Chapter 1350 Bandits

Jiang Xiaolong and Su Ke then rode their horses towards the place where the smoke appeared just now.

When I arrived, I found that the whole scene could be described as bloody.

Because there are broken limbs and broken arms everywhere, blood is everywhere, and minced meat is everywhere.

It must have been a very bad battle just now.

"There is a tomb bag there." Su Ke pointed to the tree not far away.

"It should be the dead soldier just now. 35 Jiang Xiaolong beat his chest with his right hand.

This was specially used to show respect in the Ancient God Realm.

No matter what this soldier has done before.

But as long as you die while fighting.

"Zero Twenty"

Then it deserves the utmost respect from everyone.

"Uh." Su Ke hurriedly thumped after seeing this.

"Check to see if there is anything else missing?" Jiang Xiaolong ordered.

"Okay." Su Ke hurriedly began to observe carefully.

"Meow!" The nine-tailed black cat scum suddenly called out.

"What?" Jiang Xiaolong looked down at the guy and asked.

"The smell of blood is not far away." Nine-tailed black cat scum replied.

Jiang Xiaolong and Su Ke glanced at each other, then immediately chased after them.

Unexpectedly, there are still invaders alive.

I don't know how they were not killed by those soldiers.

Soon, with the help of the nine-tailed black cat scum.

When the two came to the other side of the woods, they did see a person.

This guy is quite big, but at the moment there are wounds all over his body.

Fortunately, the blood on his body has scabbed over.

At this moment, the man was leaning against a stone, gasping for breath.

Jiang Xiaolong and Su Ke walked towards each other step by step.

blah blah blah!

"Who?" Even if the strong man was injured and unconscious, he still responded quickly.

"Don't be nervous, we are not in the same group as the team just now." Jiang Xiaolong shrugged.

"It looks like a local." Su Ke recognized from the clothes and appearance.

"Maybe it's a bandit or something." Jiang Xiaolong guessed.

These days, people hiding in the woods.

Either the escape, the intruder, or the bandit.

In short, it is impossible for normal people to stay in it or even cook.

Because it's not too far from the town.

"Who are you?" The strong man looked at him in surprise and growled.

"Who are you?" Jiang Xiaolong asked rhetorically.

"I..." The strong man hesitated.

"It seems that you don't want to live anymore, so just kill it." Jiang Xiaolong waved his hand indifferently.

"Okay." Su Ke nodded, of course he had to do this kind of thing himself.

"Wait a minute, I'm Jiang Nanfei, the outlaw who left the gang." The strong man shouted quickly.

Jiang Xiaolong didn't know this person at all, so he didn't have much reaction after hearing it.

But Su Ke has been here for a while, so he knows all about the gang.

This is the largest force in the entire region, and it is full of crazy critics.

It is said that as long as you can make a fortune, you can do anything.

And this Jiang Nanfei seems to be one of the cadres.

It's got a little bit of fame, although it's certainly not that big.

"Bandit?" Jiang Xiaolong raised his eyebrows.

"Master, this person cannot be killed for the time being." Su Ke said quickly.

"Why?" Jiang Xiaolong asked this guy with a sideways glance.

"The gang is the biggest force on our side, and this person is one of the cadres. Su Ke said seriously.

"That's right, that's right..." Jiang Nanfei nodded hastily.

"But does this have anything to do with killing him or not?" Jiang Xiaolong didn't understand.

"Don't you need help?" Su Ke smiled mysteriously.

Only now did Jiang Xiaolong understand what this guy meant.

Indeed, relying on their own few people.

Want to investigate the whole thing.

This is almost impossible.

The gang, as the largest force in the local area.

And it also radiates very light, and it has connections with other forces.

Therefore, if it can be controlled by oneself.

That was indeed a small help.

At least there will be one more source of news.

"What... what are you going to do?" Jiang Nanfei felt a little stunned in his heart, feeling that something was not right.

"It's nothing, I just want to take you back again." Jiang Xiaolong smiled slightly.

"But I just betrayed me." Jiang Nanfei complained.

"What are you afraid of, there is a son." Su Ke said disdainfully.

Don't say anything else.

Even if the black cat in Jiang Xiaolong's arms does it.

Basically, it can also sweep the entire gang.

So there is absolutely no need to worry about 4.4.

"Huh?" Jiang Nanfei was stunned.

"Get up and lead the way, don't let me do it." Jiang Xiaolong shouted.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Nanfei was too bitter to say.

Just came here, planning to bake some food to eat.

As a result, I did not expect to kill a group of soldiers suddenly.

A few of them couldn't resist at all.

It didn't take long for the people under him to die.

And he was running towards the woods while he was in a hurry.

So this one survived and escaped death.

But what I never expected was that I met a few crazy people.

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