Chapter 1353 Substitution

"You said you looked down on me just now?" Jiang Xiaolong walked towards the dragon head step by step.

"You... Who the hell are you?" Qinglong watched the other party approaching in surprise.

Those who can own ancient beasts are definitely not ordinary people.

Because this thing is impossible to submit to ordinary people.

It's not that no one has tried it before.

But without exception, all died tragically.

Because the biggest enemy of the ancient beast is also the most respected person.

Only the legendary ancient gods or people with the blood of the ancient gods.

In other words, the child in front of him is likely to have a high concentration of ancient god blood.

Otherwise, how could such a huge and powerful ancient beast recognize the master.

"A person you can't afford to offend, knowing that is enough." Jiang Xiaolong shrugged.

"What's your plan?" Qinglong hesitated for a while, not knowing whether to do it or not.

Because once you have any action.

Then this incomparably huge ancient beast will definitely make a move.

At that time, the entire base camp of the gang will be destroyed in an instant.

This is not the result that he and everyone want to see in 020.

After all, it was hard to build.

Of course, the most important point is that there are so many rich people.

These people not only have a lot of money, but also a huge amount of energy.

Once he dies, it will be implicated and troubled.

"It's very simple, I'm the boss now, you can get out of the way. Jiang Xiaolong said lightly.

"You..." Qinglong rolled his eyes.

At this moment.

The other party is so close to him.

It's better to just arrest and kidnap.

Then threaten the ancient beast.

The gang was built with great difficulty.

It is absolutely impossible to give up so easily.

"This guy wants to do it." Jiang Xiaolong has already seen it.

"I let, I let." Qinglong took a deep breath and stood up little by little.

"Are you really serious?" Sister Hong and the others couldn't believe it when they saw that the boss really wanted to give up their seat.

"Haha." Jiang Xiaolong smiled.

"I'll give a shit." Qinglong instantly chose to do it.

such a close distance.

Grab hard forward.

Basically you can grab your neck in an instant.

No matter who is the child, no matter whether there is an ancient beast as company or not.

As long as they are caught, they are all grandchildren.

"Be careful!" Su Ke's face changed, and he rushed up to stop it.

"What a despicable guy." The nine-tailed black cat scum was also surprised.

"Alas." Jiang Xiaolong sighed upon seeing this.

He didn't hesitate.

Both eyes were slightly strained.

In the next second, Qinglong's eyes were filled with golden light.

Immediately afterwards, with a puff, the body was directly pierced by two golden rays.

The power of the Eye of God's Punishment is too terrifying, just touch it a little bit.

But the whole body shattered into ashes in a very short time.

The master who unlocked the Six Paths Fate Chains actually died in an instant like this.

"Boss!" Everyone was stunned.

"No?" Jiang Nanfei couldn't believe it.

Six Fate Locks.

The mighty blue dragon.

He was actually defeated by the child's two golden rays.

No matter how you look at it, it feels very outrageous.

Because they (cjee) do not know what is called God's Punishment Eye.

"I originally valued peace, but unfortunately you are courting death." Jiang Xiaolong reluctantly sat on the faucet.

He crossed Erlang's legs.

Then glance at everyone below.

Originally, Qinglong's subordinates.

At this moment, after feeling the gaze from above.

Immediately they all fell to the ground on one knee.

Even lowered his eyes and head.

He didn't dare to look up at all.

"Meet the boss!" Sister Hong responded quickly and immediately shouted.

"Yes, see the boss!" Jiang Nanfei reacted and shouted hurriedly.

"Meet the boss!" The rest of the people shouted one after another.


The entire base camp was a complete sensation.

Because no one thought about it.

The last boss, Qinglong, was actually killed.

And now the boss, even a child.

He looked like he was about ten years old.

Holding a black cat in his hands.

Other than that, there is no difference at all.

However, only the core staff like Sister Hong knew about it.

How terrifying the kid in front of him was.

Kill Qinglong, the master who unlocks the six fate locks.

It only took less than two seconds.

That golden ray makes people shudder just thinking about it.

"Don't be restrained, everyone, I'm still very kind." Jiang Xiaolong said, looking at the slanderous members and rich people in front of him.

Different people have different ideas about this.

Some people scoffed inwardly.

I think if it's really nice.

It won't kill Qinglong directly.

Others think so.

It really feels like that.

Because he was very polite and polite all the time.

It was Qinglong who suddenly turned his face and attacked, and Jiang Xiaolong had to fight back.

"Jiang Nanfei, you know what you should do. 33 Jiang Xiaolong said.

"This subordinate understands, I'll go get in touch with my brother's handle." Jiang Nanfei nodded respectfully.

I heard about it when I was on the road before.

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