Chapter 1380 Ferry

No one understands Wang Sen's happiness and sadness, much less understands it.

However, in fact, not many people care at all, even his friends.

As for the three missing people, it seems that no one has asked, and no one has investigated.

As if it had never appeared before, this is a very rare tacit understanding.

Of course, it may also be because everyone knows it well.

"It's about to go to the next ferry, will you still let people come up? 35 Chen Kun asked while fishing.

"Go, of course, I wish this ship was very lively." Jiang Xiaolong nodded and said affirmatively.

"But in this way, there may be many of us who say "zero three three"." Chen Kun looked at him with a meaningful profile.

"Isn't that better?" Jiang Xiaolong also looked at him with a playful smile.

Just attract all the intruders in this area.

Then naturally, no one will care about Song Qianqian.

In this way, the other party can return to the capital more easily.

Although, just to send a flame stone like this.

But the outside is not a shrine after all, so it is still understandable.

A lot of things that are very common in the shrine.

But here may become a treasure that everyone is rushing to.

"I can't understand you more and more." Chen Kun looked down at the injured arm and smiled bitterly.

It stands to reason that, at his age, he should be able to see through everything.

But the young man next to him, for some reason, couldn't understand it at all.

It gave him the feeling that although he was a child, he was also very mature.

Moreover, this maturity is far more than that of peers, even some older people.

"You don't need to understand me." Jiang Xiaolong shook his head.

The only thought in his mind right now is to become stronger.

Only in this way can the seal within the body be lifted.

At that time, it should be possible to return to the realm of chaos.

After all, there are so many people waiting for you.

Just like that, almost three hours or so passed.

When the ferry arrives, there will be a short stop here to replenish.

Although the resources on cruise ships are already very rich, they have been reducing after all.

Therefore, in order to take care of everyone, it is necessary to stop and replenish.


"What a big cruise ship!"

"It looks like a lot of people are up there!"

There are also many people at the ferry.

Because it can lead to another city.

At this moment, watching Jiang Xiaolong's cruise ship approach.

One by one, their eyes widened and they stared in astonishment.

"If you want to go to Antarctica City, you can get on the boat. Su Ke waited and called after he lowered the steps.

In fact, he refused.

Because the more people there are.

more difficult to manage.

It's more likely to happen.

But who made this all ordered by Jiang Xiaolong.

Therefore, there is no other way but to stand at the entrance and exit to solicit customers.

In this regard, the people around were surprised and even thought it was incredible.

Such a ship, at first glance, is not something that low-level people like them can get on.

But what I didn't expect was that no one would refuse, and anyone could walk on it.

Some people wonder if there is something tricky here.

And some people walked up without thinking.

Just like that, it took less than half an hour before and after.

Dozens of people came up, doing everything, and even fishermen.

The vast majority of people are simply curious and come up to play.

"Son, there are a lot of people!" Su Ke reminded..

"More is better!" Jiang Xiaolong looked around with a smile.

"But in this case, we may not have enough people." Su Ke worried.

"Our people just maintain a basic order." Jiang Xiaolong waved his hands.

"But these people are all here to save people, when is that time?" Su Ke frowned.

"I know what you think and what you mean, but so what? Jiang Xiaolong laughed.

Even these people on board.

All of them came to save General Chen Kun.

Actually he doesn't care.

Unless the opponent's strength is very strong.

Far more than himself or even the Giant Spirit God and the Golden Armored God.

Otherwise, even if there are 10,000 people, you don't need to care at all.

"Yes." Su Ke nodded.

He actually understood.

It's because I want to make a living too much.

So sometimes it seems very urgent.

Always worry about all kinds of problems.

This Chen Kun is the general among the invaders.

If you are rescued just like that.

Isn't that his own dereliction of duty.

"You can rest assured on 4.4. Even if someone is rescued, I won't blame it." Jiang Xiaolong seemed to see it.

In fact, it can be seen from the fact that the other party is so nervous and concerned.

In my heart, I must really want to complete this task.

After all, it was not easy to get a chance to turn around.

If it was missed like this, I would definitely not be reconciled.

"It's good if you can understand." Su Ke was a little moved when he heard the words.

at least.

Jiang Xiaolong is a good master.

Can understand the feelings of the people below.

"Keep staring at Chen Kun, keep staring at those people. After Jiang Xiaolong instructed, continue to start fishing.

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