Chapter 1379 I cried

The speed of these three people is very fast, and their actions are also very decisive.

As soon as he was discovered, he rushed directly to the deck, and then planned to jump into the river.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaolong was still standing on the second floor, just staring at these guys.

The three masked men thought that the other party did not dare to chase after them, so they were relieved.

Then without any hesitation, he jumped up directly, and he was about to enter the water.

"Goodbye." Jiang Xiaolong waved at the three of them.

"Ha, he actually sent us off!" One of the masked men laughed.

However, in the next second, his smile froze directly.

Because a group of golden light rushed directly at them - come here.

Of course, Jiang Xiaolong remained motionless - motionless.

But it has been able to release the power of the ancient gods.

The biggest difference between a god of armor and a god of giants is that one is to ask a god to possess himself.

The other is to incarnate himself into the ultimate ancient god of super ancient times.

Therefore, A God can release his power.

To carry out a long-range attack on the enemy.

It can often make it difficult for the enemy to react.

clap clap clap!

It was as if three fireworks exploded.

The three masked people dissipated directly in the air.

The flesh and blood residue and blood water fell directly into the water.

After a while, some fish were attracted.

Then the frantic scramble made the entire water surface turbid.

The movement naturally attracted the attention of the sailors patrolling and vigiling around.

But when they saw Jiang Xiaolong, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as the boss is okay, then other situations can be a little later.

Jiang Xiaolong said nothing, let everyone continue to return to their posts.

In this way, the night passed, and the time came to the morning of the next day.

The hangover Wang Miao finally woke up and began to invite friends to have fun together.

As a result, I didn't expect that there was actually one less person, and it was still the one with a relatively good relationship.

So he began to search constantly, but found nothing at all.

This person, as if the world has evaporated, is all of a sudden gone.

"Dragon brother!" Wang Miao found Jiang Xiaolong.

"What?" The latter was fishing and got up early in the morning.

Next to him is Chen Kun.

Also early in the morning, no, it should be said that I didn't sleep all night.

In short, the two sat side by side, nothing else, that is, the wisher took the bait.

"One of my friends is gone." Wang Sen said slightly excitedly.

"Maybe it's gone." Jiang Xiaolong said lightly.

"Impossible, we agreed to go to the capital together." Wang Miao shook his head.

"This morning, I passed a pier and someone went down." Jiang Xiaolong shrugged.

"Ah?" Wang Miao was completely dumbfounded.

It's hard to believe that my friend really left.

It was so sudden, not even a single hello.

It was difficult for him to accept it for a while, and even a little sad.

If the other party encounters any problems.

It should be said in advance.

Might as well be able to help.

"I think you, don't think about it, you are a passerby." Jiang Xiaolong waved his hand.

In one's life, one will meet many people.

However, the vast majority of them are all passers-by and passers-by.

Maybe there is such a one-sided fate, but in the end it will be separate.

You will never see each other again until you die.

"Woooooo!" Wang Miao covered her face and cried bitterly.

Tears fell from between his fingers.

This suddenly made Jiang Xiaolong and Chen Kun all stunned.

The two looked at each other, not knowing what to say for a while.

Unexpectedly, this guy actually moved his emotions.

It's so sad for a friend I know.

I have to say, it does feel weird.

"This person is not suitable for the court." Chen Kun commented.

"Why?" Jiang Xiaolong asked knowingly.

"It's too pure." Chen Kun shook his head.

This kind of people.

Easiest to be exploited by opponents.

I don't know how to die when I die.

Therefore, it is not suitable for the court at all.

"People always change." Jiang Xiaolong said meaningfully.


Maybe suffer a few losses.

On a few when.

This guy is getting smarter.

A lot of times, people are just that bad.

"Maybe." Chen Kun was too lazy to say anything and continued to fish.

"Alas." Wang Sen cried for a while, then sighed.

"What happened to you?" Jiang Xiaolong asked helplessly.

"Maybe I was drunk, so I missed the chance to say goodbye." Wang Miao said seriously.

He blamed himself very much.

Shouldn't have been drinking that much last night.

It's only been a while since I woke up.

As a result, the friends were separated unexpectedly.

"You, you, you are really interesting." Jiang Xiaolong was dumbfounded.

"Speaking of which, when I was in a daze, I heard someone firing a gun?" Wang Miao asked blankly.

Although drunk.

But because the movement is quite big.

So vaguely hear a little bit.

"No, someone is setting off fireworks, and your friend is one of them. 35 Jiang Xiaolong grinned.

Wang Miao was stunned when she heard the words.

Could it be that the friend who left suddenly.

Something happy happened. Chuan.

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