Chapter 806 Green Eyed Python

Jiang Xiaolong hesitated, and finally handed a copy to Tianlei and said:

"Tianlei, you haven't practiced supernatural powers yet! Let's practice this Huo Wu attack!

Tianlei happily took Huo Wu from Jiang Xiaolong to attack, and when he saw the words "Great Spiritual Rank" written on it, he knew how precious it was.

He really wanted to have this magical power, but he also knew that if Jiang Xiaolong cultivated these two books, it would definitely play a greater role than in his own hands. He shook his head and handed the magical power back to Jiang Xiaolong:

"Boss, it's up to you to cultivate these two supernatural powers! I am not suitable for cultivating such supernatural powers."

Jiang Xiaolong, of course, knew that Tianlei was for himself. It was a blessing to receive this kind of younger brother. He nodded in satisfaction and said with a smile:

"Tianlei, just keep practicing! It can make you stronger. 99

Tianlei is going to train for Jiang Xiaolong, his mind will not change, he shook his head and said:

"Boss, you can only play the biggest role through cultivation, so I don't have to.

You must know how much effort Jiang Xiaolong spent in the Taoist temple to get one copy of the spiritual power, and now he has obtained two copies at once,

To be honest, he didn't want to come up with these two magical powers. Seeing Tianlei say so, he waved his hand helplessly and said:

"Well, that's good, the boss will find a better magical power for you in the future.

"Well, then thank you boss first."

The two walked for more than half an hour, and finally came to the periphery of the Hundred Beast Forest.

Jiang Xiaolong was not very familiar with this area, but Tianlei recognized it at a glance, and hurriedly said to Jiang Xiaolong next to him:

"Boss, be careful, we are about to step into the beast forest now. 39


Jiang Xiaolong responded lightly, looked at the endless forest ocean in front of him, was silent for a while, and walked into the forest without talking nonsense.

Tianlei had heard about the viciousness of the Hundred Beast Forest for a long time, but he had never been there, but seeing such a wide forest now, his heart was inevitably cold.

But he has followed, and Jiang Xiaolong has already stepped into the forest of beasts,

It was impossible for him to look back, he took a deep breath, encouraged himself, and followed Jiang Xiaolong.

The two walked for another half an hour and only encountered some low-level monsters. For the two immortal masters, those low-level monsters didn't dare to approach them at all.

The hearts of the two of them calmed down, and they happened to see an open space in front of them, so the two of them stopped to rest and had something to eat by the way.

Although Jiang Xiaolong hadn't finished his meal in the restaurant just now, he had prepared enough dry food. With a thought, there was a lot of food in his hand:

"Tianlei, here it is.

Tianlei's Rongjie was all obtained from Huoyun, and he had no idea that he would go out with Jiang Xiaolong for so long,

Naturally, he didn't bring anything with him, and he was hungry after walking for so long.

It was not polite, he took the food directly from Jiang Xiaolong's hand and ate it.

Jiang Xiaolong looked at Tianlei's devouring look, chuckled lightly, looked at the calm situation around him, and said:

"Tianlei, it seems that this Hundred Beast Forest is not as scary as you said!

Tianlei's previous news was only heard from other people's mouths. He himself had never been to the Hundred Beast Forest. He looked at the calm situation around him, and laughed while eating:

"Haha, boss, I just heard those things from others before, probably those people were to scare Tianlei. 35

・・・・Seeking flowers・・・

Before he finished speaking, he was stunned, his eyes were straight, and the food in his hand fell to the ground.

"What's wrong, Tianlei.

Jiang Xiaolong heard Tianlei suddenly stop talking, glanced at him, and asked lightly.

"Boss, be careful."

Tianlei said, the energy surged out of his body, swept to Jiang Xiaolong's side, and pushed him away.


Jiang Xiaolong still didn't understand what was going on, only heard a loud noise behind him, looked back,

Even Jiang Xiaolong turned into what Tianlei just looked like, and saw a big python staring at the two of them with a snakelike temper.

This is a big python circling, with its head held high, even taller than the giant trees next to it, the loud noise just now,

It was this snake that came out. Originally, the big python wanted to shoot Jiang Xiaolong, but it was thrown away by the thunder.

The tail of the snake slapped empty and landed on the big tree next to it, and the sound was the sound of the snake breaking the tree and going out.

"Spiritual beasts, or high-level spiritual beasts, green-eyed pythons.

Jiang Xiaolong had read a lot of books before the family declined, but now when he saw the monster in front of him, a message flashed in his head.

The green-eyed python is a heavenly beast when it is just born, but it can evolve into a spirit beast with just one molt.

Jiang Xiaolong saw that the giant python in front of him was dozens of meters long, and the snake's body was even bigger than Jiang Xiaolong's two hugs.

"Boss, what should I do?"

Tianlei also knew this kind of monster, and knew that maybe he and Jiang Xiaolong together might not be his opponent.

Jiang Xiaolong didn't answer Tianlei's words, but the energy in his body began to spin quickly and beg.

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