Chapter 649

Gradually, the unilateral strength advantage is no longer an advantage, and the Gorefiend began to display his blood attack method.

At first, he used the blood source energy he had stored, and later, he began to use the blood of the warriors who had just died on the ground and had not yet solidified.

The powerful blood energy gave him endless energy, making him stronger the more he fought, and Di Ba was already a little too strong to deal with it at this time.

The real name of the Gorefiend Crazy Blade in his hand is the Demon Sword and Dragon Slayer, and it is also powered by blood.

The richer the blood around him, the stronger the domineering power of the magic knife to slay the dragon.


With a crisp sound, the big sword in Diba's hand with strong earth qi protection was cut into several pieces by the magic sword slaughtering dragon.

Afterwards, the Gorefiend suddenly turned over again with a burst of blood-colored energy, and slashed straight at Diba's skull cover.

"not good!"

Si Lao shouted, he was about to get up to save people, but it was too late.

Just before he teleported to Diba, Diba's entire body was smashed out by the powerful blood energy released by the magic knife and dragon slaying, spraying Diba's blood all the way.

Si Lao frowned and sighed heavily, but it was too late to take action. He wanted to see the true strength of the Gorefiends first, but he didn't expect them to be caught like this.

The sky flickered brightly and dimly, and the blood-colored energy light spheres released by the Gorefiend for Tianba began to flicker, as if he could not bear it.

When Si Lao saw such a situation, he couldn't help feeling overjoyed, knowing that Tianba was not dead yet, and he was about to break through.

"Haha, Gorefiend, I think you are no stranger to me~々!"

Si Lao sneered and said indifferently.

Seeing the sudden appearance of Si Lao, the Gorefiend was obviously a little surprised, but this did not affect his mood too much. He glanced at Si Lao and said with a wicked smile:

"Haha, originally I was worried about how to find you, but I didn't expect you to come to the door by yourself at this time, it's really courting death!

He glanced sideways at the flickering blood-colored energy ball in the sky, and at this time he wanted to ask Tianba for more time, and said disdainfully:

"Look for me! No way, how can I have such a big face!

Si Lao deliberately joked.

"Haha! It's ridiculous, you still want to be worth some money with your old face!

It's ridiculous, don't get me too far, if you don't want to die today,

Just hurry up and call out the seven supreme weapons that Ecang Craftsman God disassembled back then, or I will swallow you!""

The Gorefiend sneered, thinking of the escape that day, and felt a little annoyed in his heart.

"Seven supreme weapons, it's so ridiculous, how can I have something that you can't even get to the blood demon, you're not kidding me! 99

Si Lao is trying to lose his appetite. The reason why he called him you Lao is because the Gorefiend looks very young, but even he can't imagine his age.

"Haha, I don't know what to do! 35

Gorefiend snorted coldly, and then his face changed greatly, the blood-colored energy ball burst out again, and the expression on his face was still distorted.

The third master secretly shouted badly at this time, the strength of Tianba and Diba is not an opponent of Gorefiend,

That eldest brother must be in danger, without the slightest melancholy, he leaped into the air and shouted loudly.

"Beast, your grandfather and I are here!"

Impatiently glanced at the third master, and sneered:

"Yeah, there are still a lot of people coming. I know that I need the blood of a powerful warrior for energy now. Are you here to help me?"

"Don't be ashamed, let's see the trick!

The third master then burst into a red light on his body, and the mount under his feet suddenly appeared, roaring in the sky.

Although the Gorefiend is powerful, the mount does not have the slightest sense of fear. Instead, it becomes stronger and more ferocious.

"|| Third, be careful!

Si Lao's face changed slightly, if the third brother was impulsive at this time, it would definitely be very dangerous.

Gorefiend then threw the blood-colored energy ball to the third master's side, as if he was not too worried about the hesitant Si Lao.

Liu Yan and Tie Niu also took a deep breath. Although Tie Niu stomped his feet anxiously, Liu Yan stopped him from the side.

He was very sober at this time, knowing that if they all went out at this time, not only would he not be able to help the masters, but he might even become a burden to the master.

Jiang Xiaolong was also overwhelmed at this time. He felt that the blood in his body was flowing backwards, and two powerful energies were colliding with each other.

The powerful energy released made his muscles, bones and flesh reach the limit of endurance again and again, and (Li Wangzhao) mutated and became tyrannical again and again.

The pain in this process is unimaginable for ordinary people. Although Xiaobai has been calling out his master from the side with his mind, it seems that it will not have much effect on Jiyu's unconsciousness.

The huge blood-colored energy ball rapidly expanded and trembled above the head of the third master,

The evil energy released caught the third master who had released the energy of the practice by surprise.

Using the condensed powerful energy as a defensive air wall, it was barely relieved.

But with the passage of time, the evil energy of the blood-colored energy ball is also constantly strengthening,

Soon, the third master's expression became extremely embarrassed,

Eyes glowed with blood, and it seemed that he was about to be completely shrouded in blood-colored energy balls.

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