Everyone was shouting Jiang Xiaolong's name, which suppressed Xun'er's voice long ago, and Jiang Xiaolong didn't notice her existence.

"What are you in a hurry, you're standing in line at the back, and you still want to go to the sky in one step, stinky maid, shameless!

A gorgeously dressed eldest sister took Xun Er's way.

Xun'er's eyes widened, and she was about to scold, but was caught by Xiaodie, who hurried over.

"I'm sorry, we've been by the side, by the side."

"Xiao Die, why are you doing this? Why don't you tell me to scold her, she is shameless, and Jiang Xiaolong, who wants to be close to me without looking at herself, is really cheeky."

Xun Er was very dissatisfied.

"Miss, think about it, we are here in disguise, if you make trouble, you will definitely expose your identity directly, Jiang Xiaolong is already very unhappy, and with your excitement, it is inevitable that Unnecessary trouble occurs, don't you think!" 5

"That's right, don't bother with that ugly woman, let's hurry over there."

"Who are you not to enter! 39

Tie Niu grabbed Xun'er who was in high spirits outside.

"I am, I am a big fan of Jiang Xiaolong, I am going to meet him.

Xun'er's small mouth twitched, and she raised her head slightly in dissatisfaction.

"No, he has more important things to do. He won't see you, so you should go."

Tie Niu was not polite when he saw Xun Er dressed as a maid.

“Jiang Xiaolong, Jiang Xiaolong!”

Xun'er was so anxious that she had no choice but to shout Jiang Xiaolong's name loudly.

Hearing this familiar voice, Jiang Xiaolong was stunned for a moment, then raised his head slowly, he recognized at a glance that she was the woman he rescued in the black eddy, waved his hands and sighed:

"Brother Niu, let her in~々.

The entire reception room was empty, only Jiang Xiaolong was alone, while the door was surrounded by his fans.

When everyone saw that the iron cow was put in by Xun'er, they all began to panic:

"Why can't she go in, we can't, we also have something to look for Jiang Xiaolong, Jiang Xiaolong, we are your loyal fans, please let us in!

Tie Niu ignored them, and after putting Xun'er in, he blocked the door again, and aggressively shot around, fearing that someone who fished in troubled waters would come in and harass Jiang Xiaolong.

"Do you still remember me?"

Xun'er, who entered the reception room, whispered to Jiang Xiaolong, her eyes full of desire.

Although this rookie duel was not really completed due to the existence of Xun'er, he did not regret the slightest, and he did not have any intention of complaining about Xun'er.

Jiang Xiaolong who saw Xun Er was also a little surprised.

"It's you, why are you here, the injury is all healed!"

Seeing that Jiang Xiaolong still remembered herself, Xun'er immediately approached Jiang Xiaolong happily, and Jiang Xiaolong couldn't bear to refuse with that innocent smile.

"None of these matters, what matters is that I finally see you again.

Xun'er's eyes were slightly red, and she almost didn't feel bitter.

"What's wrong with you, isn't that wound healed yet?"

Jiang Xiaolong stepped forward and supported Xun'er, worried.

Xun Er was even more moved, and pouted and murmured:

"My injury is completely healed. Thank you for caring about me so much. What about you?"

Saying that, Xun'er anxiously looked around Jiang Xiaolong's body.

"Oh, I'm fine, but you, as a servant, you must take good care of yourself!"

"These are two tonic pills, you should take them first, they are very beneficial to your body.

Jiang Xiaolong said as he turned his palm over, two more milky-white medicinal pills appeared in his palm.


In Xun'er's eyes, Jiang Xiaolong's small act was worth tens of thousands of taels of gold, and finally she couldn't help but cry out bitterly.

|| It's all my fault. It hurts you there. If it wasn't for my existence, you would definitely not be hurt, so I, I can't take your things anymore.

The only thing that makes Xun'er happy now is that Jiang Xiaolong doesn't know his true identity, and it may be because of his identity that he arouses Jiang Xiaolong's concern.

"Xiaodie, you are really my sweet little padded jacket.

"As a servant, you must be busy with many things, so you should accept it, alas, by the way, why are you in that black vortex, you should not come to participate in the election based on your thin appearance.

Jiang Xiaolong looked at Xun'er carefully and said strangely.

Being asked by Jiang Xiaolong (Li's kindness), Xun'er was stunned.

"I'm not running for election, but for your grandson!

Kaoru said directly.

"For me, for me, for what, is it really like Si Lao said that he arranged it at his sole discretion! 55

Jiang Xiaolong worried that this was the reality he was most unwilling to accept.

"Yeah, it's not what you think, I went in voluntarily.

"Ah, voluntarily."

This made Jiang Xiaolong even more confused. If this is not the case, what other reason is there?

Xun'er's face flushed red. Facing her love and her first time, although she was usually carefree and informal, she couldn't open her mouth at this time.

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