Chapter 1394 Zhao Si

When you come to the City Lord's Mansion.

Although it was getting late, people were still crowded.

Because the vast majority are from various forces to receive, or even snatch the mission.

This escort task is relatively common, and it is currently the easiest one.

Of course, the premise is some worthless stuff, because no one can see it.

But if it is valuable, it will definitely be remembered by the people around it, and then they will do things.

I don't know why the city lord deliberately stated the value of things every time he escorted them.

Of course, it will not clearly indicate how much, but give an estimated value.

Then you get it yourself.

"So many people! 35

"With so many people grabbing, the mission is limited!

"These foreign forces are really courting death!"

When Jiang Xiaolong and others arrived.

People around are more or less clearly dissatisfied.

Mainly because the local forces have no tasks.

Not to mention having to share a piece of the pie with foreigners.

"So when does it start?" Jiang Xiaolong asked curiously.

"Wait a little longer." Zhang San looked at the time and replied.

"Yo." At this time, someone came beside him, who seemed to be surprised by the appearance of Tingfengtang.

"Zhao Si." Upon seeing this person, Zhang San gnashed his teeth, his eyes seemed to kill.

"You actually dare to come, even with a child, tsk tsk tsk." Zhao Si couldn't help shaking his head.

Sure enough, Tingfengtang was no longer enough.

This time even the children were brought along to do the task.

It looks like I have to leave here in a few days.

But this was originally a premeditated plan of himself and others.

Sooner or later, the Antarctic City must be driven out.

"What happened to the child?" Jiang Xiaolong glanced sideways and asked lightly.

"Children should go home, you know?" Zhao Si glared and shouted.

In his opinion.

This should count as threats and intimidation.

Ordinary children will definitely not be able to hold it, and then start crying, and even turn around and run.

But in the end, Jiang Xiaolong didn't react at all and seemed very calm.

This made Zhao Si a little surprised, and couldn't help but look up and down.

"Help Master, don't pay attention to this person, he has been competing with us all the time. 39 Zhang San said in a low voice.

"Don't worry, I just remember his face." Jiang Xiaolong didn't bother to care so much.

"That's good." Zhang San breathed a sigh of relief.

"Just you people, don't you think you can really snatch the mission? 35 Zhao Si didn't plan to let it go, and he didn't give up.

They kept actively looking for trouble with Fengtang.

Naturally, he wants to put the remaining area in the opponent's hand into the bag.

And it's almost there now.

So, it seems more reckless.

"What have you been barking here, afraid that others won't hear?" Jiang Xiaolong said angrily.

Quietly waiting for the task is not enough.

Have to waste time here, nothing to do.

It's like he can beat himself.

For this stupid stuff.

He really wanted to be beaten.

"Child, you..." Zhao Si was completely dumbfounded.

It was the first time he had been so humiliated.

And still a kid.

More or less unbelievable and unacceptable.

"Zhao Si was actually scolded by a child!"

"This guy deserves it too, thinking about a little area like Tingfengtang all day long!

........for flowers»

"It is said that the two sides have been fighting openly and secretly for many years!"

As soon as I heard the movement on their side.

The people around were delighted to see it, and there were many discussions.

Whether it was Ting Fengtang or the Shark Gang where Zhao Si belonged.

Basically, it is a relatively low power in the entire Antarctic City.

Of course, it may have been possible to contend with that before.

But now, the Sharks are slowly rising.

And listening to Fengtang's words, due to various reasons, it's getting worse and worse.

"You are not looking for trouble, you look like a fool." Jiang Xiaolong said contemptuously.


"Isn't that kid courting death!" Zhao Si was furious and leaned closer in an instant.

"I warn you, don't mess around, or you will die together!" Zhang San immediately stepped forward and roared.

"This person is not bad." Jiang Xiaolong saw all this in his eyes, nodded slightly, and was quite satisfied.

Although Zhang San is a bit cowardly, and his strength is not very good.

But at least when something goes wrong, I will never be afraid.

It has to be said that such a person is more worthy of recognition.

At least not the kind of guy who simply avoids when things happen.

"I didn't expect you to be so bold." Zhao Sibei was surprised.

In the past, Ting Fengtang would mock and humiliate himself casually.

As a result, now, the other party's hall master has actually become stubborn this time.

I have to say, it was a bit of a surprise.

"We Ting Fengtang will definitely not decline, let's wait and see." Zhang San said fiercely.

This time, although Jiang Xiaolong appeared, it was said to be the new boss.

But in fact, how is it? In fact, everyone has no idea.

But if nothing else, this time if it doesn't succeed again.

That would definitely leave Antarctica City completely.

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