Chapter 1387 Weird

Under normal conditions.

Buddha statues are the kind of squinting eyes.

It gives a feeling of kindness and kindness.

But the Buddha statue in the upside-down tower is completely different.

At first glance, it is the kind of hanging eyes, staring down with a fierceness.

Jiang Xiaolong doesn't know why there are Buddha statues in the ancient gods, after all, it seems that no one here believes in Buddhism.

Moreover, with this kind of upside-down tower, who would do such a building if he had nothing to do, he suddenly became curious in his heart.

However, this first floor doesn't seem to be anything to see, because although it is indeed strange, it is nothing more than that.

The people around, after a while of amazement, also had a dull feeling, so they urged to go to the next floor.

Of course Jiang Xiaolong would not refuse, so everyone walked down the stairs to the other floor together.

This step is obviously going downstairs, but everyone has to use this thing to go upstairs.

To be honest, it is indeed a little difficult, especially for normal people.

To put it bluntly, this guy Wang Sen has no ancient god blood at all.

When I went up, it was very difficult, I had to hold the handrail and then be pulled up.

Otherwise, it will fall uncontrollably because of gravity.

"Huh!" Finally, Wang Miao went to the second floor.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Also looked around.

It seems that every floor has the appearance of a Buddha statue.

Moreover, these guys are all dangling eyes.

It's just that the Buddha statues on this floor are compared to the previous ones.

It's actually the kind with three heads and six arms, and it's holding some magical instruments and other things in its hands.

It looks more dignified, at least it makes people feel that the atmosphere is extraordinarily serious.

"This place is really evil~~." Su Ke couldn't help saying.

"It's a little bit. Jiang Xiaolong nodded.

"Do you believe in Buddhism?" Chen Kun suddenly asked curiously.

"Of course... I don't believe it." Most of the people shook their heads.

well known.

There are more ancient gods than Buddha cows.

This is a creation-level existence.

Perhaps, only ordinary people who are incompetent.

Only then will there be more or less faith.

If there is a little bit of power, you will definitely not believe it.

"It is said that Buddha has two sides, one is compassionate, and the other is vicious. I don't know if it's true or not." Jiang Xiaolong chuckled lightly.

"Perhaps, we will know soon. Chen Kun said meaningfully.

"You seem to know a lot about this place?" Jiang Xiaolong raised his eyebrows and asked in surprise.

"Actually, there is such a thing in my hometown." Chen Kun shrugged.

"So you know these things very well, right." Jiang Xiaolong looked at him curiously.

"It's okay." Chen Kun looked mysterious.

Jiang Xiaolong looked at this guy in surprise.

From each other's tone and tone.

You can actually hear some voiceovers.

In other words, this upside-down tower is very weird.

Perhaps, the more you go inside, the more problematic it is.

However, it is only the second floor now.

But this man was clearly planning to be a riddleman.

So I didn't continue to say anything.

Afterwards, everyone wandered around for a while on the second floor.

After really finding nothing, he walked towards the third floor.

After arriving, I found that the Buddha statue began to undergo some changes.

It turned from three heads and six arms to nine heads and eighteen arms.

It seems that every layer, there will be more and more things on the body.

Moreover, his eyes gradually became fierce and sharp.

When I looked down, I felt like I was looking at a dead person.

A very strange vibe is pervading.

At the beginning, everyone was really interested and even very happy.

But with the continuous deepening, the floors are getting higher and higher, and this feeling begins to change.

In the end, everyone was not happy, but wanted to see what happened to the upside-down tower.

What exactly is the situation, and why is it getting weirder and weirder.

On the seventeenth floor, someone finally couldn't take it anymore, and even collapsed.

The head of the Buddha statue in front of him also had more and more hands, so he looked down at the same way.

This feeling made many people start to feel fear in their hearts.

You must know that the Buddha statues are all upside down, that is to say, the top is the bottom, and the bottom is the top.

These heads are less than five meters away from everyone.

One by one, just like the flower bones of a certain plant.

"...||This..." Jiang Xiaolong was also a little uncomfortable.

The eyes of these Buddha statues are so weird.

Especially at such a close distance.

Plus the opponent's huge body.

The pressure is very high.

"Son, shall we go back?" Su Ke couldn't help but say.

"No hurry, keep going up." Jiang Xiaolong's stubborn temper came up.

He just wanted to see.

What kind of situation is this last layer?

It's hard to believe that the more you get to the end, the more heads you have.

If so, what is the significance of the existence of this Buddha statue?

It can't be used to scare people.

That was kind of nasty.

"Yes, all the money has been spent, and it will definitely come to the end." Wang Sen agreed.

It's been more than ten years old, wouldn't it be a pity to go down now?

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