Chapter 648 The Gorefiend Is Too Insidious

The eyes were red, the muscles all over the body were trembling, and the bones and joints began to tingle slightly.

Jiang Xiaolong slowly moved his eyes to Ye Guhan who was watching the battle, and said secretly:

"Is it still driven by hatred, why does it feel like this is getting stronger and stronger, as if I can't control it!

Seeing that Xiaolong's face was red and his lips were purple, Xianjiang Liu who was standing beside frowned and asked softly:

"Xiaolong, what's wrong with you, are you feeling unwell, or are you being suppressed by evil energy!"

Jiang Xiaolong gritted his teeth and shook his head:

"No, no, it's just that I suddenly feel a little warm in the lower abdomen of my body, maybe I'm too nervous, it should be fine soon, Senior Liu don't have to worry.

"Oh, maybe 29. At this time, you must stabilize your mentality, otherwise, being too impulsive may cause discomfort in the two channels, and then you will be in trouble.

Liu Xianjiang worried.

He stopped looking at the scene around him, slowly closed his eyes, and tried his best to restrain the rebellious feeling with faith, but no matter how hard he tried, it seemed that he couldn't alleviate the tingling and feverish feeling at all, and he didn't know why.

Xiaobai slowly moved from his chest to his right shoulder, feeling that the master's thoughts were fluctuating very strongly, he couldn't help but worry:

"Master, what's wrong with you, why is your mind so disordered?"

In the sound transmission room, it seemed to sense something, it stopped before finishing the words, and then continued:

"It's him, I feel it, he's coming, master!"

From Xiaobai's voice, Jiang Xiaolong felt a deep sense of hatred.

He also guessed who Xiaobai was talking about, and gently stroked Xiaobai's body, and said softly:

"I've seen him a long time ago, and I'll never let him escape this time! Never.

At that time, Xiaobai was injured by Ye Guhan, and it was inevitable to be excited to see him at this time.

"Master, can I discuss something with you?"

"Okay, let's talk!"

"This guy's life must be left to me, and I'm going to swallow him alive. In the past few years, after the failure of the showdown with humans, I can hardly hold my head up.

Jiang Xiaolong chuckled softly in his heart, and said:

"Come on, the magic pet has a good face! Hehe!"

"Master, do you agree or not! 39

Xiaobai pleaded that he had sworn a few years ago that he would take it back in person.


As soon as Jiang Xiaolong's voice landed, a huge rumbling sound came from below the city wall in the distance,

The rhythm was obviously much happier than before, and then there was thunder in the sky, crackling!

A powerful beam shot down and slashed straight towards the Gorefiend's head!

At the same time, a fiery red fire burst out on the ground, like a thick stream of magma going straight towards the Gorefiend's body.

Up and down attack, this is the usual move of the two brothers Tianba and Diba, and the Gorefiend seems to have expected it for a long time.

At this time, he wasn't so nervous, a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and his arms slammed into a circle.

Following that, he opened his mouth wide and let out a roar, the rich blood-colored true essence poured out directly from his mouth, instantly forming a huge blood-colored energy light sphere.

He turned and kicked violently in the air, and the blood-colored energy light ball shot directly at Tianba. At this time, he saw the huge blood-colored energy ball flying towards him at the speed of lightning, and he was stunned for a while!

It was impossible to take it back. Previously, he only focused on the strong attack and did not take any defensive measures. Now, only by sprinting with all his strength can he possibly defeat the Gorefiend.

An electric light flashed across the dark sky, and when the electric light was about to pierce the Gorefiend, it collided with the blood-colored energy ball.

In an instant, time, space, and even the flow of air slowed down.

Hiss! Si Lao took a deep breath and sighed:

"The Gorefiend is really insidious. He was very nervous on purpose at the beginning, but at such a critical juncture, it is really shameful. It seems that the two brothers Tianba and Diba are in danger, hey!

The stronger the Gorefiend is, the stronger the strange feeling in Jiang Xiaolong's body.

At this time, 567's face changed from red to blue, and his lips trembled slightly.

"Master, Director, what's the matter with you, why is this happening, Master, you just said something!

Feeling that the master was so uncomfortable, Xiaobai became anxious and kept shouting.

After the Gorefiend launched the blood-colored energy light ball, he leaned over and swirled the Gorefiend's mad knife and started flying towards Diba.

Although Di Ba had already realized that he would come down to deal with himself, he did not expect that he would also take action against his brother in the sky,

Seeing that the electric light formed by his brother was swallowed up by the blood-colored energy, Diba's heart surged with anger, and his combat power doubled again.

Bang! Bang.

The Gorefiend Crazy Blade collided in the air with the big blade with powerful earthly energy in Diba's hand, creating dazzling sparks.

In terms of power, Diba wants to have a great advantage, but in terms of tactics and evil forces, he can't.

When the two of them were fighting each other at the beginning, the land tyrant was able to cope, but as time went by.

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