Chapter 1390 Hands-on

Jiang Xiaolong didn't say much, but chose to be silent.

In this way, everyone rested for a while on the forty-eighth floor.

Immediately after that, I started to climb towards the forty-ninth floor, trying to get up earlier.

Because there are always a few ordinary people in the team, the speed will be slower.

After about five minutes, everyone finally walked up the steps to the last floor.

It is the forty-ninth floor that everyone is looking forward to, but when you see the scene in front of you.

All of them looked a little weird because there was only one head left.

That's right, the Buddha statue seems to have "050" back to its previous appearance, but there is still no upper body.

In other words, what is in front of everyone now is an incomparably huge head.

Moreover, it seems that the head is still broken, and it is unknown who cut it off.

In short, if it was weird before, then this layer is more or less scary.

Jiang Xiaolong's attention was actually more focused on the shadows following everyone.

With the help of the reflection of the gold-plated layer of the Buddha statue, it can be seen that these guys are gradually becoming more active.

Moreover, one by one quietly came to the back of the crowd.

Although I don't know what they are going to do, there is obviously a problem.

Jiang Xiaolong narrowed his eyes slightly, carefully observing the expressions and movements of the people around him.

Wang Sen and a few friends around him are nothing, but Chen Kun seems to be laughing.

It's the kind of expression that looks like a smile but not a smile.

Although I don't know why this guy is showing such a smile, it is obviously not normal.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaolong had almost no hesitation and hesitation, and suddenly activated the power of the ancient gods in his body.

The next second, a dazzling golden light erupted directly from the body.


Screams suddenly sounded.

And not one sound, but several continuous sounds.

"Damn it!" Chen Kun didn't expect this kid to burst out suddenly, so his face changed.

He hurriedly turned to run to the other side.

Those shadows are more crowded behind this person.

"Want to run?" Jiang Xiaolong showed a sneer and stomped on the ground.

The next second, the whole person rushed over directly.

Like a sharp blade, it instantly penetrated those shadows.

Immediately after, he grabbed Chen Kun's neck and lifted it up.

When the people around him reacted, they all stared in stunned eyes.

"These shadows are alive!" Su Ke glanced at the ground and found several corpses.

" did you find out? Chen Kun gave up struggling again, but it was unbelievable.

To know.

These shadows appeared silently.

It stands to reason that no one can see it.

Only the trained self has felt it.

What he didn't expect was that the other party actually noticed it.

Especially when he was about to make a move, he suddenly took the lead in launching an attack.

"As soon as you get to this place, you give me a weird feeling." Jiang Xiaolong sneered.

Then, with the help of the gold-plated layer of the Buddha statue, these shadows were found again.

So it was immediately connected.

I think, no surprise.

These guys should have come to rescue each other.

So when it's time to get started.

The attack was launched early.

"Damn it!" Chen Kun was really unwilling.

Unexpectedly, it was discovered like this.

If I knew this earlier, I should have said nothing just now and be a riddle man..

But in fact, I was testing it before to see if everyone noticed it.

It turned out that Jiang Xiaolong was keenly aware of it, although he realized it later.

He even pretended that he didn't find anything and went all the way to the last floor.

I have to say, in terms of Chengfu, this kid is a little deeper.

"Although I don't know what these things are, they are obviously here to rescue you." Jiang Xiaolong said firmly.

It is very easy to analyze.

A lot of people came in the upside-down tower.

Why was it okay before.

And nothing came out.

How can it be like this when it is your turn to wait for others?

Therefore, as long as a person with a normal mind.

It can be inferred that there is a trick here.

"I admit, you are indeed very smart." Chen Kun shrugged helplessly.

"How is it possible to slip away from my hands." Jiang Xiaolong sneered.

He glanced around.

I noticed that there was still a shadow that didn't die.

Therefore, with a wave of 4.4, the golden light exploded.

Immediately, kill all those guys who haven't died yet.

I don't want to stay alive at all, because I don't think it's necessary at all.

As long as you can catch Chen Kun, then there will be no problem.

Although, I am indeed very curious about one of these guys' abilities.

Want to find out what's going on inside.

But after thinking about it, I feel that it is not safe.

"What the hell happened?" Wang Miao and the others looked confused.

They even thought that Chen Kun was Jiang Xiaolong's friend.

Unexpectedly, it turned out not to be.

Even in front of everyone, he started directly.

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