Chapter 804 You Can Call Me Boss

Jiang Xiaolong thought for a moment that the direction Tianlei pointed just now was indeed this direction, and chuckled lightly:

"Why did you go wrong, didn't you just say that it is closer from this side?

Seeing that Jiang Xiaolong had no idea, Tianlei patted his head secretly and laughed at himself:

"Senior, look at me, you don't even know the way to the Vast Ocean Empire, how come you are a local, my fault. My fault.

Jiang Xiaolong was confused by his, and laughed:

"What's the matter, this is, didn't you say the road is closer? 99


Seeing that Jiang Xiaolong didn't understand, Tianlei sighed:

"Senior, you don't know something. Although this Hundred Beast Forest is relatively close to the Vast Sea Empire, where there are beasts everywhere, you can't get through it alone."5

"The monsters are all over the place.

Jiang Xiaolong understood, this road is relatively close, but more dangerous, Jiang Xiaolong thought for a while, then waved to Tianlei and smiled, and walked towards the forest of beasts.

Tianlei saw that Jiang Xiaolong was still going that way, and shouted again:

"Senior, come back quickly, it's too dangerous to go there."

"Is there passion where there are monsters?"

When Jiang Xiaolong heard Tianlei's cry, he answered without even turning his head, and continued to step into the forest of beasts.

“There is only passion when there are monsters. 35

Tianlei just couldn't understand why Jiang Xiaolong was stronger than himself as an immortal teacher. After reading Jiang Xiaolong's words silently, he wanted to understand, and smiled secretly:

"So this is ah!"

Raising his head to see Jiang Xiaolong's back that was still clearly visible, several dozen meters away, Tianlei thought to himself:

"Anyway, I can't go back to the Moyu imitation market now, and I am alone, so I might as well go to the Vast Ocean Empire with my predecessors to experience the society~々.

Tianlei wanted to settle down, and hurriedly ran after Jiang Xiaolong:

"Senior, wait for me, wait for me."

"What's wrong."

Hearing someone call, Jiang Xiaolong stopped, saw Tianlei chasing after him, looked at him suspiciously and asked.

"Haha, senior, I think I will follow you in the future.

Tianlei scratched his head and looked at Jiang Xiaolong with a smirk.

"Follow me."

Jiang Xiaolong never thought that Tianlei would say such a thing, and laughed:

"Why are you following me.

"Because, because. 35

Tianlei was at a loss for words when asked by Jiang Xiaolong, and then he had an idea and smiled:

"Because senior, you saved me!"

People are gregarious animals, and they will always be lonely without anyone to accompany them.

But Jiang Xiaolong knew what road he was going to take. It was an endless road of revenge and he was destined to be alone. Seeing Tianlei's innocent face, he smiled bitterly:

"Tianlei, forget it! You'd better go back! The road I'm going to take is too dangerous.

Although Tianlei is usually bullied by Huoyun, he is still stubborn when he can cultivate to the Immortal Master by himself. Hearing Jiang Xiaolong's words, he is unhappy:

"Senior, why can't I leave Tianlei, as long as your senior says a word, even if you let me die, I'm willing."

"No. 95

"Senior, don't say it, if you don't let me follow you, I will blow myself up in front of you. 39

Tianlei is desperate now and wants to talk to Jiang Xiaolong, and before Jiang Xiaolong can finish his words, he immediately uses his energy to press into the sea of ​​qi.

"Forget it, just follow as long as you're afraid of death!"

Jiang Xiaolong saw that Tianlei was really playing for real, shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Haha, senior, you are willing to accept me.

Seeing that Jiang Xiaolong was willing to let himself follow him, Tianlei said happily after dissipating the energy in his body.

"Do I dare not accept you?"

Jiang Xiaolong shook his head helplessly and smiled bitterly.

"Haha, senior, you are joking. 99

Tianlei felt embarrassed at the thought of his own death just now, scratched his head and smiled.

Jiang Xiaolong looked at Tianlei and saw that he was about the same age as him, and he kept calling his senior, and it sounded awkward:

||Tianlei, don't be a senior all the time, the seniors are yelling, my name is Jiang Xiaolong, you can just call me Xiaolong!"

"How can that be?"

People in the Martial Dao Continent are very particular about their names, and now Tianlei regards Jiang Xiaolong as his idol in his heart, how dare he call him by his first name, when he hears Jiang Xiaolong's words, he immediately rejects it.

Jiang Xiaolong knew that Tianlei was a stubborn donkey, but he was embarrassed to hear it. He suddenly thought of the hookup he had done on earth before, and laughed:

"Tianlei, otherwise you can call me the boss (Wang Zhaohao)!

"Boss! Well, boss haha.

Tianleijue's boss is much more pleasing to the ear than his predecessors, and he sounds more cordial than his predecessors. He even laughed happily when he called out.

"Alas, is joy aroused sorrow?

Seeing Tianlei's happy appearance, Jiang Xiaolong was also happy psychologically, but he couldn't help sighing when he thought that he had so many burdens on his back.

"Boss, what's wrong with you.

Tianlei heard Jiang Xiaolong's sigh, the smile on his face disappeared immediately, and he looked at Jiang Xiaolong worriedly.

Although it is said that Tianlei is following him now, there are some things that even those who are kissing can't tell, Jiang Xiaolong glanced at him, shook his head and said with a smile:

"It's alright, let's hurry up! It's close.

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