Chapter 807

Because he knew that there was absolutely no other way but to let go of Yibo.

Because even an immortal king would not dare to compare the speed with this green-eyed python, don't look at the green-eyed python without legs,

But his crawling is like flying, and even the Immortal King is far behind.


The green-eyed python was obviously annoyed that he missed the target just now, and Tianlei was the one who caused him to miss the target.

Xuepen's big mouth let out a loud roar, and the snake tail quickly swept in the direction of Tianlei.

Where the snake's tail swept, a big tree in the sky, stuck, stuck until it fell, hitting the ground and making a loud bang "six seven three"

"Tianlei, be careful."

Jiang Xiaolong saw the snake tail swept in the direction of Tianlei, and Tianlei was still there, and screamed in shock:

"Tianlei, run away.


Tianlei was completely frightened by the temperament of this green-eyed python, and only reacted when he heard Jiang Xiaolong's words, but unfortunately it was too late, and the snake's tail had already swept in front of Tianlei.


The snake's tail just touched Tianlei's face, Tianlei only felt a huge pain all over his body, his body was churning with blood, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, Tianlei.

When Jiang Xiaolong saw Tianlei being shot, he shouted, his fists clenched tightly, his energy poured into his hands, and he shouted: Bang Tianquan.

The whole person slammed towards the python, and the fists full of fiery red energy greeted the python like lightning.

Although this green-eyed python is already an adult, the spiritual wisdom of the beast cannot be opened until it reaches the fairy beast.

Although this green-eyed python is powerful, it has a simple mind. Seeing that Tianlei was hit by him, he was still laughing inwardly, and he didn't even notice that Jiang Xiaolong's blasting fist had hit him.

Roar Jiang Xiaolong knew how powerful this big python was, and when he hit the sky-high fist, he didn't hold back, the immortal master's full blow,

If the Great Immortal Master was hit without any precautions, he would also be seriously injured.

The green-eyed python roared in pain, and its tail swept toward Jiang Xiaolong instead.

The power of the snake's tail, Jiang Xiaolong had just seen his terrifying, did not dare to touch him, he quickly pulled back, and narrowly avoided the blow.

Jiang Xiaolong had just thought that the python would lose its skin if it was hit by him.

But now, seeing that the big python can still attack, and looking at the place where the big python was hit by himself, it was unscathed.

After all, it is the top ten monsters in defense.

Jiang Xiaolong is relatively clear about the news about the green-eyed python, although he knows that he is one of the top ten monsters in defense.

But he still didn't believe it psychologically just now, but now he has seen it.


The green-eyed python stared wide-eyed at Jiang Xiaolong in front of him, shouted loudly, and a big airflow rushed towards Jiang Xiaolong.

Jiang Xiaolong felt that the airflow was sucking back in the direction of the green-eyed python, and the green-eyed python was opening his bloody mouth to meet him.

"not good.

Jiang Xiaolong knew that this was one of the green-eyed python's abilities, so he quickly poured all the energy into his feet.


The air flow from the green-eyed python was so powerful that the trees next to it scraped squeaked, and Jiang Xiaolong felt a tear-like pain on his face.

The clothes on that body flew out of Jiang Xiaolong's body with the airflow.


Jiang Xiaolong felt as if he had encountered a 12-level gale. With a loud roar, he stomped his feet heavily on the ground, and his feet entered the ground a dozen centimeters lower.


Jiang Xiaolong was not sucked in, but Tianlei, who fell to the ground, couldn't stand the strong wind and was sucked in.

He was blown away by the strong wind, which made him sober.

But as soon as he woke up, he saw the bloody mouth of the green-eyed python, and roared in fright,

The whole person flew into the python's mouth, leaving only his voice coming out of the green-eyed python's mouth.


When Jiang Xiaolong saw Tianlei being sucked in, he cried out in worry, and this scream distracted him,

I only felt the light under my feet, and the whole thing flew into the python's mouth along the airflow.


Jiang Xiaolong knew that if it was in the belly of the green-eyed python, then he could be considered to have gone to the Palace of Hell.

With a loud shout, in a hurry, he quickly grabbed a big tree next to him.

But the big tree had long been shaken by the green-eyed python, and Jiang Xiaolong had just grabbed the branch.

With a click, it broke.

Jiang Xiaolong's entire body and the branch fell into the green-eyed python's mouth.


When the green-eyed python saw that both of them had been eaten into his stomach, he roared happily and ran into the grass.

In the stomach of the green-eyed python, its stomach is like the sea, and the gastric juice is endlessly tumbling in it,

Jiang Xiaolong shouted and fell into it.

"This is where."

Jiang Xiaolong was sucked in, looked at the pitch black, and said to himself.


A drop of the python's stomach dripped onto Jiang Xiaolong's shoulder, and Jiang Xiaolong suddenly felt a pain in his shoulder.

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