Chapter 1395 Heavenly Escort

Arguing is not a result.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaolong and others didn't bother to pay attention to Zhao Si.

Because the other party lives up to its name, if it continues like this.

The final result, of course, is courting death, there is no doubt that there is a dead end.

Now, everyone is waiting for the task to appear, which can be described as extremely eager and urgent.

A mission, as long as it is completed, may change the final fate of a force.

Finally, tasks begin to be issued, and the lowest-level tasks are often at the top.

And the most difficult task, naturally ranked last.

"Yellow-level escort mission, one point!" "050"

"Xuan-level escort mission, two points!""

"Prefectural escort mission, three points! 95

"Sky-level escort mission, four points!"


More than 20 tasks, large and small, appear.

Most of them are yellow-level tasks.

That is to say, a point of that kind.

And the advanced ones are relatively rare.

Among them, there is even a sky-level escort mission.

This is very rare, as it is rare to arrange for someone to escort something so precious.

"Boss, how do you choose?" Zhang San asked curiously.

"I'm going to receive the escort mission." Jiang Xiaolong replied.

"Huh?" Zhao Si, who was beside him, sneered when he heard the words, and then said, "It's just you?"

And the people around them also looked sideways.

Heaven-level escort mission.

From this look, you can see that it is not small.

That said, it can be very dangerous.

According to the rating.

This yellow-level mission only requires one person.

But the Xuan level needs five to ten people.

At the prefecture level, there are at least twenty or more.

As for this heaven level, there are not fifty people who don't want to complete it.

And everyone knew that the entire Tingfengtang only had twenty people to die.

In other words, receiving a prefecture-level task is very reluctant.

At this time, Jiang Xiaolong actually wanted to receive this heaven-level quest.

I have to say, it's really funny, even inexplicable.

When everyone knew that there was a sky-level escort mission.

The first thought was that it must not be easy.

Have to wait and see, and even see what's going on.

If it is received directly, it cannot be completed once.

Points are to be deducted and doubled.

Therefore, this is also the reason why everyone is curious, but not in a rush.

"Boss, our manpower is indeed insufficient." Zhang San couldn't help saying.

"I can do it alone." Jiang Xiaolong shrugged.

An Antarctic city.

A celestial task.

He couldn't believe how difficult it was.

"Hahaha!" Zhao Si seemed to hear the funniest joke in the world.

"Are you sure you want to receive the Heaven-level quest?" the person who issued the quest asked in surprise.

"That's right." Jiang Xiaolong nodded, affirming.

"Since you choose to receive it, then I will tell you the specific content. 35 The person who issued the task said solemnly.

There are so many rich people in Antarctica City.

One of them is called Zhao Bochen.

It can be said to be a household name.

No arrogance or anything like that.

On the contrary, because of lust, it is widely known.

And the escort task to do this time is to send the red card butterfly fairy in the garden to the other party's mansion.

It stands to reason that this is not difficult at all, and anyone can easily complete it.

But in fact, this Zhao Baichen has a tigress who was once the second-in-command of a certain gang.

Although it said on the surface that he didn't care, let the other partner marry as much as he wanted.

But in fact, he has already spoken in private, and anyone who dares to escort will be killed.

Therefore, the difficulty of this heaven-level escort mission is very high.

"Fairy Butterfly?" Jiang Xiaolong raised his eyebrows.

Of course he had heard of the other party's reputation.

After all, he lives in that garden.

It is said that the other party is young.

It looks like he is eighteen or nineteen years old when he is dead.

Now she is actually going to marry a middle-aged man in his 40s and 50s.

It always feels weird here.

"This mission?"

"Obviously there's something to hide!"

"That Butterfly Fairy is the daughter of the previous generation of city lords!

At this time, the people around were talking.

Only then did Jiang Xiaolong understand why it felt wrong.

It turned out that this so-called escort mission was probably mixed with something else.

The city owner of the previous generation of Antarctic City was named Gongsun Zhiyang, and he could be regarded as a heroic figure.

As a result, because he offended the Grand Duke of Fudao, he was equivalent to the governor of another world.

Therefore, he was trapped in 4.4 and even hacked to death, and the whole family died miserably.

Only the butterfly fairy survived, but was eventually sold into the garden and became a red card.

That is to say, the danger and pressure of this escort mission is definitely not just the tigress of Zhao Bochen's family.

It may even come from the Grand Duke of the government, so the surrounding forces all changed their faces after hearing about it.

No one wants to offend an existence of such a level, otherwise it will be wiped out in minutes.

"How?" The person who issued the task asked inquisitively, and then said, "Can you still accept this task?"

"Boss, let's forget it." Zhang San felt that it was too dangerous and completely unnecessary.

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