When Jiang Xiaolong was healing and cultivating, the whole country of Ling did not relax. There were three princes fighting for power in the front, and two generals who were conspiring against them.

On the side, there are people from Fengyu who secretly provoked and fanned the flames. At this time, the whole country of Ling was already in a tense atmosphere, and there was a possibility of a complete fight anytime, anywhere.

The other four countries seemed to be surprisingly calm, as if they were indifferent to the matter in the Kingdom of Ling and the death of Emperor Ling.

However, those who are interested can still find that the number of ministers going to and from the palace is increasing, as if they are discussing some very important decisions.

It took Feng Yu three days to completely gather the power of the two guilds, but don't underestimate the power of the two guilds.

The fact that they can exist in Lingzhou for hundreds of thousands of years is not just talk, their foundation is very deep, even the major royal families are not willing to tear their faces with the people of the five major guilds.

However, the five major guilds usually sell their face to the royal family. After all, they are still under the power of the emperor outside, but at this time, 29 is different.

As the ruler of the two major guilds, Jiang Xiaolong actually killed Ling Huang. This is not only the number one powerhouse in Lingzhou, but also the lord of Lingzhi.

This is equivalent to breaking the balance completely, making the relationship between the five major guilds and the royal family very delicate, and even if one fails, it will completely fall into the opposite situation.

"Master Qi, our people have successfully persuaded the eldest prince to act tonight, and our people will secretly cooperate and act together." A steward walked in and looked at Feng Yu and said.

"Okay, our mission is to completely muddy the water and let them all fight to the death." Feng Yu nodded with satisfaction.

This is also done according to Jiang Xiaolong's order. He still has great respect for this new immediate boss, so his orders are also executed meticulously.

"The other thing is that the other three major guilds have received news that they are willing to surrender to Lord Lu Wu's men!" The steward continued to say randomly.

"This is really good news, but at this time, the lord is in retreat and practice. Let's not disturb him, send someone to notify the three major guilds, and let them convene and wait for the guild leader to go out." Feng Yu Wenyan looked surprised. see.

He didn't expect things to go so smoothly. After all, these are the three major guilds, and in this way, Lu Wu alone is in charge of the five major guilds.

This strength has surpassed that of any royal family and country, even in the face of the Kingdom of Ling, which was in its heyday, it would not be a shame.

After all, manpower is needed in all aspects at this time, and he can guess one or two about Lu Wu's real purpose, so the surrender of the three major guilds at this time has made them a big step forward.

"It's the vice president!" The steward heard the order and replied immediately.

"By the way, let the other three guild leaders come here and take over the other three guilds as soon as the guild leaders leave the customs." Feng Yu lowered his head and said in a deep voice.

I don't know when Lu Wu will come out, so it is more appropriate to call the three presidents over. Although I have already agreed, I may regret it later.

It's different when they are called. This is the headquarters of their Craft Refining Guild. If there is any movement, they can take precautions immediately.

"It's the vice president!" The steward heard the words and replied again.

"Go!" Feng Yu waved his hand when he saw this, he still had a lot of things to deal with, the most important thing was the opinions of the other four countries.

This is something Lu Wu explained. He didn't dare to be sloppy. If Lu Wu's arrangement was delayed, he couldn't afford to miss it.

Time passed in the blink of an eye, and at this time, it had been more than half a month since the death of Ling Huang.

At this time, the Kingdom of Ling was already in a state of dilapidation. After the civil strife of the three princes and the two generals, it could be said that the strength of the Kingdom of Ling ceased to exist in just half a month.

"Vice President Qi, there is news from the four major countries." The one who was in charge last time rushed in and shouted to Feng Yu.

"Come on!" Feng Yu raised his head and asked.

"The country of wind and the country of rain have agreed to come, but the country of light and the country of thunder have not made any movement yet, and they seem to be reluctant to come." The steward hurriedly explained.

"There are less than seven days left until the one-month period. If they haven't made a decision, then the result will be obvious." Feng Yu said in a deep voice.

"It is estimated that the guild leader will leave the customs in the next few days. Let's deal with the current affairs first, and wait until the guild leader leaves before making a decision." Feng Yu said directly while looking at the steward.

"Okay, then I'll go down first." The steward withdrew immediately after hearing the words.

At this time, Jiang Xiaolong was in a critical period of cultivation. The injury he suffered before had already healed, and the reason why he retreated for so long was because he wanted to break through.

He was originally in the realm of the fifth rank of Yuanwu, but at this time he is breaking through the sixth rank of Yuanwu. At this level, not raising a realm is a huge improvement for him.

After all, his body has infinite possibilities, and the primordial energy in his body is much more than other people of the same realm, and even compared to the Venerable, it is not much conceded.

It's just that the law is lacking. If the law can keep up, then his current strength can be directly confronted with Venerable 330. This is where Jiang Xiaolong's self-confidence lies.

"Finally the sixth rank of Yuanwu." With a crisp sound, Jiang Xiaolong finally opened his eyes.

At this time, the Yuan Force in his body has increased a lot compared to before, and the Yuan Wu stage is a process of accumulation, as long as the Yuan Force is enough to directly evolve the universe within the body.

And at that time, with the understanding of the law, you can successfully open up a cosmic space in the body, which is also the strength of the Venerable.

After all, Yuan Li is already inexhaustible, and even every move has the breath of the law, and the Yuan Li that has the blessing of the law is equivalent to having a soul.

"It's not bad, it's a little stronger than before." Jiang Xiaolong was also satisfied at this time, and he really had to thank Linghuang.

Without him, he might not be able to break through the sixth rank of Yuanwu so quickly, and the key lies in his understanding of the law.

If he used to say that he was only ten percent aware, he should have eighteen percent or even twenty percent now. This is already at the same stage as senior brother Feng Tang.

It's just that the realm is not enough, but this has no effect on him, and his strength cannot be seen by the realm.

"Master President, you are finally out." Feng Yu hurried over after seeing Jiang Xiaolong.

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