"Since you have obtained the title of young warrior rookie, I will abide by my previous promise,

From now on, you will be my right ambassador, responsible for protecting my safety. "

Jiang Xiaolong fell to his knees with a plop. He knew the position of Ambassador Right very well.

The status is almost the same as that of the Marquis, and only the emperor can take charge of it in person.

Your Highness, I! Jiang Xiaolong was so excited that he was speechless. Originally, he thought that this rookie position was just an empty title, but he never thought that the emperor would be able to make him an ambassador in person.

"Hehe, get up quickly, this is the honor you deserve, and the reputation I promised earlier, so this position belongs to you. Next, you will follow my three national masters to practice the supreme gong-fa."


Thinking of his family and those seniors who died for him, Jiang Xiaolong's expression turned cold, and then he said firmly:

"Thank you, Your Majesty, Jiang Xiaolong will definitely go all out, and will never disappoint His Majesty's high expectations.""

"Okay, ambitious!"

The emperor also stood up excitedly. At this time, he saw that Jiang Xiaolong was not only a courtier, but also his future concubine, so he was so excited.

Jiang Xiaolong was also taken aback by the emperor's actions. Did he really get such attention, or was there some other reason.

"Your Highness, your Longjing tea!"

At this time, Xun'er came over softly and elegantly and poured tea for them.

Looking at his daughter like this, the emperor felt very uncomfortable, and he was just such a daughter.

Usually, she has never served anyone at all, and she has never even poured tea for herself. I didn't expect that this was the first time that she was pouring tea for herself, but it was for this kid. It seemed that she was really moved this time.

Xun'er frowned slightly, with a blushing blush on her pretty face, she glanced at her father, which meant that she must not reveal her identity, otherwise her preparations would be in vain.

She slowly retreated behind them with a calm head, and now she didn't dare to look up at Jiang Xiaolong, for fear that Jiang Xiaolong's expression would be seen through by Jiang Xiaolong.

Jiang Xiaolong also felt that something was wrong in the atmosphere, but he didn't dare to ask more, his expression was a little embarrassed.

What happened, why do these people look weird today, should being an emperor be different, or is there another reason!

Hey, forget it, don't think about it, the more you think about it, the bigger your head gets.

He stood up and brought a tea cup to the emperor, respectfully saying: The emperor please!

He took a sip of the tea, put down the teacup and glanced at Xun'er, seeing that she was still holding her head, he laughed:

"Jiang Xiaolong, the widow wants to ask you a private matter, please don't mind."

How could Jiang Xiaolong have enjoyed such treatment, what the emperor said was the imperial decree, how could he dare to say something wrong, he hurriedly stood up, nodded and said:

"Your Majesty, please decree!

"Jiang Xiaolong, you don't have to be so restrained. I said it just now, it's a private matter, and there are no outsiders around here, so you don't have to salute like that!"

Despite what the emperor said, he still did not dare to relax in the slightest.

This is the first time he saw the emperor, he can't leave a bad impression, it will not be good for him in the future.

"Looking at your talent in appearance and such good martial arts qualifications, there should be many girls who are chasing after you.

When the emperor asked this, Jiang Xiaolong was stunned on the spot. It was too personal. Although he didn't mind answering these questions, he was a little speechless in the face of the emperor.

・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Flowers

"Hehe, don't be nervous, I just have a brief look, do you have a girlfriend now?"

The emperor continued to ask, although he looked like he didn't care, he was actually quite concerned.

Jiang Xiaolong felt a little unhappy when he asked about this, his head slowly sank, his expression suddenly turned cold, his heart was full of resentment,

Your own Yue'er has already been appointed by you, and now you want to pay attention to yourself, want to kill them all, isn't this forcing yourself to death?


In fact, Jiang Xiaolong didn't think much about it at this time, thinking that everything that happened today was all arranged by him,

Or maybe he had already sent someone to investigate himself. Thinking of this, Zi Yan already belongs to his girlfriend.

After all, he has promised her to take care of her for the rest of his life, but can he tell him again at this time, and what will happen to Zi Yan after that?

When Xun Er heard her father's direct question, her heart that had just calmed down was lifted again.

His eyes fixed on Jiang Xiaolong, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and he was very afraid that Jiang Xiaolong would say something terrible.

After thinking about it, Jiang Xiaolong still decided not to say it. Although he didn't dare to admit that he had a girlfriend, it was not because of a big man, but at this moment, for the happiness of Zi Yan, he had to do it.

"I don't have a girlfriend yet!

He finally broke through the line of defense of his macho, and said a sentence of the limit of this macho. In fact, the moment he cut the ribbon for Yue'er on stage, his faith in machismo was already wiped out.

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