Chapter 1367 The Village

"Ya Kun!" Jiang Xiaolong shouted.

"Huh?" The latter raised his head subconsciously.

"Do you want to die?" Jiang Xiaolong asked sincerely.

"I..." Ya Kun's mouth twitched several times, not knowing how to answer for a while.

It stands to reason that these intruders themselves may be killed.

But after all, it is arranged above, whether it is dead or alive, it must continue to penetrate.

So, once caught, there is basically only one result.

And now, the captain and the veteran have all been killed by the opponent.

Now there is only myself left, alone.

"Son, let me teach this guy a lesson. 35 Suk is gearing up.

Of course, he didn't really want to do it.

In any case, what dies is life after all.

The purpose of this is purely to scare people.

Let the other party surrender completely because of fear.

This is the best way.

"If you don't say anything, then kill him." Jiang Xiaolong shook his head regretfully.

Immediately, Su Ke and others stepped forward.

This immediately startled Ya Kun.

After a while of confusion.

Finally gave in to fear.

So he shook his head helplessly.

"What?" Jiang Xiaolong raised his right hand and motioned Su Ke and others to stop temporarily.

"Can I live if I say it?" Ya Kun asked seriously.

"Of course, I'll even entangle you." Jiang Xiaolong nodded.

"But how do I know what you said is true or false~~?" Ya Kun questioned.

"You don't have to believe or not, because you are not qualified to know." Jiang Xiaolong shrugged.

"I... get it." Of course Ya Kun knew what he was doing now.

So in desperation.

You can only choose to surrender.

He didn't want to die, after all, he was only in his twenties.

Although the military orders are like mountains, they are now separated by such a long distance.

They don't even know what's going on here.

Next, Ya Kun explained the tasks of himself and others.

The general situation is to follow Song Qianqian's back.

Feel free to join other teams.

Then find an opportunity to replace the other party.

Basically, it's not much different from the previous ones.

After all, this Song Qianqian is the daughter of the general.

Identity and status are different.

"Who is that in the village?" Jiang Xiaolong asked again.

"Ah?" Ya Kun looked at him blankly.

"It seems that you don't know either, that's alright." Jiang Xiaolong stood up and walked out.

"Young man, after burying your father and grandfather, live a good life." Su Ke patted his shoulder.

"You really don't kill me?" Ya Kun couldn't believe it.

Actually he didn't know at all.

All Jiang Xiaolong needed was a clue.

As for a mere small shrimp, what is the difference between alive and dead.

So, since you have promised to let the other party live.

Then there will be no breach of contract, there is no doubt about that.

Next, without any hesitation, the group headed towards the village to kill.

Because in general, only people with higher status.

Will stay in a position not too far away to command the overall situation.

So, Jiang Xiaolong has been wondering what this person's true identity is.

Although it is night and the city gates have been closed, these cannot stop them at all.

Just plug in a little money, and then you can pass smoothly.

In this way, he immediately rushed towards the village he found.

After almost an hour, it finally arrived.

The village is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the environment is quite good.

The couple's house is on the highest hillside.

From above, you can see everything around.

Arguably a good place to observe.

""|| Young Master, someone is patrolling above. "Suk hurriedly whispered.

"It should be the person we are looking for." Jiang Xiaolong smiled.

have to say.

These people may never have dreamed of it.

The identity was actually seen through.

Even more unexpected.

Because of a downward couple.

The whereabouts were leaked.

"What shall we do?" Suk asked.

"That's it, you guys will meet me outside, I'll take the cat to see it." Jiang Xiaolong thought for a while.

"Is this... OK?" Su Ke was still a little worried.

"I'm a child, it's not easy to be suspected, understand. Jiang Xiaolong walked towards the village as he spoke.

Because it is night.

Every family (well) does not say sleep.

But basically no one was outside.

Jiang Xiaolong walked through the alley very naturally.

It didn't take long to reach the highest point of this hillside.

He glanced at it and found that the patrol was about seven people old.

Everyone's strength is about five ways outside the lock.

From this point, it can actually be seen.

The identity and status of the person being guarded must not be simple.

Otherwise, it is impossible to find so many powerful helpers.

And judging from his stature and imposing manner, he was definitely a member of the military camp.

"The strength of the people in the house is not simple." Nine-tailed black cat scum said.

"I know, the outer locks should be all opened. Jiang Xiaolong nodded.

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