Chapter 612 Poems

Two energies of different colors intersected in Jiang Xiaolong's body, coiled around each other and penetrated every inch of his muscles, bones and even his skin.

Jiang Xiaolong gave them room to exert their strength, and they gave Jiang Xiaolong a strong strength, complementing each other, and this is their proper relationship.

After taking a long breath, Jiang Xiaolong gradually calmed down. He finally succeeded. Xiaobai was the first to react, and he kept applauding just as he thought.

"Master, you are really resourceful, idol!"

At this time, he remembered Brother Niu and Senior Brother Liu who had just broken in. Looking at the terrified expressions of the two who were still awake, he whispered:

"Brother Niu, Brother Liu, are you all alright!"

With his mouth slightly open, he also put on an incredible expression. He had forgotten about Brother Niu before, which caused such a big misunderstanding.

Tie Niu, who had just woken up, had a look of anger on his face. He raised his fist and was about to beat Jiang Xiaolong. When his fist reached his face, he still couldn't give it up~ and cursed:

"Xiaolong, what are you doing, or hit the evil!"

There are also several question marks hanging above Liu Yun's head, looking at Jiang Xiaolong for some reason, waiting for his explanation.

"Hehe, Brother Niu, Senior Brother Liu, you don't have to be nervous, I'm just trying to resolve the relationship between the two major meridians in my body.

"Is it necessary to commit suicide to ease the relationship? Do you know that you scared me to death just now, if you have any accident, how can I explain it when the master comes back, and I can't explain it to your sister, right?"


Jiang Xiaolong looked blank. He didn't expect that this brother treats him all because of his sister, hey, he's so sad.

"Hey, Xiaolong, don't think about it, you brother, I'm not that kind of person, I just accidentally said something! 35

"Ah, you missed the point, does that mean you really think so in your heart?

Jiang Xiaolong knew what Brother Niu was thinking, and joked deliberately, also to relieve the previous tense atmosphere.

"Xiaolong, you, you know how stupid I am. Nian

Tie Niu's anxious face turned green, he was choked up and could not speak. For Jiang Xiaolong, he took his heart out.

"Okay, Brother Niu, I know that you are the most loyal buddy, and so is Xiaolong, how can you not think about it,

I have survived so many painful experiences, and this time I will accept the Gorefiend,

I won't give up until he dies, don't worry, I won't be called Jiang Xiaolong if I run away. "

"Okay, this is my brother, hehe!"

The three of them held their hands tightly together. At this moment, they only had one direction in their hearts, to defeat the Gorefiend!

When the blood of the three was surging, Liu Yun's face showed surprise. He raised his hand to signal them to be quiet, and closed his eyes quietly, as if he felt something.

After pausing for a few seconds, he slowly opened his slightly surprised eyes and said doubtfully:

"Could it be that the masters are back?"

"What's back? 35

Jiang Xiaolong said a little excitedly, he was still worried, of course he was happy when he heard that the masters were back, and wanted to tell the master that he had completely conquered them.

A group of three people strode to the entrance of Qiankun Cave, Liu Yun slowly transported the energy of the formation, and the huge stone door slowly opened.

What stood in front of them was not Master and the others, but a girl, tall and slightly childish, the three of them stared at her in horror, not knowing why.

.......... asking for flowers ·

"May I ask who you are?" Liu Yan said first.

Jiang Xiaolong felt a little lost in his heart. For him, no one could represent the master at this time. He sighed heavily, then turned around and prepared to leave.

Tie Niu saw the girl's eyes widen, and murmured incredulously:

"Pretty, if I hadn't already had Jiang Shuang'er, I would definitely have fallen in love with you."

In Tie Niu's heart, Jiang Xiaolong's elder sister, Jiang Shuang'er, has long been determined and will never change.

Because his heart had left Jiang Shuang'er with her at the moment of leaving, although he couldn't believe that he could be so serious, but for Jiang Shuang'er, he felt that it was all worthwhile.

"Uncle Liu!"

The girl's eyes were watery, even more so when she saw Liu Yan, she was about to cry when she spoke.

The three of them were stunned for a moment, including Jiang Xiaolong, when he heard the girl's voice, he always felt a little familiar, why did she know about Senior Brother Liu Yun.

Liu Yun was also very puzzled, and he felt that the girl in front of him must have known him before.

"May I ask who you are?" The voice trembled slightly, and he seemed to have guessed the identity of the other party.

"Uncle Liu, I'm Shishi!"

The girl's tender expression was full of deep emotions, and she said excitedly.

"Shishi, you are Shishi!

Hearing this name, Liu Yun suddenly became energized, and his eyes burst with bright lights, his face was incredible.

Knowing that he recognized her, the girl finally couldn't help crying and threw herself into Liu Yun's arms.

Tie Niu glanced at Liu Yun with an unhappy look on his face.

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