Chapter 805


If Tianlei can cultivate to an Immortal Master, he is definitely not a fool.

But he also knew that there were things he should ask and should not ask,

Seeing that Jiang Xiaolong was not talking nonsense, he followed behind him.

The two walked silently without speaking, when Tianlei suddenly shouted:

"Boss, I almost forgot.

"What's going on!

Seeing Tianlei's startled expression, Jiang Xiaolong rolled his eyes at him and said helplessly.

The Thunder Thief smiled, took out a ring from his chest, and said with a smile:

"Haha, I got this from Huoyun just now, I almost forgot to give it to the boss. 35

Jiang Xiaolong took a look at Rong Jie, just looked at the ordinary Rong Jie, and he already had Rong Jie, so he didn't need it at all, but saw that Tian Lei didn't have Rong Jie in his hand, he smiled and put Rong Jie in his hands. The ring threw it back to him and said:

"Leave this for your own use! I have Rongjie myself.

Although it is just an ordinary ring, it can also be worth tens of thousands of spirit stones, like in 673 Martial Dao Continent, although they are all immortals,

But although ordinary people can cultivate, it is difficult to break through the Great Immortal Master, and they all have to eat.

An ordinary family's annual income is only dozens of spirit gathering stones, and this ordinary Rong Jie can be said to be a huge wealth for ordinary people like Tianlei.

He dreamed of having a Rong Jie for a long time, but he didn't expect to have Rong Jie so soon,

And all this is thanks to Jiang Xiaolong, holding Rong Jie tightly, knelt down on one knee, and thanked Jiang Xiaolong:

"Thank you boss, thank you boss.

Jiang Xiaolong has owned Rong Jie since he was a child. Even if the family is in decline, there is nothing missing from staying in the Shen family.

However, he didn't take these things seriously, and when he saw that Tianlei actually made such a big gift, he smiled and said:

"Don't thank me, just treat me as the boss as a gift to you!

"Thank you, thank you boss."

Tianlei stood up, put on the ring and kept thanking Jiang Xiaolong.

Immediately after that, I started to run my mind. First, I had to check the inside of Xiarong Jie.

But I have been running my mind, but I can't feel the inside of Rongjie.

Tianlei began to wonder: "Could it be that what those people said before was wrong, it's impossible!

Seeing Tianlei's face turning red, Jiang Xiaolong patted his shoulder and said:

"Hey, what are you doing? 35

"Boss, me, me."

Tianlei was embarrassed to say that he didn't understand how to use Rong Jie, but in order to be anxious to see what Rong Jie was like, he still lowered his head and said:

"Boss, I don't know how to use this ring.

Jiang Xiaolong rolled his eyes at him and cursed:

“It’s okay to just move your mind.

"No, I tried it.""

Tianlei shook his head aggrievedly.

Jiang Xiaolong still doesn't believe it? He took Rong Jie from his hand and saw that there was a layer of seal on it, he laughed:

"It turns out that there is a seal on it, no wonder you can't open it.

"Can you break the seal?"

Tianlei was anxious to see what it would feel like to use Rong Jie, and his face was flushed.

Jiang Xiaolong understood the seal on Rong Jie (cjed) quite a bit. He looked at the seal on Rong Jie and saw that it was just an ordinary seal. He smiled and ran to the ring with energy, and suddenly shouted:


The seal on the ring was broken, and Jiang Xiaolong smiled and threw the ring back into Tianlei's hands:

"You try it now."

Tianlei took over Rong Jie and couldn't wait to turn his mind. As soon as he turned, Rong Jie followed and opened. He looked at Li Jiang Xiaolong with great joy, and said excitedly:

"Haha, boss, it's alright, it's alright."

Jiang Xiaolong smiled and said, "Well, hurry up and go!""


Tianlei responded and followed Jiang Xiaolong, but that mind was checking the contents inside Rong Jie,

Huoyun is a famous nobleman, so how can there be less stuff in the ring, looking at the large amount of spirit gathering stones and a lot of weapons, Tianlei is happy.

He also took it out and showed it to Jiang Xiaolong, but Jiang Xiaolong didn't dare to let Tianlei accept it.

Tianlei was having a good time again, and suddenly Tianlei took out two things from the calm ring, flipped through it in his hand, and said doubtfully:

"what is this."

Although Tianlei is of the Immortal Master rank, but because he is poor, he has never seen magical powers at all.

But Jiang Xiaolong knew it very well. As soon as he saw the two books in Tianlei's hand, he hurriedly grabbed them. He saw that the fire dance was written on it, and the fire dance attacked Jiang Xiaolong with great joy:

"Haha, I didn't expect these two magical powers to fall into my hands.

When Jiang Xiaolong was fighting with Huoyun, he was very jealous of his two supernatural powers. He never thought that the two supernatural powers would fall into his hands now.

When Tianlei heard Jiang Xiaolong's words, he was stunned for a moment, then he reacted, happily pulling Jiang Xiaolong's clothes, and said excitedly:

"Boss, this is supernatural power, is this supernatural power?

Jiang Xiaolong originally wanted to keep these two magical powers for himself to practice.

But seeing Tianlei's eager eyes combined with just when he was fighting Huoyun, he didn't use any magical powers,

Jiang Xiaolong knew for sure that this kid probably didn't know what supernatural powers were.

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