The iron bull roared loudly while waving his arms.

"Xiaolong, in Brother Niu's heart, you are the best. My brothers and I will always support you until the end."

At this time, Jiang Xiaolong didn't have the heart to listen to the panicked voices in the audience. He didn't dare to leave Qin Feng's body at all. He was afraid that a little negligence would lead to fatal danger. Although he had never participated in such a major occasion, He has been on the line of life and death many times, and he still has a calm mind.

Stomping on his back foot, he suddenly jumped up to a height of tens of meters, a sneer flashed on the corner of Qin Feng's mouth, and he didn't take Jiang Xiaolong in his eyes at all.

The flexible and free operation of the exercises has been determined from his physical quality as stable as Mount Tai, which is definitely not his true strength.

Qin Feng's hands swayed violently in front of him, and the huge fan was also swung up, exhaling gusts of wind, carrying "four seven zeros" to the sand and stones on the surrounding mountain streams,

Even the coats of some warriors with skill were swept over by this huge gust of wind, gravel, dead wood, and strong wind.

All rushed towards Jiang Xiaolong at once.

Jiang Xiaolong's brows twitched, he didn't think about why this fan had such a powerful energy before,

The powerful weapon array burst out in front of him, forming a huge blue air tent, blocking him.

Boom! Boom!

A huge sound resounded in front of Jiang Xiaolong at the same time, a huge gust of wind formed a huge vortex in front of the blue barrier,

I want to swallow Jiang Xiaolong whole into this huge blue vortex.

Jiang Xiaolong held high the dragon walking in the world, his forehead was covered with beads of sweat, he felt the powerful energy outside the barrier,

Knowing that it would definitely not work to block this powerful storm energy by relying on the weapon array alone, he had no choice but to transport the attack array again.

But the Attacker Array is surrounded by the barrier of his Defender Array, so it doesn't play a big role at all.

Seeing Jiang Xiaolong looking a little embarrassed, Qin Feng sneered and continued to increase the wind strength of the fan.

Jiang Xiaolong, who was in the air, was forced to back up again and again, sparks had already rubbed out where his aircraft array was in contact with the soles of his back feet, sprinkle!

Seeing that Jiang Xiaolong was about to be forced off the stage, there was a commotion from everyone.

"Qin Feng, Brother Qin, God of War. You are a good person, we will always support you."

Although Yue'er had already sat down, her eyes never left Jiang Xiaolong, she clenched her fist tightly, and whispered in her mouth:

"Xiaolong, you must do it, Yue'er will always support you."

At this critical juncture, Jiang Xiaolong had to increase his energy. Looking at Qin Feng's murderous look,

Jiang Xiaolong couldn't help but grit his teeth, no matter what, he would never lose this duel, even if he died, he would die on the ring.

Yue'er's energy suddenly surged, and the dragon in Jiang Xiaolong's hand suddenly began to spin violently in front of Jiang Xiaolong like a sharp sword, creating dazzling sparks.

When everyone in the audience saw Jiang Xiaolong's burst of energy, they immediately became quiet, and thousands of pairs of eyes stared at the Longxingtianxia spear in Jiang Xiaolong's hand.

At this time, the three supreme powerhouses sitting on the judge's seat looked at each other, each with a shallow smile,

Seeing through the source of Jiang Xiaolong's energy at a glance, he secretly clapped his hands and applauded.

After a long while, everyone recovered from their panic. How could this be possible? He had clearly reached the highest potential of soul consciousness.

Why is it still able to contain such a powerful energy at this time? Could it be that there are foreign objects to help it? It is impossible to think so.

Because the duel is forbidden to borrow foreign objects to assist, the three supreme seniors must have seen it!

If that's the case, why did the three supreme seniors sitting on the jury not step forward to stop them?

On the contrary, the smile on his face, what the hell is going on, it's incredible.

With Jiang Xiaolong's momentum skyrocketing, the iron bull also regained his energy for a while, and shouted:

"Xiaolong, tear him up for me, it must be torn up."

At this time, Hallmaster Sun had a livid face, his eyes kept staring at the three supreme powerhouses.

"Hey, they still saw it, Xiaolong, I hope you can stay in the Martial God Martial Arts Hall after this competition is over."9

Only then did the dragon-shaped world exert the greatest effect through the energy of the divine veins, and the energy was brought to the extreme in an instant.

Qin Feng's face darkened, he should have thought of this long ago,

If you don't have some strength, how can you be recommended by the Barbarian God Martial Arts Hall?

You must know that everyone on the stage can represent the flags of various sects or big families.

If you are defeated so easily, then it is not worth not to participate.

Even so, he was only a little surprised, but he was not worried at all,

After all, he only used 60% of his power just now.

Long Xingtian released a powerful murderous aura without any scruples. After the weapon reached the rank of the underworld soldier, he also had the basic thinking ability, and could quickly judge the rank of the enemy's weapon.

The domineering arrogance of Long Xingtian was not suppressed immediately when he encountered Qin Feng's terrifying big fan.

It proves that the weapons in Qin Feng's hands are not too different from his own.

Straightening the direction, aiming at the momentum, the speed of the Dragon Xingxia at this time has far exceeded the speed of Qin Feng's fan out of the whirlpool and the gust of wind.


Longxingtian directly broke through Qin Feng's attack array, and the sand in the tornado was directly shattered by the domineering energy released by Longxingtian.

Mixed with a harsh sound of breaking the air, it stabbed directly at Qin Feng's body.

Qin Feng trembled all over, stepped on the ground again, and suddenly a powerful defensive air shield appeared in front of him.

Seeing the long spear mixed with such a powerful energy and momentum, at this time he did not intend to force the next,

While moving the defensive array, his body also moved 4.3 quickly, trying to avoid Jiang Xiaolong's menacing spear.

Shit! With the harsh sound of steel rubbing, Qin Feng leaned violently, resisting the dragon-shaped world spear with the steel fan in his hand,

But due to inertia, the long spear reached the weight of millions of kilograms, how could it be easily offset by him?

After rubbing the steel fan in his hand again, he rushed to the top of the mountain stream opposite.


Long Xingtian blew off a huge boulder directly at the top of the mountain stream, and the surrounding sandstone formed a huge sandstorm for a while.

Everyone in the audience was sweating coldly behind their backs and gasping for breath. What kind of strength is this? Even a senior who has reached the middle and late stage of the God Transformation Realm would not be able to burst out such powerful energy in an instant. What the hell is this kid? Isn't he human, he's so perverted!

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