Chapter 1368 Disguise

Jiang Xiaolong could vaguely sense the opponent's strength.

Although the distance is a little far, it cannot be felt particularly clearly.

But this is enough, since you know the strength and realm of others.

Then, there is absolutely no need for any hesitation, just walk over.

Although his movements were light, he was discovered by the patrolling.


"Children go home!

"This is not where you should be!

Because it is a child.

Plus holding a cat in his arms.

So these people first thought they were people from the village.

It was a bit of a surprise that I didn't come home so late.

"This is my home." Jiang Xiaolong pointed to the house in front of him.

"This..." The guards exchanged glances, surprised.

"Where are my parents? Why are you at my house?" Jiang Xiaolong said angrily.

"Let him come in." At this time, the voice of the people in the room sounded.

"Yes." The guard outside immediately bowed to the house respectfully.

Afterwards, Jiang Xiaolong was taken in by one person.

As soon as he entered, he saw a middle-aged man sitting on a chair.

There is a pot of hot tea and a book on the table, which should be reading.

At this moment, after hearing the movement, the man turned around.

"It's kind of interesting." Jiang Xiaolong thought to himself.

The eyes of the other party are restrained.

But extremely sharp.

Like a long sword hidden in a box.

Waiting for a time to unsheath.

These people are generally not easy to mess with.

"My lord, I brought it here." The guard said quickly.

"Okay, you go down." The middle-aged man nodded.

"Who... are you? Why are you at my house?" Jiang Xiaolong continued to act.

"Come here, kid!" The middle-aged man beckoned with a smile on his face.

Jiang Xiaolong resisted and hesitated on the surface.

But still one (cjee) walked past little by little.

Of course, he's just acting now.

The purpose of this is to show that you don't trust the person.

"You...this cat?" Akuda, no, now called Chen Kun to be stunned.

"The cat grew up with me, what are you going to do?" Jiang Xiaolong hugged him tightly.

"How did you get this cat?" Chen Kun squinted slightly and asked curiously.

"I picked it up from a mountain. Jiang Xiaolong hesitated and replied.

"Then do you know the origin of this cat?" Chen Kun asked with a smile.

From the first sight.

He knew what the cat was.

However, such an existence is actually in the hands of a child.

I have to say, it was a bit of a waste of time indeed.

"I don't know, but this is my family's wealth." Jiang Xiaolong shook his head.

"Your family's wealth can be traced back to ancient times." Chen Kun said seriously.

Ancient beasts generally survived from the period of ancient gods.

Of course, there will also be some reproductions to grow the ethnic group.

And the one in front of him, if nothing else, should be a nine-tailed black cat.

Every tail of this guy represents a life.

That is, nine fatal deaths could have been avoided.

"I don't believe it, you lied, where are my parents?" Jiang Xiaolong took a few steps back and asked.

"I'm sorry, your parents have already left." Chen Kun shook his head.

He didn't think so.

That pair of women actually had a son.

What I didn't expect was that the other party actually chose to abandon it.

In other words, now the two should eat and drink well in the city and enjoy life.

As for the child, it was abandoned here, with an ancient beast, a nine-tailed black cat.

"You lied, you must have killed my parents!" Jiang Xiaolong shouted.

"I really didn't lie to you, your parents..." Chen Kun suddenly felt something was wrong.

In front of the child's clothes.

Not at all the sackcloth of the country folks.

It is a material that is even more advanced than satin.

That is, not like a country man at all.

"It seems to have been discovered." Jiang Xiaolong thought to himself.

Changes from the other side's look.

He knew he should have been noticed.

Although this dress is rare, it is precisely because of that.

Therefore, it is easy to be noticed that the identity is not simple.

"Where were you before?" Chen Kun winked at the guard at the door and asked.

"I was... at the shrine before." Jiang Xiaolong blinked and replied.

As soon as I heard the word Jingu.

Chen Kun's whole body is numb.

Good guy, no wonder the clothes are not simple.

It was someone who came down from that place.

Generally speaking, if you want to stay in a shrine, you need to be very qualified.

In other words, the blood of the ancient gods must reach a certain level, a certain standard.

Otherwise, it is impossible to enter the shrine at all, and even stay for a while.

"Who are you?" Jiang Xiaolong asked.

"I... just a passerby." Chen Kun waved his hand.

"I don't believe it, you are surrounded by five masters of outer locks." Jiang Xiaolong shook his head.

Now that the identity has been detected by the other party.

But as long as he doesn't doubt in Song Qianqian's direction.

Then you can continue to play.

What's more, the other party seems to be very interested in his cat.

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