He stared at Jiang Xiaolong, tears involuntarily glistening in the circles of his eyes,

Seeing that everyone was shouting the name of Jiang Xiaolong's opponent on stage, after the surprise, she began to worry at this time.

At this moment, she has also confirmed that the person in front of her is the little dragon she has been thinking about day and night, but why is God so unfair.

Every time I let her see Xiaolong, it is at a dangerous juncture of life and death. What should I do by myself? Stop it!

Shout out his name!

Or tell him that he is here and let him give up the duel, - does it all work?

Not to mention Xiaolong's temper, it is impossible for him to give up at this moment.

"Xiaolong, you must not be in trouble, you must not be in trouble, Yue'er has been waiting for you,

I never gave up, it was all my fault before, I shouldn't have treated you like that, because I was too self-willed,

If God wants to punish, punish me, don't let Xiaolong carry all the responsibilities alone. "

Saying that, Yue'er's eyes shed tears unconsciously, her fists clenched tightly in front of her chest, and she silently waved the flag for Jiang Xiaolong and shouted.

Although she really wanted to appear at this time, if Jiang Xiaolong knew about him, how could he feel at ease to compete.

If Jiang Xiaolong really had an accident because of his existence, he would never forgive himself for the rest of his life.

"Yue'er, what's wrong with you, do you know that Jiang Xiaolong on stage?"

Seeing Yue'er's sad expression, Wu Tian suddenly felt pity in his heart, and he forgot the previous thing again, and said with pity.

Only then did Yue'er think of Wu Tian in front of her, she quickly swallowed her saliva, and said in a panic:

"No, I don't know him, but he is pitiful and unsupported. 99

After saying that, Yue'er quickly turned her head and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and sat down suddenly.

Wu Tian is no longer a three-year-old child, how could he not know that Yue'er is perfunctory to him, but what can he say at this moment, the more flustered Yue'er, the less confident Wu Tian is , the more suspicious.

Although he was very sad, no matter what, he could no longer hurt Yue'er's heart, especially at this critical moment.

"Well, it's pitiful enough, looking at his firm eyes, I believe he should be sure of winning this competition, Yue'er, you don't have to worry too much, why don't we get up and shout for him together, what do you think."

Wu Tian stared at Jiang Xiaolong sympathetically and said.

Qin Feng waved to the fans in the audience, and the game gradually calmed down. After that, he glanced at Jiang Xiaolong and sneered disdainfully:

"Boy, you have to pay attention later, don't know how you died before you die, that's too sad.


The audience was once again brought to a climax, and the cooing sounded again.

Jiang Xiaolong didn't care what he said and said with a faint smile:

"Hehe, it's still uncertain who will die, just be optimistic about your limbs, just don't get separated for a while.

Qin Fengqi's back was sweating coldly, and the blue veins on his forehead were bubbling up, but despite this, he still pretended not to care and said with a sneer:

"Hehe, so mighty, so domineering!"

After saying that, I saw his hands slightly raised, and the whole body suddenly swirled, making a whirring sound.

Jiang Xiaolong also posed as a dragon traveling the world, looking very calm, the energy in his divine veins began to revolve at a high speed, and the muscles and bones behind his back made a clucking sound.

The audience was suddenly dead silent, no one dared to make a sound, and their eyes were fixed on the stage.

Although they already knew who the winner of this duel was, they just wanted to see how the god in their hearts taught this ignorant duck.

The tip of the gun spun at high speed at Jiang Xiaolong's fingertips, bringing bursts of gust of wind, the power of true essence, and the energy wave flowed onto the tip of the Dragon Xingtian at the same time, wiping out a dazzling fire.

Everyone's eyes lit up, seeing that Jiang Xiaolong had reached the realm of spiritual transformation, knowing that this kid still has some strength,

But what's the use of this, it's a pity that he didn't have to die at the hands of the God of War in the end, hey!

Tie Niu clenched his fists tightly, sweat dripping from his forehead, although he was very aware of Xiaolong's strength.

But he was afraid that the kid would not play cards according to the routine, and Xiaolong might be tricked by him.

Hallmaster Sun was also a little worried, but he always firmly believed that only the one who paid the most was the real martial artist, and the only thing left to do was to step down.

・・・ Flowers・・

For the sake of fairness in this duel, none of the participating warriors can bring magic pets.

Although Xiaobai is still hiding on Jiang Xiaolong's body at this time, he has already hidden his domineering body.

If you don't look carefully, you won't find it at all.

On the table, at this time, the storm condensed behind Qin Feng has transformed into a huge fan, revealing a powerful light and reflecting the domineering domineering.


"Pu Fan covers the ground! It's terrifying, Qin Feng's first stunt, although this kid still has some ability, can he last for three minutes, or can he survive this fan? Oh, what a pity! "5

"Really young and frivolous.

Several old people in the audience muttered to themselves.


Although Jiang Xiaolong's keen hearing had already heard the mockery of these songs, his mood did not change in the slightest, his eyes became unusually cold at this time.

Thinking of the words discussed by everyone in the audience, I know that Qin Feng's exercises must be extraordinary.

But judging from the aura of this fan, it has been guessed that it is at least a weapon above the rank of the underworld soldier.

Jiang Xiaolong didn't dare to be careless at all, he wanted to burst out the energy of the divine pulse,

But thinking of what Hall Master Sun said, he must not reveal his true strength at the beginning, otherwise he would definitely suffer a big loss after the game.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help feeling cold behind his back. Since he thought of this, Qin Feng must have already thought about it.

That is to say, his terrifying practice energy this time is only one of his stunts, and what will happen in the future, no one can guess now.

After calming down, Jiang Xiaolong had no choice but to suppress the terrifying aura emanating from his body.

If you want to deal with it first, you can hide if you can, to see how capable he is, and then you will have a bit of confidence in your own shot.

There was a riot in the audience, watching Jiang Xiaolong restrain his arrogance, he immediately shouted eagerly:

"You know you're afraid, but if you can't do it, don't be brave. It's too late if you want to regret it. Just wait to die, Qin Feng, we support you! We support you!"

Hall Master Sun's face was gloomy and cold, he was just afraid that Jiang Xiaolong would be influenced by everyone and cause him to play abnormally.

On this platform of life and death, as long as one's mentality is slightly negligent, it is likely to be fatally dangerous.

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