Chapter 1376 Sincerity

Facing Wang Miao's enthusiasm, Jiang Xiaolong handled it with ease.

Although I don't know if this guy really has a problem.

But as long as it is on this ship, it will leak out sooner or later.

And you must know that although there are not a few people on board this time, at least close to a hundred people.

However, the sailors and captains of this cruise ship are all gangsters, equivalent to escorting them all the way.

What's more, on both sides of this river, there have always been their own people following, so there is no need to worry.

The strength is there, and the number of people is there, no matter what happens on the water this time, there is absolutely no problem.

"Little brother, where are you from?" Wang Sen asked curiously while drinking.

"I'm a local, from our Dajiang Empire." Jiang Xiaolong smiled slightly.

"No, I mean 29 to be more specific! Wang Sen waved his hand and laughed.

"Just treat me as a native of Guodu." Jiang Xiaolong paused and replied.

"The capital of the country?" Wang Miao was stunned when he heard the words, then his eyes lit up, and then he said, "Me too."

It stands to reason that there is still a long distance from the capital here.

But I didn't expect that I would meet fellow villagers in such a remote place.

I have to say, it is really a kind of fate, which makes people happier.

I can't wait to drink a few more cups, everyone drinks happily.

"Oh?" Jiang Xiaolong was not surprised or surprised at all.

Because he didn't care where the guy was from at all.

In fact, the only thought in my mind was to enjoy the scenery while rushing.

Of course, it is impossible for big rivers to go directly to the capital, and in the end, they have to go to land.

But the river stretches for a long time and can directly send people forward a certain distance.

"Little brother, are you going out alone, or are you traveling?" Wang Miao asked again.

He looked very happy as he poured himself a drink.

Of course, in the end is really drunk, or fake.

Maybe only I know this in my heart.

"Forget it." Jiang Xiaolong thought about it.

Go out to the words of the Giant Spirit God and the Golden Armor God.

I really went out alone.

It's just that Su Ke and the nine-tailed black cat scum were brought along later.

Of course, there are definitely more people now.

After all, more than half of this ship are subordinates.

Although there is a task, but I really want to travel.

After all, the Dajiang Empire covers a vast area.

There are many unknown landscapes and secrets.

"It looks like we are about the same." Wang Miao's eyes widened.

This time, I was also traveling abroad, and I was originally alone.

But later, after a lot of knowledge and experience.

There are more and more people you know.

Some people, become good friends and even confidants.

So no longer separate.

Then go on the road together.

However, returning to the capital is thousands of miles away, and I don't know how long it will take.

But everyone was looking forward to it and was very excited along the way.

"All your friends want to go to the capital with you?" Jiang Xiaolong asked playfully.

"Yes, very enthusiastic." Wang Miao nodded subconsciously.

He didn't think there was any problem anyway.

After all, the country is a place that everyone yearns for.

Because there is an emperor who everyone only heard his voice and never saw him.

It is said that the 50th birthday will be held this year.

Many officials are on the way to present gifts.

"I can't tell, you are quite attractive." Jiang Xiaolong teased.

For these people are not intruders.

It should really be noticed for now.

After all, these guys are simply pervasive bugs.

Maybe after knowing that the guy in front of him is going to the capital.

I plan to follow along, just to be able to use it.

"My only advantage is sincerity." Wang Sen said seriously.

No matter who you treat.

Even the enemy, even the lowest person.

He is all one attitude, the same idea.

No matter how noble or lowly, they are all the same in their own eyes.

Perhaps, it is because of this that it is loved by everyone.

"I hope you have always been such a person." Jiang 033 Xiaolong toasted the other party.

No matter whether this guy is real or fake, whether he is pretending or not.

At least it's really sincere now, and that's enough.

It sounds better, called the so-called pure heart.

And the ugly words, to put it bluntly, are too simple and mindless.

If it is used by others, it is estimated that it will be laughed at and will not care.

This kind of person is certainly worth making friends, but it is also necessary to keep a distance.

Because who knows if it will suddenly turn around.

"Thank you." Wang Miao drank another cup, and the whole person was dizzy.

But he didn't care anymore.

Because on such a huge cruise ship.

And, more importantly.

There are people all around, and it is impossible to let yourself have an accident.

"Okay, go and play with your confidant." Jiang Xiaolong waved his hand, not wanting to say anything more.

"That's fine, I won't bother you anymore, I'll say goodbye." Wang Miao turned around and staggered away.

"You are very strange." Chen Kun turned around and stared straight at him.

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