Jiang Xiaolong seems to feel something, no, another!

I haven't figured out what happened between Yue'er and Zi Yan, and this is Xun'er again, how should I live, and how should I face them!

Hey, it seems that it's not a good thing to be handsome, it's a headache.

The people at the door suddenly dispersed at this time, and Tie Niu also rushed in and said softly:

"The emperor is here, you hurry up and get ready."

Xun'er was shocked when she heard Tie Niu's words.

"Ah, what, he's here, then where am I hiding, hey! 99

Xun'er looked around anxiously, trying to find a place to hide, she didn't want her father to see her like this.

"Brother Niu, hurry up and take her to hide in the back hall, if she is found, her life may be lost, hurry up.

Jiang Xiaolong responded.

Tie Niu quickly pulled Xun Er to hide in the back hall, and then the footsteps of Emperor 503 stepped into the reception room.

"Meet the King!

Jiang Xiaolong hurriedly saluted, and his eyes drifted to the small side door. Seeing that they had already taken shelter, he felt relieved and wiped away a cold sweat.

"Get up quickly!"

The emperor said with a smile, and after Jiang Xiaolong got up, he ordered his entourage to go down, ordered a cup of hot tea, and then sat down.

Jiang Xiaolong was standing on the side, and the emperor looked at Jiang Xiaolong carefully.

Looking at Jiang Xiaolong, his whole body straightened up, and he looked around his body, but he didn't feel anything wrong.

"A talented person, it seems that my daughter's eyesight is really good, hehe!

The emperor chuckled lightly as he looked at Jiang Xiaolong.

Jiang Xiaolong is even more puzzled, what does this daughter mean, there will be no trouble again.

"I don't really have anything important to do here today, one is to congratulate you, and the other is to talk about my daughter!

It is not surprising to congratulate Jiang Xiaolong, the honor this time is not only his own, but also belongs to the entire Longwu Empire.

But Jiang Xiaolong was puzzled about his daughter, and looked at the emperor suspiciously.

"I don't think you need to tell me that you know the situation. Haven't you met my daughter a long time ago? How do you feel?"

The emperor asked directly.

"It's impossible to meet her. Since she is the daughter of the emperor, she must be a princess. How could the villain be able to meet her? It's absolutely impossible. 35

"Didn't she explain her identity to you?"

Hearing this, Xun'er, who was behind the door, couldn't help it. She was so scared now that Jiang Xiaolong would be angry when her father explained her identity, and she would not even care about her in the future. he is.

Jiang Xiaolong shook his head like a rattle, and he couldn't understand what the emperor said more and more.

The emperor also shook his head helplessly and muttered to himself.

"Hey, she really is, why hasn't she revealed her identity yet, should she reveal this matter now?

Wouldn't he be unhappy when it became clear that Xun'er would meet again (cjed)? Hey, if this little goblin makes trouble again, he may not have a good life again. "5

It would be great if the young man in front of him, who made his eyes shine, could become his quick son-in-law.

In a few days, he is going to carry out his mission. If he really gives Xun'er to himself, he will be worried. Regarding Jiang Xiaolong, the emperor has a lot of worries now.

"Xun Er, see Your Majesty!

Just when the emperor hesitated, Xun'er came out from behind the door and gave him a big gift.

The appearance of Xun'er made the emperor very surprised, and then looked at her outfit.

"This, are you?"

Xun'er kept giving her a wink, and then he realized that although he is an emperor, he loves this only daughter very much, and even so, he is not angry at all.

Seeing that Jiang Xiaolong didn't notice these little details of them, in order to ease the atmosphere, the emperor responded:

"Oh, Xun'er, isn't it, it's just right, come over to warm up a pot of good Longjing tea for the widow.

Xun'er's heart was pounding, and she came back to her senses when she heard the shout.

"Oh, oh, I'll go. 39

Although Xun Er is expensive as a princess, she usually spends most of her time playing with her servants.

Although she hadn't learned much about the etiquette of servants, she still knew some of the routines very well. Xinxin's polite servant did not reveal the slightest flaw in her performance, and even the observant Jiang Xiaolong ignored it.

"The widow girl."

After Xun'er went down, the emperor sighed softly.

Just when I was about to say my daughter, I remembered the scene that my daughter and myself performed just now, and hurriedly retracted the words and said with a chuckle:

"My daughter's maid, Xun Er, is lively, cheerful and generous, how do you feel?"

Jiang Xiaolong couldn't accept it when he was suddenly asked such a sentence by the emperor, and he didn't dare to say that they had known each other before.

Although he had some doubts in his heart, he didn't dare to show it at this time, smiled politely, and nodded.

It was only at this time that the emperor felt that his question just now was a little indecent, and he quickly changed the subject.

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