Chapter 1375 Sailing

It was about noon.

Both Fu Dalong and Su Ke said they were ready.

Of course, Suk already knew that the ship didn't need to find it by himself.

Therefore, the group took Chen Kun directly to leave the mansion in the small town.

Then they rushed towards the big river on the other side, as for Song Qianqian and the others.

If there is no accident, the other party will also choose to leave in these two days and continue on their way.

And because most of the intruders who followed have already attracted the attention of Jiang Xiaolong.

Therefore, if nothing else, the danger along the way should be reduced a lot, a lot.

Of course, this is also the "zero three three" Jiang Xiaolong wants to see, after all, the other party is not bad.

After almost two disappearing distances, I finally arrived at the pier near the Dajiang River.

Here, I finally saw the cruise ship prepared by Fu Dalong, and I have to say that it is really big.

And the above facilities have everything.

"Not bad." Jiang Xiaolong looked up and down.

"As long as you are satisfied." Fu Dalong breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing this.

"Don't worry, I won't pursue your daughter's affairs." Jiang Xiaolong waved his hand.

"My girl has been arrogant since she was a child, alas." Fu Dalong sighed helplessly.

"However, you should pay more attention to yourself, so that nothing happens again." Jiang Xiaolong reminded.

Fu Jiaojiao is looking for someone to teach herself a lesson today.

Then tomorrow, I guess I will dare to find someone to do other things.

In short, in any case, it must be well restrained.

Of course, that's all he can say.

What to do in the end has to be Fu Dalong.

After all, she is someone's daughter.

"Son, it's almost time." Su Ke reminded.

"Okay, take Chen Kun to the boat." Jiang Xiaolong nodded and greeted.

Immediately, he took the lead in walking towards the boat.

Fu Dalong has already found the captain and sailor.

Basically all of them belong to the gang.

So, it can still be trusted.

"Wait a minute." At this moment, the voice of shouting sounded.

"Huh?" Jiang Xiaolong and others looked not far away.

There are so many people approaching.

It seems that he also wants to leave by boat.

Maybe it was this one.

So I wondered if we could be together.

"My name is Wang Miao, this is my friends, this is my sister, I wonder if we can be together?" The young man who took the lead asked with a smile.

"Master?" Of course Su Ke couldn't be the master, so he could only ask.

"Of course, it would be great to have a friend from afar. Let's get on the boat." Jiang Xiaolong nodded.

"Thank you, we will pay." Wang Miao's eyes lit up and he was relieved.

He actually saw it.

The boats at this terminal are basically all delivery and fishing.

Similar to Jiang Xiaolong, it looks like a luxury cruise ship.

Basically a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

So thought of trying it out.

As a result, I didn't expect people to actually want it.

It even seemed very welcome.

There is some gratitude in my heart.

"There are a lot of rooms, you can live as you please." Jiang Xiaolong waved his hands nonchalantly.

"Okay, but we won't disturb you easily." Wang Miao nodded.

Afterwards, a sailor led them to the room.

The cruise ship was already very large.

Several floors up and down are all kinds of entertainment venues and rooms.

At the bottom is the warehouse for storing things.

"Master?" Su Ke asked slightly worried.

"Don't worry, even if you are on guard, people will find opportunities. Jiang Xiaolong is playing with his taste.

"It turns out that, as long as you understand it in your heart." Su Ke nodded.

"Since it's business, it's more lively." Jiang Xiaolong said with a smile.

Immediately, he announced.

As long as it is on the way, you can board the boat.

Even if you don't give money.

This suddenly caught some people's eyes.

No matter whether it is 3721, they all get on the boat.

Of course, some people are still polite and give money.

And some people, who look like refugees and beggars, don't give money at all.

However, Jiang Xiaolong didn't care anymore.

In this way, a full afternoon.

It used to be a spacious cruise ship.

Not to mention full, but half the rooms were occupied.

It still looked very lively.

Then, accompanied by the great river under the sunset.

The cruise ship began to move slowly downstream.

"Nice scenery." Chen Kun stood on the deck, his hair was messed up by the wind.

"Be careful, don't fall and drown." Jiang Xiaolong reminded.

"Don't worry, you won't let me have an accident on 4.4." Chen Kun was very sure about this.

"Actually not necessarily, my goal has been achieved anyway." Jiang Xiaolong shrugged.

Chen Kun was too lazy to say anything.

After several days of contact.

He already knew what kind of temper this kid was.

So it's already been used to it.

"Brother Dragon!" At this time, Wang Sen's voice sounded.

"What's wrong?" Jiang Xiaolong looked back.

"Thank you for your hospitality!" Wang Miao held two wine glasses and a pot of hot wine in her hands.

"Where is it, it's the same people who fell from the end of the world. Jiang Xiaolong laughed.

Wang Miao's eyes lit up.

This young man made him feel very special.

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