Chapter 1349 Convoy

"Miss." The guard shouted respectfully.

"How about those two?" Zhang Qianqian asked.

"Have returned from the woods outside," replied the guard.

"What happened in the investigation?" Zhang Qianqian asked curiously.

"Saw some charred corpses, identified from the remnants, from abroad." The guard said immediately.

Zhang Qianqian frowned when she heard the words.

Along the way, in fact, she encountered many attacks by foreigners.

Therefore, more or less in the heart can feel a little bit.

These people may not just come for the flame stone.

Because although this is a baby, it is not so desperate.

It always feels like there is a bigger conspiracy hidden.

At first, Zhang Qianqian also doubted whether Jiang Xiaolong and Su Ke were acting.

After all, it all happened so coincidentally that it's hard not to be suspicious.

But the situation in the woods just now made her suspicious again.

Not sure what the hell is going on.

"Do you still need to continue the investigation?" the guard asked in a low voice.

"For the time being, we have to leave tomorrow. Zhang Qianqian shook her head.

Silent all night.

The next day, the next morning.

Jiang Xiaolong and Su Ke left the restaurant after breakfast.

They can't stay here for a long time, and they have to go to the capital.

Although there is a very long distance from the target here.

However, this was actually done on purpose by Jiang Xiaolong.

The purpose is to see the appearance of the Dajiang Empire.

By the way, see if you can solve the problem of identity and origin.

Although there is nothing to worry about right now.

But this is a thorn in the side of the eye, a thorn in the flesh.

Even the godfather and godmother may not care much.

But as long as it exists for one day, there will be some estrangement in the heart.

This is not the result Jiang Xiaolong and Luo Shen want to see.

After all, it is impossible to leave this Ancient God Realm in a short period of time.

If you want to return to the realm of chaos, you must raise your own strength to the ultimate.

Otherwise, all current efforts will be in vain and meaningless.

"Son, they have left." Su Ke returned from inquiring about the news.

"Okay, then we can go too." Jiang Xiaolong nodded.

This time, he intends to temporarily follow behind Zhang Qianqian's team.

See how many intruders are targeting this convoy.

Of course, you can also protect each other by the way.

After all, this Zhang Qianqian is quite pleasing to the eye.

However, this one is a little too smart.

This is the only downside.

"Young master, the horse is here." Su Ke brought two horses.

Also, this is not the ordinary kind.

There is a light golden horny layer on the body.

It looks like armor.

The limbs are very thick.

The muscles inside bulge out a little bit.

"Let's go." Jiang Xiaolong nodded slightly.

The purpose of doing this is mainly because the nine-tailed black cat is too big and easy to be found.

Therefore, since you have to follow secretly, you must not let others find out.

As a result, horseback riding is the best choice, no doubt about it.

Afterwards, they followed behind Zhang Qianqian's motorcade and followed slowly.

In the beginning, there were no problems at all, the whole process was very quiet.

Zhang Qianqian is also the daughter of the general, and the entire convoy is basically all soldiers.

So, just by looking at it from a distance, you can tell that it is not easy to mess with.

"Several groups of people have left." Jiang Xiaolong could clearly feel and see it.

・・・・Seeking flowers・・・

Although the Eye of God's Punishment may be slightly weaker in other aspects.

But it also has the ability to see far and night vision.

Therefore, it is possible to see everything within a kilometer in the vicinity.

It's just that compared with other eyes, it can't be detailed.

"There's cooking smoke over there." Su Ke pointed not far away.

It was so light that it couldn't last ten seconds in the air.

Basically when the wind blows it disperses.

But even though it was hidden, it was still discovered.

Jiang Xiaolong and Su Ke looked at each other before they could get over.


In Zhang Qianqian's team, a team immediately separated.

Almost ten people looked like they rushed over to the smoke.

Their task is to escort Zhang Qianqian and the Flame Stone all the way.

Therefore, no danger will be allowed to approach, or even happen.

"As expected from the army." Jiang Xiaolong nodded slightly.

Don't say anything else.

Zhao Qianqian's father, General Zhang, is quite powerful.

These men are all well-trained.

And very sensitive and sharp.

Obviously less than ten seconds of cooking smoke.

And very thin.

But still quickly noticed.

Then there was no hesitation.

Immediately rushed over.

"Are we going to go and see?" Suker asked.

"Don't worry, wait until the convoy passes. Jiang Xiaolong shook his head.

About three minutes or so.

The separated team came back covered in blood.

It's just that from ten people to nine people.

One of them, if nothing else, will stay here forever.

But their overall mood still hasn't changed much.

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