precisely because of this, coupled with the cultivation speed of the Taoist species.

Therefore, it leads to a young age, but the blood is thicker and purer.

"If I eat you, I should be able to prolong my life by three hundred years." Nine-tailed black cat scum said excitedly.

"Could it be that this young man came down from the Shrine?" The patriarch next to him suddenly changed his face when he heard the words.

If people die here.

Then the entire ancient beast family will be buried with them.

After all, the status and status of others are really high.

Moreover, who does not know who is the boss of the entire realm.

So it can't be eaten by the respected ancient gods anyway.

For the sake of the life and future of all the ancient orcs.

||Boy, give me death. "The nine-tailed black cat scum opened his mouth and took a sharp breath.


Jiang Xiaolong rose straight from the ground.

This suddenly changed the complexion of the patriarch and the people around him, and even his eyes were filled with despair.

Because they are all clear in their hearts, once they are really eaten.

At that time, even if the ancient beast does not kill himself and others.

But the people of the subsequent Jingu will certainly do the same.

Let the entire ancient beast clan be buried with this young man.

"Idiot." Jiang Xiaolong showed a sneer.

It was clear that he was sucked in.

But the man suddenly twisted his body in the air.

Directly, the crocodile rolled and forcibly escaped.

He then raised his right hand and punched the opponent directly in the face.

You know, this is a punch that contains a giant strike and a hundred times the physical potential.

The power contained in it is so powerful that the master can be amazed by thousands of sins.

And the nine-tailed black cat scum foolishly thought that the other party was about to be eaten by him.

So open your mouth and wait for the force.

As a result, the next second, there was a loud bang.

It was as if a thunderstorm exploded in the air.

In the next second, a huge body flew upside down.

It stopped after crashing at least three mountains in a row.

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