Looking at Ling Huang dissipating in the space, Jiang Xiaolong shook his head slightly. Lingzhou's number one powerhouse died here silently.

Maybe he didn't even think that this trip would be life-threatening.

Jiang Xiaolong flew towards the ground at random. Since Emperor Ling died, the next thing became much easier.

And the country of Lingzhi without the Emperor is a mess. Although the plan is disrupted, the time required will be greatly reduced.

"President, are you alright?" Feng Yu hurried up to meet Lu Wu when he saw Lu Wu coming down.

It's just that there is a little doubt in his eyes. After all, the Royal Family went up with him. Since he came down, why didn't he come down with the Emperor? Could it be....

"It's okay!" Jiang Xiaolong waved his hand, although he was seriously injured, he was used to it.

"Three Three Zeros"

"President, what about the Emperor Ling?" Feng Yu looked at the black armored soldiers in the distance, and asked Lu Wu in a low voice.

"Emperor Ling has died by my hands!" Jiang Xiaolong said directly, there is absolutely no need to hide the news.


"Impossible, how could my emperor die in your hands!" Before Feng Yu could speak, the black armored soldiers who heard the voice exclaimed one by one.

"Presumptuous, what kind of person is my emperor, how can I die in the hands of a child like you!" The soldiers slowly dispersed, and a black armored general emerged from it.

"Emperor Ling is dead, you can go with him too!" Jiang Xiaolong said solemnly looking at the black armored general, and then a light and shadow flashed, and the black armored general's head slowly rolled to the ground.

"Feng Yu, these people will be handed over to you. In addition, we will spread the news of Ling Huang's death, and at the same time notify the other four countries, so that their king must come over within a month!" Jiang Xiaolong said randomly. .

This is his new plan. Since Emperor Withering has already died, he will make full use of the news of his death, and the status of Emperor Ling as the number one powerhouse in Lingzhou can also cause an uproar.

He only needs to stay here quietly to take over the entire Lingzhou, and he does not need to make many plans as before, which is very time-saving.

And a month is enough for him to recover from his injuries and completely stabilize the situation. When the five major trade unions are in control, the entire Lingzhou will not have any obstacles.

"If the other four kings don't want to come, I don't mind visiting in person in a month!" Jiang Xiaolong disappeared immediately after speaking.

Only Feng Yu and others with big eyes and small eyes were left in place, but looking at the panicked black armored soldiers, Feng Yu finally knew what to do.

After returning to the room, Jiang Xiaolong immediately began to exercise to heal his injuries. This time the injury was relatively serious, but it was also a rare opportunity.

After all, this is the first time he has fought a life-and-death battle with a strong person who has understood the law. Before, it was just some weapons containing the law, and it was still very different from the real person.

However, Ling Huang is indeed a genius, and just relying on a magic weapon to realize the power of the law, this realization has to be said to be a bit too terrifying.

After this battle, Jiang Xiaolong also had some insights into the law, but his realm was only at the level of Yuanwu, and he didn't even reach the level of the ninth rank of Yuanwu.

After reaching the ninth stage is the best chance to understand the law, and only after understanding the law can you completely enter the level of the venerable.

The Ten Principles of Gold, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth, Light, Darkness, Thunder, Time and Space, you only need to comprehend any one of them, and to master any one of them completely is the terrifying existence of an emperor.

But at this time Jiang Xiaolong was a little puzzled. So far, he has not decided which one of the ten principles to comprehend.

After all, this is related to his ability to become a Venerable in the future and the speed of cultivation. Among the ten principles, the most difficult to understand is time and space.

The second is the three attributes of light, dark and thunder, and the five most basic laws of gold, wood, water, fire, and soil. In terms of power, time and space must be at the forefront.

And he has some understanding of the laws of space, as for the others, he has little contact with them. If he wants to decide which law to choose, then the first choice is space and time.

After all, no one wants to be a venerable person and still be lower than others. Two masters of Yuanzun of the same realm, the masters who understand time and space are much stronger than other masters of laws.

Time passed slowly, and after a night of recovery, Jiang Xiaolong's injury had recovered by more than 30%, and he also had a bit of self-protection in the face of some emergencies...

"President, are you out?" Feng Yu, who was standing outside, hurriedly shouted after seeing Lu Wu.

"How's the situation?" Jiang Xiaolong nodded and asked.

"At this time, the whole country of Ling is in complete chaos. Among them, three princes and two generals have peeped at the throne, and they are about to fight." Feng Yu hurriedly explained.

"Oh? What about the news about Emperor Ling's death?" Jiang Xiaolong nodded and continued to ask.

"The entire Lingzhou has been thoroughly spread, but what is puzzling is that there is no movement after the news spread, as if it never happened!" Feng Yu Wenyan said with a puzzled face.

"What about the other four countries?" Jiang Xiaolong continued to ask.

His task was to unify the entire Lingzhou. As for other issues, he did not care. The only thing he cared about was how to unify the entire Lingzhou as soon as possible.

"There is no news, I can guarantee that the news decision has reached their ears, but I just don't know!" Feng Yu looked up at Jiang Xiaolong and said with some doubts.

"Don't worry, it's still a month away, give them some time to think about it." Jiang Xiaobai said in a deep voice.

At this time, his task is to rectify the strength of the two major guilds, and then take over the power of the five major guilds, and then quietly wait for the opportunity.

At that time, no matter what the other four countries have the same opinion on him, it is best to win 4.3 without blood, but it is better to continue to plot according to the previous plan.

"Fengyu, these few days you have gathered the strengths of the two major guilds and waited for my order. Once there is news from the four major countries, we will act immediately." Jiang Xiaolong pondered for a moment and said.

"It's the president!" Feng Yu immediately took orders after hearing the words.

"Isn't the Kingdom of Lingerie in chaos now? Then continue to add fire and let them fight thoroughly. We can just sit and watch the mountains and tigers fight." Jiang Xiaolong continued to instruct.

Let's fight, let them fight thoroughly, so that they can take over the country of Lingzhi better in the future, and Huo Cen should also inform.

With him around, many things can be much easier, and this kind of thing is still more suitable for him, first take down the country of Ling, and then use this to plan the entire Lingzhou.

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