Chapter 1389 Shadow

Although Jiang Xiaolong noticed it.

But obviously, not many people can see the change.

The vast majority of people feel like that and don't care at all.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaolong didn't say much and kept quiet.

In this way, the team continued to move up, and everyone wanted to reach the last level.

That is, the first floor, the topmost floor, of the inverted tower.

And with the continuous climbing layer by layer, finally others began to discover something.

That is the heads of these Buddha statues, which seem to have become smaller, but also larger.

The range that allows everyone to move gradually - less and less.

It has even reached the point where he can only walk on his side.

"There is absolutely no place to move." Su Ke looked up and down.

Huge Buddha head.

Just like that, it was flooded in front of everyone.

Almost the entire area is covered.

At this moment, everyone is under each other's eyelids.

The feeling of being watched is really creepy.

"Continue, there are not many floors left anyway." Jiang Xiaolong shrugged.

At this time, he didn't worry and cared much.

The only thought in my mind was to see what happened in the end.

There are a total of forty-nine floors, and the last few floors seem to have a feeling of returning to the original.

Although it's not clear what exactly is meant here.

However, the ordinary people in the team are already a little physically exhausted.

So basically I didn't climb a floor, and I had to rest for a while when I went up.

As short as a few minutes, as long as half an hour, in short, many people are very tired.

The same is true for Chen Kun, after all, his current bloodline power has been sealed.

So, if you are just an ordinary person now, of course you will feel tired.

After all, climbing so many layers in a row would definitely be unbearable for anyone else.

"Master, do you have a feeling?" Su Ke suddenly asked in a low voice.

"How do you feel?" Jiang Xiaolong looked at him in surprise.

"It's a feeling of being watched," Suker said.

"Yes, and it's very real." Jiang Xiaolong affirmed.

"You... look ahead." Su Ke pointed to the position of the head of the Buddha statue.

At this moment.

Everyone is very close to this statue.

Basically, it has reached the level of rubbing the edges.

And because it is gilded, it can barely reflect something.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaolong looked over and found something.

For some reason, the number of people in the team seems to have changed.

Compared with before, it seems that there are so many more.

Black, staying in the corner, motionless, very quiet.

If it weren't for the gold-plated surface of this Buddha statue, I'm afraid it would not have been found.

This suddenly made Jiang Xiaolong's eyebrows rise, and he was a little surprised in his heart.

"Yeah." Su Ke took a deep breath, and his cold hair stood up.

"Just pretend they didn't find it, and see what they're going to do." Jiang Xiaolong shrugged.

"Yes." Su Ke nodded forcefully.

Jiang Xiaolong was waiting for everyone to rest.

I have been using the gold-plated surface of this Buddha statue to see those extra guys.

I don't know when these dark shadows followed.

Perhaps, it has been there ever since they entered the upside-down tower.

It was just because the Buddha statue was far away.

So it's not very clear.

And now, it's very close.

So this is finally barely visible.

........for flowers»

Just like that, Jiang Xiaolong didn't plan to alarm these guys.

After everyone rested almost, they continued to walk towards the upper floor.

Layer after layer, and each time you go up a layer, the number of these shadows will increase.

Sometimes there is one, sometimes there are several, in short, it has been silent.

Jiang Xiaolong felt that once he reached the forty-ninth floor, perhaps the number would reach a peak.

Although it is not clear what these things are and why they appear in the team.

But since there is no movement at present, it will pretend not to see it for the time being.


In any case, as long as you don't come out and harm people, it's actually fine, you can barely accept it.

Knowing is one thing, not knowing is actually another.

For example, Su Ke has always been very worried and afraid.

Therefore, from time to time, I look at and observe the Buddha statue.

Occasionally, he would even turn his head and glance at everyone's side.

But I don't know why, these things actually only exist in the reflection of the gold-plated layer of the Buddha statue.

This is very strange and incomprehensible.

"Don't read too much, as long as nothing happens." Jiang Xiaolong reminded.

There is a word to say.

Beat the grass and startle the snake.

The more you watch.

Maybe these things are more frightening.

So, as long as there are no problems at the moment.

Then just pretend it never happened.

There is absolutely no need to worry.

"Yes." Although Su Ke was still nervous, he could only do as he did.

"Wait until the last floor, if there is any problem, don't leave it." Jiang Xiaolong reminded.

"What do you mean?" Su Ke was stunned for a moment, then had an ominous premonition in his heart.

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