Chapter 1355 Yin Sha

"Father, why is there someone living in that house in the backyard?" Fu Jiaojiao asked in surprise.

"Because a VIP came to the house." Fu Dalong replied while thinking about things.

"VIP? What kind of VIP?" Fu Jiaojiao was stunned for a moment, then asked curiously.

"A VIP we can't afford to provoke, in short, don't provoke it." Fu Dalong urged.

However, the more he said so.

Instead, Fu Jiaojiao became more curious.

Can't wait to see it now.

The backyard has always been unoccupied.

Even if you are yourself, you are not allowed to move in.

As a result, this time, the so-called VIP came out as "Zero Twenty".

Even directly entering it, which naturally makes people very curious.

At the same time, Jiang Xiaolong and Su Ke had just finished dinner and were planning to rest.

Not long after they arrived here, it was getting late, and the day was about to pass.

Just when he was about to go to sleep, Jiang Xiaolong suddenly noticed a movement.

Outside, someone seemed to be approaching quietly.

Of course, the other party may think that he is hiding well.

However, in fact, Jiang Xiaolong had already sensed it clearly.

He even knew where exactly this guy was hiding.

However, he was not alarmed for the first time, but glanced outside curiously.

Only then did I realize that it was actually a girl, who looked like she was in her early twenties.

At this moment, the other party approached sneakily, and then his eyes rolled around, looking very curious.

"It's not an intruder, could it be a local?" Jiang Xiaolong squinted slightly and pondered.

"A little girl's film, she doesn't even have any strength." Nine-tailed black cat scum said disdainfully.

"Although I don't know what's going on, I can't be disturbed." Jiang Xiaolong shrugged.

Although, this is not my home.

But it's all night, so I can't be fooled by this guy.

Therefore, after thinking about it, I decided to let the nine-tailed black cat teach him a lesson.

Of course, murder is impossible, after all, the other party is just an ordinary person.

Moreover, it seems that they are just curious about this place, or those of them.

Maybe it has something to do with Fu Dalong, so it's enough to scare him away.

"Hehe!" The nine-tailed black cat scum suddenly got out of the window with a wicked smile.

"Strange, sleeping so early?" Fu Jiaojiao looked at the dark room, very surprised.

It stands to reason that it was only at night.

Many people are even just starting to eat dinner.

As a result, these foreigners were the so-called VIPs of the father.

It made her feel a little weird to have a rest so early.

However, he did not know that he had been discovered in advance.

And, a bad cat is approaching at this very moment.

"Just frighten me, don't cause any fatalities." Jiang Xiaolong urged.

"Master, don't worry." The nine-tailed black cat slag waved its paws.

At best it's just scaring people.

Murder or something, I naturally dare not do it now.

After all, the only murder was because of starvation.

Now that the only problem is solved, it will definitely not mess up.

"Strange, why does it feel like someone is staring at me?" Fu Jiaojiao glanced around in surprise.

But after watching it for a long time, there was no gain at all.

You can clearly feel something nearby.

But just can't see it.

After all, there is no light at all.

"Hey, hehe!" At this moment, a strange laughter sounded, very infiltrating...

"Mummy!" Fu Jiaojiao was startled, she quickly took a few steps back, and then stared at her in horror.

"Hehehehe!" Seeing this, the nine-tailed black cat slag laughed even more terrifyingly.

"This... is really outrageous." Jiang Xiaolong couldn't help rolling his eyes when he saw it.

"There's a ghost, there's a ghost!" Fu Jiaojiao was so frightened that she turned around and ran, rushing directly towards the place where there was light.

In the darkness, the nine-tailed black cat scum slowly came out.

It looked at the back of the other party's departure with a playful face.

This little girl is too timid.

I couldn't bear it after laughing a few times.

"Come back now that it's all right." Jiang Xiaolong greeted.

This incident was originally just an episode.

He wouldn't even care, let alone remember.

Because it's pointless.

"Master, didn't you find a problem?" The nine-tailed black cat scum asked after returning.

"What?" Jiang Xiaolong froze for a moment, then looked at it suspiciously.

"Why are we the only one in such a big backyard?" The nine-tailed black cat scum asked again.

"This?!" Jiang Xiaolong had no choice but to admit it.

the servants who serve.

They all left after getting everything ready.

It seems that this backyard is not for people to live in at all.

At first, I thought it was Fu Dalong's order and arrangement.

But now that I think about it, I always feel that something is not right.

Because when the girl came over, she wasn't just curious.

Instead, he has been observing the overall situation in the backyard.

He even kept shouting that there was a ghost when he left.

This shows that the other party actually has an idea in his heart.

"There is a gathering of yin and evil in this place." The nine-tailed black cat scum said seriously.

It just felt.

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