Chapter 1356 Door

Congregation of evil spirits?

Jiang Xiaolong raised his eyebrows.

In fact, in other places, other worlds have heard and seen it.

But I didn't expect that in such a powerful Ancient God Realm, it actually possesses and exists.

I have to say, it was a bit of a surprise indeed.

It seems to be no different from other worlds.

Of course, perhaps Yin Sha just has the same name, and the inner things are different.

However, since it is in this backyard, and Fu Dalong himself does not come here to live.

There must be a reason for that, so it's better to look around and maybe find something.

"Master, let's go look for it?" The nine-tailed black cat scum asked, licking his face and smiling.

For ancient beasts.

Yin Sha also has a certain role29.

So, if you can find some higher concentrations.

Not only can it solve the problem of food and clothing, but it can also improve a little strength.

"Yes." Jiang Xiaolong originally had this idea, so he did not refuse.

Then, one person and one cat left the room.

As for Suk, give this guy a good rest.

During this period of time, I hardly slept in the saddle.

Although he is a master at unlocking the three fate locks, he can't reach the point where he can never sleep.

"Follow me." The nine-tailed black cat scum jumped straight up and jumped on the rockery in front of him.

"Be careful, don't be reckless and impulsive." Jiang Xiaolong urged upon seeing this.

Since it is Yin Sha, it must contain some dangerous things.

Because the biggest enemies of the ancient gods are these filthy guys.

Once contaminated, as long as the strength is not enough, it will be contaminated.

Unless it is cleaned up within a short period of time, it will become a demon.

At that time, the consequences will be unimaginable, so such a reckless exploration must not be done.

"You can rest assured, I will be careful." Nine-tailed black cat scum nodded.

In fact, even if the owner doesn't say it, it won't mess around.

After living for so many years, I have always been very cautious, and I have never provoke a powerful existence.

I fully understand the importance of judging the situation and this kind of behavior of courting death must be prohibited.

Jiang Xiaolong then followed the other party into the backyard little by little.

Not to mention, Fu Dalong is indeed a rich man.

Just one mansion is basically close to half of the previous town.

The front yard is already very spacious, and the back yard is almost not bad.

However, the more this is the case, the more people wonder if there is something tricky in it.

Otherwise, why wouldn't this guy live in a better backyard.

Instead, he stayed in the front yard every day without even a single servant.

"Master, you see there is a well in front of you." Nine-tailed black cat scum hurriedly shouted.

"It's so cold." Jiang Xiaolong got closer, checked it carefully, and immediately frowned.

There is a cold air in the well.

Taking a closer look, there was no water in it, not at all.

With the help of the moonlight overhead, you can see that the depths are pitch black and bottomless.

In other words, this thing should be more than just a well.

"The suffocating qi comes from here." The nine-tailed black cat scum said firmly.

This is based on one's own instincts.

Therefore, there will be absolutely no surprises.

In other words, this thing must be hiding inside.

"Although I don't know what exists, I should go down and have a look." Jiang Xiaolong said seriously after careful consideration.

Yin Sha is below near his own room.

Once it erupts, it will be difficult to react at that time.

Therefore, if it can be contained in advance, or even solved.

Then of course there is no worries.

"I'll go down and explore the way first." The nine-tailed black cat scum said and jumped in.

Of course, it's not stupid either.

At the moment of falling, he immediately grabbed the crack of the brick next to him.

Then, a little bit of continuous in-depth, careful exploration.

It was about 20 meters down, and then I saw a situation at the bottom.

The strange thing is that there is no water, but a door, a door embedded in the ground.

In terms of material, it looks like it is made of wood 020, but there is a circle of metal around it.

And in the middle of the door, there are two rings, which should be door knockers.

It seemed to mean that he could knock on the door, which made the nine-tailed black cat scum hesitant for a while.

Now knock on the door, or just open the door directly.

"How's it going?" Jiang Xiaolong's voice suddenly sounded.

He has been watching the situation below.

See this guy didn't move at all.

So he cried out in worry.

"Master, come down, there is nothing here, there is only one door. 35 Nine-tailed black cat scum replied.

"Door?" Jiang Xiaolong froze for a moment, then without any hesitation, he turned over and jumped.

In the next second, it fell at an extremely fast speed.

But soon, at the moment of landing, he grabbed the surrounding brick cracks.

Therefore, it stopped in time and hung in the air.

Then he looked down and found that it was indeed a door.

And it is a wooden door, because it is at the bottom of the well, so it is very strange.

Who would normally do this.

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