Chapter 1388 Changes

In this way, everyone began to move towards the upper level.

But when they reached the twentieth floor, everyone had a new discovery.

That is the size of these Buddha statues, which are obviously much larger than the previous ones.

The heads of the Buddha statues are like grapes, clustered together one by one.

Moreover, all of them are the kind of particularly large golden grapes, which are very shocking.

Obviously the height of the upper and lower is the same, but the body of the Buddha statue has undergone great changes.

This discovery, let everyone exchange glances, more and more feel that there is a problem.

However, because nothing has happened yet, so I have to endure the discomfort in my heart.

Just like that, when they were on the 30th floor, as soon as everyone went up, even Jiang Xiaolong was startled.

Because the body of the Buddha statue seems to be getting smaller and smaller, on the other hand, the head is getting bigger and bigger.

How huge is 050, and it has already begun to spread around.

"There is such a thing as a Buddha statue?" Jiang Xiaolong said angrily.

He became more certain.

The man who built this upside-down tower.

It must be uneasy and kind, and it is specially designed to scare people.

However, I have to admit that.

That's what it did, and it was overwhelming.

Every layer has a little change, and every ten layers the change gradually increases.

A little bit maddened.

"Do you feel a little uncomfortable in your heart?" Chen Kun played with his taste.

"What do you know?" Jiang Xiaolong looked at him badly.

"This upside-down tower is specially used to scare people and satisfy curiosity. 39 Chen Kun explained.

"It can't be your country's handwriting." Jiang Xiaolong said suspiciously.

"Indeed." Chen Kun nodded.

Although not (cjee) know how the first stupa appeared.

But later, as some people tried, they started to do things.

Especially when they invaded, they wanted to change the culture and beliefs of some people.

So I came up with such a thing, I have to say, it is quite effective.

At least a part of many ordinary people began to change after they came up and began to believe in Buddhism.

It seems that only in this way can the empty heart be satisfied, so that there is a feeling of happiness.

Of course, Chen Kun's own country is the first to bear the brunt, and there are similar things in many places.

It can be said that the original culture and beliefs have long been destroyed by these things.

So I thought about dying the poor and not dying, and starting to harm other countries.

Anyway, one can be pitted.

"You guys are really hurtful. Jiang Xiaolong said angrily.

I don't know what's the point of doing all this shit.

It's really urgent to destroy this place directly.

Whatever you are.

Once the power of the ancient gods is displayed.

Even the sky can fall apart.

The ground can be broken.

The ancient gods are the ultimate existence.

"If you don't have the guts, then go down." Chen Kun mocked.

"Fart, who doesn't have the guts, go up, you must go up." Wang Miao said fiercely.

What he hates most are those who look down on people.

Although I don't know who this Chen Kun is.

But the tone of truth made him quite uncomfortable.

The entire upside-down tower has forty-nine floors, and now everyone has reached the 30th floor.

That is to say, there are only nineteen floors left, so it is not much to say, and whether it is high or not.

As long as you work hard, you can basically get it done within half an hour.

Therefore, without any hesitation or hesitation, everyone continued to climb immediately.

In fact, it was fine at the beginning, although the heads of these Buddha statues were constantly getting bigger.

But he still maintains the look of his lower body.

However, on the fortieth floor, even Chen Kun felt a little uncomfortable.

The lower body of the Buddha statue, no, now it should be said that the upper body is completely gone.

Only the incomparably huge heads of Buddha statues remained, and they fell to the ground like this.

Then one by one stared at the people who climbed up.

Among Wang Sen's friends, a few slumped on the ground in fright.

One by one, he was sweating all over his body and felt dizzy.

"It's kind of interesting." Jiang Xiaolong got used to it instead.

Because he knows that there must be changes within ten floors.

Moreover, according to the previous rhythm to analyze the words.

Not surprisingly, this fortieth floor must have changed a lot.

It turned out to be the case, only the head of the Buddha statue was left.

And one by one has occupied the most range of the entire tower.

There are fewer and fewer areas where people can move around.

Because the number of these heads is obviously more than before.

"Only the last nine floors remain." Su Ke took a deep breath, his eyes a little complicated.

"Let's go, let's see what happens next." Jiang Xiaolong greeted and took the lead in walking towards the upper floor.

"Wait for me!" Wang Sen was startled when he saw this, so he quickly trotted after him.

Just like that, everyone didn't stay on the fortieth floor for a long time.

Then it went straight to the forty-first floor.

When we arrived, it seemed that nothing had changed at first glance.

But Jiang Xiaolong can keenly detect that the head of the Buddha statue is obviously missing.

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