Chapter 1352 Underestimate

"How dare you come back!" At this moment, a stern voice sounded.

"Help Master!" As soon as Jiang Nanfei heard the voice, he instinctively knelt on the ground.

He was trembling at the moment.

Sweat was constantly coming out of my body.

There was deep despair in his eyes.

"This person is the boss of the gang?" Jiang Xiaolong looked towards the faucet seat.

Generally speaking, only the emperor can sit on the faucet.

But this man actually acted like that.

I have to say, I have great ambition in my heart.

However, the gang is for the entire Dajiang Empire.

It can only be regarded as the power of the last stream.

Once the army comes over, it can basically be crushed in an instant.

It's just that the sky is high and the emperor is far away, so there is no reason to think about it.

"This person is called Qinglong, and his strength is to unlock all the outer locks." Su Ke introduced in a low voice.

There is only such strength.

To be the boss of such a big gang.

Even sought after by so many rich and rich people.

No way, strength is power.

But anyone who is afraid of death can only give in.

"That's it?" Jiang Xiaolong was stunned for a moment, then asked with a strange expression.

"Ah yes." Su Ke blinked, and then realized that the one in front of him was not easy.

"You took my treasure map, but came back with two outsiders, what do you mean?" Qinglong sat on the dragon's head and asked.

"It was these two people who asked me to lead the way." Jiang Nanfei hurriedly explained.

"Oh?" Qinglong looked up and down at Jiang Xiaolong and Su Ke.

Some people can see through it at a glance.

When the eyes are watching.

Su Ke instinctively trembled a few times.

On the other hand, Jiang Xiaolong was very calm and calm from beginning to end.

Not only did he not look scared.

There was even a trace of disdain in his eyes.

You must know that in the shrine, unlocking the outer lock can only be regarded as a master.

It is equivalent to a squad leader, so such a person is naturally not worthy of attention.

"What are you looking for from me~~?" Qinglong stared at Jiang Xiaolong.

Nor is he a fool.

You can see at a glance who is in the lead.

"It's very simple, you give up the position of the gang leader." Jiang Xiaolong shrugged.

"What?" "Stop talking about Qinglong, but everyone who heard this sentence was stunned.

"Hahaha!" But soon, the voices of laughter sounded one after another.

Some kept shaking their heads.

Some were sneering.

Others look indifferent.

Who doesn't know that the boss here is Qinglong.

Who doesn't know that Qinglong's strength is to unlock all the outer locks.

Who does not know, the entire gang has thousands of people up and down.

This guy is only two people and a cat, and he dares to come to the door.

I have to say, it's really no different from courting death.

"Is this guy crazy?" Sister Hong thought to herself.

I didn't expect Jiang Nanfei to be such a waste.

Threatened by these two idiots to come to the gang.

Just two people, how could it be possible to defeat Qinglong.

You know, the other party once killed 300 people alone.

Just because the gang was not the biggest gang at the time.

So a very brutal slaughter unfolded.

At that time, the blood flowed into rivers, and all the places were stained red with blood.

That's why, so many years have passed.

But no one dared to challenge Qinglong's status.

Many people even thought about how to leave.

"Is it funny?" Jiang Xiaolong glanced at the people around him and asked.

"Isn't it funny?" Qinglong asked with a half smile.

"I'm serious, you laughed so happily, you will die miserably. 33 Jiang Xiaolong said meaningfully.

"Little brat, I don't know how your family let it out, hum." Qinglong snorted coldly.

to be frank.

for such people.

He didn't even bother to do it.

Because for a moment, it doesn't make sense at all.

66|| Looking down on children?" Jiang Xiaolong blinked.

"Jiang Nanfei, kill these two people, I will spare you not to die." Qinglong ignored it and shouted.

"I...this..." Jiang Nanfei was instantly entangled and hesitant.

"What? Aren't you afraid of death?" Qinglong didn't expect this guy to dare to hesitate.

"Of course he is afraid of death, but at the same time he is also afraid of me." Jiang Xiaolong grinned.


Qinglong frowned upon hearing this.

However, at this time.

A terrible and evil aura permeated.

Immediately afterwards, the black cat in Jiang Xiaolong's arms began to emit black smoke.

After a while, the entire gang's water-based camp began to shake wildly.

The people below thought it was an earthquake or a mudslide, and they screamed in horror.

"Hehehe!" The nine-tailed black cat scum, tens of meters high, came out of the black smoke with a grin.

"Yes... it's an ancient beast!" Qinglong's eyes widened, and his expression changed instantly.

"My God, it's actually an ancient beast!

"It's so big, the base can't handle it!"

"What should I do now?"

Everyone around was terrified.

I didn't expect to encounter such a monster.

"No wonder this child has no fear." "Sister Hong suddenly felt in her heart.

If you have such a powerful ancient beast.

The entire gang had already been captured.

Qinglong had to kneel down.

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