Chapter 655 There is no need to hide strength

"Xiaolong, it's not that I don't want to save him, it's that I belong to the incorporeal soul now,

So even though I have the power of the arteries and veins, I can't send it all to him in physical form,

So he can't be saved at all, what you have to do now is not to feel sorry for the dead,

Instead, we must be more brave to face everything in front of us. We must not let the artisan sacrifice in vain. Remember!

Hearing Grandpa Er Cang's words, Jiang Xiaolong's whole body trembled suddenly, his eyes suddenly became extremely firm, he slowly got up, and felt the huge change in his body brought about by the two meridians.

"Xiao Bai, you don't need to hide your strength, you can come out and kill! 35

Looking around, I happened to see the iron bull that was about to be swallowed up by Ye Guhan's blood demon wall, thinking of Xiaobai who had been aggrieved for a long time, and said coldly.

After going through these things, at this time, Hou 567's mentality became extremely stable, and it was difficult for foreign affairs to shake the strong belief in his heart.

Ye Guhan was also stunned when he saw Jiang Xiaolong, and couldn't help laughing wildly:

"You finally dared to come out, haha, today we will settle all the debts we owe.

Jiang Xiaolong also wanted to figure it out with him for a long time, and he still remembered the scene of the dying of those seniors in Yi Daolou.

Xiaobai couldn't hold it any longer. Hearing the amnesty given by his master, he couldn't help being a little too excited, and echoed with excited conviction:

"Okay, master, you can rest assured, I will not let him die easily, that kid will not be able to solve the hatred in my heart."

A thunder flashed, and a golden dragon suddenly appeared in the sky. After a few symbolic roars, it came to the sky above Ye Guhan's head.

When everyone saw this golden dragon, it was inevitable that they would be amazed, staring at the air in disbelief, and said in unison:

"Royal Dragon!"

Several supreme powerhouses are no strangers to the dragon in front of them, although they have never seen it with their own eyes,

But I have heard of legends about it, when it created the world of Martial Dao Continent.

The continent is turbulent, demon beasts are rampant, blood is flowing into rivers, and there is no room for human powerhouses to survive.

Later, Yulong, who was still a monster, appeared. With its powerful strength, it unified the Martial Dao Continent and gave mankind a glimmer of hope for survival.

Later, in order to thank this beast, human warriors divided it into the level of beasts,

He also built many temples, all of which have their statues in them, which are highly respected by later generations.

It has been passed down from generation to generation, and there are still many people who can tell the legend about it!

Gorefiend was also slightly taken aback, where did this kid get such a beast?

Why didn't I feel it before, could it still hide its own strength?

Ye Guhan frowned, and the blood demon wall, which was about to swallow the iron bull, shrank sharply due to his unstable thoughts.

The iron bull calmed down and looked up at the golden royal dragon above his head, his confidence (cjed) increased a hundredfold.

Looking at Jiang Xiaolong who was riding the waves not far away, he felt that his body was full of strength.

At this time, Jiang Xiaolong stared at Ye Guhan, who was his top priority.

Only killing Ye Guhan can make him feel a little more comfortable. Whenever he thinks of the dying scene of the shopkeepers in the Martial Arts Mall, his heart hurts like a knife.

Seeing the master's murderous figure, Xiaobai hovering in the sky was also a little anxious.

"Master, you have promised me that his life is mine, don't you think it's nothing if you want to talk? If you don't count, Xiaobai will ignore you?"

Xiaobai shouted anxiously.

Jiang Xiaolong didn't plan to kill Ye Guhan himself, but wanted to help Xiaobai save some time,

He didn't want to take another look at Ye Guhan, and he almost couldn't help it many times.

Feeling Xiaobai's arrogant and uninhibited wildness, Ye Guhan's blood began to boil.

Compared with Jiang Xiaolong, this mythical beast is of course more attractive. Maybe after swallowing its blood, I can instantly break through the blood magic power to a higher level.

Although Yulong's prestige is very terrifying, for Ye Guhan, who has a strong desire at this time,

It seems to be a plate of delicious food, without the slightest threat, and some are just enough saliva.

A greedy wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Jiang Xiaolong, who saw this expression, didn't care too much.

As for Xiaobai's strength, he still has absolute certainty, and even if he does not rely on a powerful weapon, he may not be able to defeat it.

Before Ye Guhan could turn back the powerful technique of the Gorefiend Wall, Xiaobai had already started to take action.

It circled back and forth between the clouds, and then a golden dragon swung its tail suddenly, and Xiaobai's big tail wing covered with golden thorns was thrown directly towards Ye Guhan's forehead, accompanied by the sound of whistling wind.

Ye Guhan screamed badly in his heart, seeing the speed and strength of the golden tail flicking.

It was only at this time that he felt the slightest coolness coming from behind him, although he was a little worried,

But at this moment, he didn't have any way out, only hard resistance could he escape.

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