Chapter 1354 Small Town

"That's good, anyway, I won't stay here for too long, you will manage here in the future." Jiang Xiaolong waved his hand.

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of everyone around them changed drastically.

This Jiang Nanfei was only a mere cadre in the bandit gang before.

Even the status is not as good as the big sister like Hongjie – the head.

Unexpectedly, this time it turned over.

The position and status were casually given away by the new boss.

Surprise everyone.

Just less than a day.

Jiang Xiaolong left directly with Su Ke and a treasure map.

He doesn't stay in the gang for too long.

Originally, these people just needed to pass information to themselves along the way.

Now that it has been subdued, it is naturally not his turn to do anything next.

"Sir." Su Ke hesitated, but still called.

"What?" Jiang Xiaolong asked while riding on the road.

"Are you really worried about Jiang Nanfei?" Su Ke asked in surprise.

"What's not to worry about." Jiang Xiaolong smiled when he heard the words.

"But I'm worried that this guy will do things because of the status and status you gave him. Su Ke said seriously.

Actually, Jiang Xiaolong didn't think about this.

But in the end it didn't take it to heart, or it didn't matter.

The main reason is that the people in this gang are not very strong.

And the most powerful Qinglong has been killed by himself with a single move.

Therefore, even if these people want to betray, they want to take the gang into their own hands.

But as long as the strength cannot be improved, there is no need to worry at all.

In the entire Ancient God Realm, strength is the first and foremost.

"I ask you, is there any difference between an ant and a group of ants?" Jiang Xiaolong asked.

"A group of ants is more powerful?" Su Ke replied after thinking for a while.

"No, for people, it's just the difference in how much you kill with one foot." Jiang Xiaolong shook his head.

"I...get it." Su Ke took a deep breath, finally knowing what the young master was thinking.

To him, the entire gang is just a relatively large ant nest.

Jiang Nanfei and the others were just bigger ants inside.

No matter how hard these people try, how conspiracy they are.

But for the son, it was just a step to death.

So, in fact, there is no need to care at all.

Because the result is already doomed.

"We have to continue to catch up with Zhang Qianqian's convoy. 35 Jiang Xiaolong said lightly.

"Yes." Su Ke no longer had any questions.

That's it, about four days.

The two have been on the go.

Finally caught up again after almost 2,000 kilometers.

And Zhang Qianqian's motorcade had arrived in a small town.

There are naturally many more people here than in the small town.

Because it is the only city in the entire region.

Therefore, the people here are also mixed, and there are all kinds of people.

Jiang Xiaolong and Su Ke were approached by someone arranged by the gang.

Then, take it directly to a very luxurious mansion to entertain.

"You are the new boss." A middle-aged man with a genial face and a rich figure stepped forward and said respectfully.

"Fu Dalong, right?" Jiang Xiaolong heard the introduction when he came.

"Yes, yes." Fu Dalong nodded hastily.

He heard that the one in front of him directly killed Qinglong.

.....for flowers

So regardless of his young age, he has already killed people like hemp.

So I don't dare to despise it at all, and I wish I could make offerings like my ancestors.

"Help me investigate the recent situation in the city, such as outsiders." Jiang Xiaolong ordered.

"It's... a bit difficult." Fu Dalong was stunned for a moment, and then smiled bitterly in embarrassment.

"What?" Jiang Xiaolong raised his eyebrows.

"People come and go here every day, and there are many outsiders. It is almost impossible to investigate clearly." Fu Dalong said seriously.

"Then let your subordinates contact more, those guys will definitely find a place when they enter the city." Jiang Xiaolong said solemnly.


Outsiders are basically a few people together.

There are very few that go separately.

And once there are many people, you must find a quiet place.

That is, as long as someone who has recently come to rent out-of-the-way houses.

Then it's worth noting, maybe even going to take a look.

"I can only try it." Fu Dalong said helplessly.

"If there is gain, you will be rewarded. If there is no gain, you understand." Jiang Xiaolong smiled.

"Yes." Fu Dalong was instantly horrified.

He felt that this person was even more difficult to deal with than Qinglong.

If nothing else, the invisible pressure is really huge.

It seems that the face is not a child, but a flood of beasts.

Next, Jiang Xiaolong, Su Ke and the nine-tailed black cat scum will stay here.

Naturally, Zhang Qianqian and the others couldn't leave immediately, so they had to be replenished.

So there is still about a day or two to spare.

And the gangsters are like a big net being cast.

Began to constantly investigate those outsiders who entered the city.

Fu Dalong is a local land snake and rich man.

In fact, the energy is still relatively large.

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