Chapter 613 Goodbye

"I also named you the object of your struggle. I didn't expect you to be a playboy. You don't spare such a young girl. Hey, you are really my idol."

Jiang Xiaolong glanced at Tie Niu, he already understood the meaning, and said to Tie Niu softly:

"Brother Niu, I believe that Senior Brother Liu Yan is not that kind of person, so don't think about it.

For this matter, Tie Niu is not very serious, after all, he was also such a person before.

At this time, he looked at Liu Yun as if he had met a confidant, but the only thing he was not convinced was,

Why did such a beautiful girl fall in love with him, is it because of his strength, or because of other plans?

"Shi Shi, since that happened, we haven't heard from you anymore, the second master is looking for you every day,

I was thinking of you every night, but I still couldn't find out any news about you. At that time, I thought you might be dead, but I didn't expect you. 39

Liu Yun pointed at the girl with a shocked expression on his face.

"I know, I know everything!"

Shishi nodded fiercely, bit her lip slightly, and said while enduring her heartache.

Only then did Jiang Xiaolong examine the poems carefully, and found that she was very similar to a person he knew before, whether it was her appearance or her tone of voice, she was simply a person.

While he was looking at Shishi, Shishi was also staring at him, and now there is a doubt in Shishi's heart,

That is, he is very similar to a boy he knew before, in terms of body shape, eyes, mouth shape,

Even the cold expression and the tone of voice, it is simply a person, this person made him search for a long time, and even almost lost his life for him.


Jiang Xiaolong finally couldn't help but speak.

At the same time, Shishi also pointed at Jiang Xiaolong in surprise and said:

"Jiang Xiaolong!""

At this moment, the two of them froze all over, and their eyes were full of incredible.

When they just entered the outer gate of the Barbarian God's Martial Arts Hall, they entered the same division gate, and Bei Bei also saved his life, how could he forget.

The only thing he couldn't understand was why her name was changed to Shishi, which was obviously not his memory.

"What? You know each other?" Liu Yun said in surprise.

Tie Niu also seemed to know the reason. Just now, he wondered why the girl in front of him was so familiar. It turned out to be the little girl from the Barbarian Martial Arts Academy.

"For more than four years, where have you been?

Shishi's face was full of pain, she had been looking for him for so long, she never expected to meet him here.

"Beibei, I really didn't expect to meet you here, I also inquired about you when I returned to the Barbarian Martial Arts Museum,

After hearing the news that you have left, I have been looking for you, but there is no news at all,

I didn't expect to meet you here, your name, what happened, and what is your true identity?'

Jiang Xiaolong trembled slightly and said incredulously.

Knowing that the young man in front of her was the true love she had been searching for for more than four years, she could no longer hold back the repression in her heart. She stepped forward and beat Jiang Xiaolong on the shoulder, crying aggrieved:

"Why, where have you been in the past four years?"

Seeing that Bei Bei was safe and sound, the big stone in Jiang Xiaolong's heart was also put down.

Although he doesn't seem to think about Bei Bei at ordinary times, he always pays attention to Bei Bei's figure wherever he walks, which is also his regret.

"It's okay, everything is over, and I will never leave without a reason in the future."

Seeing the deep affection in Bei Bei's eyes, a huge stone that had just been put down in his heart was lifted up again, and he was afraid that that scene would happen again.

Liu Yun, who didn't know why, looked at Tie Niu next to him. Seeing the two of them like this, he also guessed about seven or eight points, and said secretly in his heart:

"Xiaolong, you are really blessed.

"Okay, the two of you don't stand at the door, you can't come in and say something, or it will be troublesome if a bad person breaks in.

Tie Niu grinned lightly.

Later, Jiang Xiaolong learned that Bei Bei was originally called Tang Shishi and was the daughter of the second master, Tang Lei Ao.

And the second master is the master of the gun door. More than ten years ago, because someone wanted to get the highest marksmanship secret of the gun door, he kidnapped Tang Shishi and used Tang Shishi to blackmail Tang Lei Ao.

Later, because Tang Lei Ao didn't agree, he wanted to bring the wicked man to Fa-rectification in person, but he didn't expect that guy to really throw Shishi down the abyss regardless of the consequences.

Later, after the second master killed the wicked man, he went to the abyss to search for nearly three months, but he could not find Shishi. In the end, he could only conclude that Shishi was dead.

Although this dazed meeting was very sudden for the two of them, the deep longing made them talk about it very quickly, and Shishi was also short-tempered.

Although she still has some restraint towards Jiang Xiaolong, after losing four years, she finally understands one thing, fighting will not necessarily lead to happiness,

But if I don't take the initiative to fight for it, I will definitely not be happy. Maybe if I lose Jiang Xiaolong this time, there will never be such a coincidence in my life again.

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