Chapter 1348 Source

Jiang Xiaolong was thinking about this while walking back.

It is impossible for them not to notice that the Dajiang Empire has been infiltrated to such an extent.

But so far, there seems to be no effective preventive measures.

This shows that either you don't want to, or someone is interfering with it.

And no matter which one it is, or which one it is, it is definitely not simple.

To drive away these invaders, the best way is to unite the entire empire.

To put it bluntly, go to the capital, get to know the emperor, and see what's going on.

The Dajiang Empire is an existence that covers an area of ​​tens of millions of square kilometers.

It's impossible not to be able to do even such a small thing, it's definitely a special problem.

"Sir." Su Ke had already done it, so he was hurried to catch up.

"These people are only one of them." Jiang Xiaolong said solemnly.

020 "From the current point of view, there should be many similar teams." Su Ke nodded.

What the bald head said just now is obviously not fake, nor is it a lie.

So many teams, if nothing else, may all want to replace the treasurer.

If not all of them, as long as some of them enter the capital, chaos can be created.

Therefore, the water inside is very deep, and it may involve a lot of things.

"I can't do it alone." Jiang Xiaolong raised his eyebrows.

Even if you continue to win people's hearts along the way, you can create a team yourself.

However, if you want to completely drive these invaders out.

More or less difficult.

What's more, it has to be approved by the Emperor of the Dajiang Empire.

Otherwise, maybe people will directly regard them as bad people.

"You want to get rid of these guys?" Su Ke was stunned, then asked curiously.

"To tell you the truth, my mission this time is this." Jiang Xiaolong shrugged.

There is nothing to hide about this.

After all, even if others knew about it, they wouldn't care at all.

There were so many invaders and so many foreigners.

Some are on the bright side, some are behind the scenes.

It's impossible to get rid of all the bad guys.

There is only a small part of it that can be done.

"So it is." Su Ke heard the words suddenly.

He really didn't expect this to happen.

However, since the other party confessed to himself.

That means it's like a family.

This is still very touching.

After all, since childhood, no one seemed to trust him.

"Actually, the most important point is that even if you solve it once, it will appear next time." Jiang Xiaolong sneered.

In other words, even if you help Zhang Qianqian and the others resist this attack.

But maybe there will be a second time after a while.

At that time, there may be no accident.

After all, there are many people like Su Ke.

But there are few who have the guts to steal the flame stone.

Who is willing to seek death unless it is a last resort.

"You are right, this is unavoidable." Su Ke echoed.

And, even if the troubles along the way are really sorted out.

Maybe there are still other means waiting in the capital.

So, just rely on the two of them plus a black cat.

I want to solve such a big thing.

It's almost impossible.

"So I was thinking about how to break the game." Jiang Xiaolong suddenly stopped.

At this moment, it is on a dirt slope.

About 300 meters ahead, there is a small town.

Although there are not many people inside, the lights are bright.

But who can know how many intruders are hidden here.

"Master, I have a sentence that I don't know whether to say it or not." Su Ke hesitated and said.

"Let's talk." Jiang Xiaolong nodded, indicating that it was okay.

"As the saying goes, catch the thief first catch the king." Su Ke said quickly.

Those intruders, after all, are just small trash fish, just subordinates.

Only the person with the highest status who is the source of the arrangement will be resolved.

Naturally, the people below will definitely lose confidence and lose faith.

In this case, most of them will definitely give up directly.

The only ones who persist will be the few.

"It's kind of interesting, it looks like I'm looking for you right." Jiang Xiaolong's eyes lit up.

He had to admit that what the other party said was indeed true.

All the trouble, or the root cause, comes from the boss of the intruder.

If this guy is solved, then all the troubles will be gone.

"However, the invaders may not be a force, a country, or an ethnic group." Su Ke shook his head.

Even someone like himself who doesn't care about national affairs.

Actually you can feel it.

Many guys are taking advantage of this opportunity to fish in troubled waters.

Once the jackpot empire falls apart.

Then it will be divided up quickly.

In this way, it can help many originally weak forces to rise in an instant.

So, this is the most terrifying and terrifying situation.

"So we have to go to Guodu first to see what's going on." Jiang Xiaolong took a deep breath and said seriously.

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