Chapter 656 Who devoured who


Although Ye Guhan's Gorefiend Wall was laid down in front of him before the little white gold tail swayed over.

But it doesn't seem to have played a big role. This is a sudden blow.

The Gorefiend Wall not only cracked a huge gap, but even Ye Guhan, who was hiding behind the Gorefiend Wall, flew out - a hundred meters away.

Everyone's eyes lit up, although it was confirmed that the magic pet in front of them was Yulong,

But he didn't expect to have such a powerful strength, and the first attack made Ye Guhan stunned.

Tie Niu couldn't care about his injury anymore, he stood on the ground and shouted: "Good job, Xiao Bai!

At this time, he had already confirmed that this Yulong was Jiang Xiaolong's Xiaobai, although its body shape had changed,

But that unwavering look in Jiang Xiaolong's eyes did not change at all.

Jiang Xiaolong wanted to help Xiaobai, but he saw the Gorefiend who had already lost his shape.

He was a little worried, if this guy made a sudden move, Xiaobai might be in danger.

For the sake of safety, Jiang Xiaolong did not intend to take action now, but stared at the Gorefiend,

If he acts a little bit, he will be desperate to deal with him.

After the first round of duel, Ye Guhan was scared all of a sudden, which was too terrifying.

I didn't expect it to look like a beast all the time, but I didn't expect the strength to be so terrifying, unbelievable!

Although he thought so in his heart, he had no intention of admitting defeat.

Because he knew that the Gorefiend had the same character as him, and would rather die than lose face.

If he loses Master's face at this time, then he will most likely be swallowed up by Master.

Ye Guhan raised his arms high, the boss with his mouth open, sucked the blood around him to his heart's content.

It was used to condense dozens of blood-colored energy balls, although the energy balls had already formed in his hands at this time.

But compared with Gorefiend, the purity of the blood-colored energy ball contained in him is too far behind.

Although the blood-colored energy ball is not very pure, if it is to deal with ordinary martial arts generals and warriors.

It is possible that a single blood-colored energy ball can swallow dozens or even more in the past, which is terrifying.

But at this time, the more than ten blood-colored energy balls in Ye Guhan's hands seemed a little insignificant to Xiaobai with a swollen body.

Ye Guhan's eyes became abnormally cold at this time, refining the blood magic technique, the only theory he followed was that either you died or I died.

"If I don't have enough strength to devour your energy, that in turn means that I will be devoured by you.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh 1

Driven by Ye Guhan's evil energy, more than a dozen blood-colored energy balls shot towards the clouds where Xiaobai was located.

Xiaobai was not too worried about the energy emitted by the blood-colored energy ball.

Leisurely rolled around among the clouds, and then swayed the tail dozens of times in a row.

Whoosh whoosh!

The dozens of blood-colored energy balls that had just shot at it were all reflected back in an instant.

And get the strong push of Xiaobai tail, the speed becomes faster.

Seeing this situation, the sweat on Ye Guhan's forehead was pouring out, and he wanted to contain blood-colored energy balls for Xiaobai to taste, but he unexpectedly hit back on the top of his head.

"Ugh, haha.

Gorefiend looked at the scene in front of him and sneered.

Seeing that Xiaobai's strength is stronger, he seems to be happier, his figure flashes by in the air,


Then he used Nuo Da's palm to forcibly disperse the blood-colored energy ball contained in Ye Guhan.

Originally, Ye Guhan had no hope of life at this time, and his eyes were closed.

But unexpectedly, he was rescued by the master, and hurriedly stepped forward and murmured:

"Master, it's because I'm not good at learning, that's why I haven't beaten a small roundworm, Gu Han is willing to accept the punishment!

After saying that, he lowered his head heavily.

Ye Guhan was the first and last apprentice of Gorefiend.

Because of Ye Guhan's existence, he only had the day to come forward, and he had the previous lessons.

He also understood the evil consequences of slaughtering him. If there had been an apprentice who defended him at that time, he might not have taken so long to be resurrected at all.

He gently waved Nuoda's rough palm, indicating that Ye Guhan would stand on the side and watch the battle.

Then he slowly raised his head to look at Jiang Xiaolong, squinted at Xiaobai in the air, and said with a humming smile:

"Haha, yes, you have Yulong as a magic pet, it seems that I really underestimate you!

Jiang Xiaolong didn't pay attention to what he said, and slowly took out the supreme immortal long spear from his back, which also contained energy from all directions.

Jiang Xiaolong still named it Dragon Shaped World, wiped the barrel and head of the gun lightly, glanced at the Gorefiend, and said indifferently:

"There are still many things you don't know, and I will introduce them to you one by one when you are about to die!"

Then he looked at Si Lao and the third master who were on the side, and whispered softly:

"Master, I will never embarrass you, please believe me!

Si had seen through his mind a long time ago, and had long felt the two powerful energies tumbling in his body.

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