"It works!"

Seeing that [Charm] had successfully affected the reggaeton's mind, the corners of Chen Feng's mouth unconsciously rose slightly.

Taking advantage of the moment when the reggae was confused, he seized the opportunity, bent his legs slightly, and then exerted his strength violently!

Chen Feng, who jumped high, made a forward pounce in mid-air, and attacked straight towards the pair of jet-black meat wings behind the reggaeton!

The next moment.

Chen Feng in mid-air grabbed the pair of huge meat wings that were beating like a heart, and at the same time, he exerted force at his waist and turned his body violently.


the same time as Chen Feng landed on the ground, the pair of meat wings in his hands were also torn off from the back of the reggae by Chen Feng due to the influence of inertia!

Two blood holes with the width of a palm extending from the shoulder blades to the waist suddenly appeared on the iron blue back of the reggae!

In an instant, the black and smelly blood of the reggae spurted out from the bloody mouth behind it like a fountain!

At the same time, Chen Feng could clearly see that the reggae's original body was as thick and powerful as a dragon, but at this moment, it quickly dried up at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Looking at the reggae in front of him, who had lost the power to bind the chicken, Chen Feng couldn't help but smile.

At the same time, he was also very glad that he didn't doze off in the ghost theory class like Wang Hao.

Otherwise, even if he can defeat this reggae today, he is destined to pay a lot of price.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng shook his head and retracted his thoughts.

Immediately after, he pulled out the [Blood Flame Knife] that had been withdrawn from his waist when he had charged earlier.

Qiang ——!

immediately slashed out! A

blue-purple crescent-shaped arc light carrying the power of [Hell on Earth] slashed the throat of the reggae with lightning speed!

The next moment.

The ghost's head fell to the ground!

Lines of azure silk threads broke out from the remains of the reggae, and then slowly rose, condensing into an incomparably strange Neidan in mid-air, which was breathtaking.

Seeing Neidan floating on his side, Chen Feng's legs unconsciously weakened, and he squatted on the ground with a plop, and the [Blood Flame Knife] in his hand also fell beside him with a chirp.


He slowly raised his head, looked up at the dim sky above him, and let out a long sigh of relief.

"It's me, it's just a cool head!" After a long time, Chen Feng, who had recovered his strength, inexplicably felt a sense of pride in his heart.

Then, he glanced at the demonic Neidan beside him, and directly reached out and grabbed it in his hand.

"After fighting so hard, I don't dare to lose it. With that, he cautiously wanted to put this reggae nedan into the [dimensional space].

But as soon as he put it halfway in, the movement of Chen Feng's hand suddenly froze.

Reggae's Inner Dan skill is called [Thunder Domain], which is an offensive skill that belongs to a formation control field.

Once this skill is activated, the power of thunder will continue to fall within the domain, and the power of each thunder is not inferior to the ordinary white-level Neidan skill.

Although the consumption of spiritual power by this skill can be described as astronomical.

But he can reduce the loss of spiritual power through the mutation amplification of the underworld space, so as to achieve the effect of long-term endurance!

Thinking of this, Chen Feng no longer hesitated, and directly placed this reggae inner pill next to the pendant on his chest.

The next moment, the pendant was like a swamp, slowly engulfing the reggae nedan into it.

Immediately after, an ink-colored text appeared in Chen Feng's field of vision.


I have absorbed the white-clothed ghost-level reggae inner dan, and the host has obtained the skill of the reggae inner dan-[Thunder Domain]

The white-clothed ghost-level ghost reggae has been reborn in the underworld space


"Reborn in the underworld space?Hmph, when I go back, I must 'repay' this reggae well!" Chen Feng said with a wicked smile.


The bottom of crater No. 4.

At this moment, in front of Chen Feng stood three powerful ghosts dressed in white ghost qi coats.

On their bodies, they all reveal a cold and piercing Senluo ghost aura.

"Exactly three...

I can test the power of the [Thunder Domain] with you.

Chen Feng played with the [Dimensional Space] in his hand and looked at the three ghosts opposite with a playful expression.

The next moment, Chen Feng reluctantly removed the cover of the [Breath Shielding Order] on his body.

In an instant, the breath of a living person on Chen Feng's body was exposed to the three ghost creatures in front of him! Almost

the moment he smelled the scent of Chen Feng's body, the three ghost creatures on the opposite side let out a burst of zombie-like laughter at the same time.


the strange cries of the three ghosts in front of him, Chen Feng just smiled softly, but didn't pay attention to them.

Not to mention that he now has the [Thunder Domain], a large-scale high-intensity killing skill, even before he obtained the [Thunder Domain], he doesn't need to be too afraid of the three white-clothed ghosts in front of him.

After all... Not every white-clothed ghost is as difficult as reggaeton.

For example, the three mole ghosts in front of Chen Feng are like this.

It's nothing more than a weak ghost with a strong heart.

This kind of ghostly thing, among all the sneaky, is completely the existence of the tail of the crane!"

"Take your kind of goods to deal with Xiao Fei... It's quite a good deal!"

Chen Feng muttered to himself, and then regardless of whether the three mole ghosts on the opposite side could understand or not, he directly beckoned at them, and sneered:

"Don't waste time, let's go together!"

"Ji ——!!!"

I don't know if I understood Chen Feng's words, or for some other reason, the three mole ghosts actually let out a violent cry.

Immediately after, inky flames rose from their bodies, which looked a little more interesting.

In the next moment, the three mole ghosts turned into three dark afterimages and rushed towards Chen Feng in no particular order, their ghostly aura was overwhelming!

In the face of such a scene, Chen Feng did not panic in the slightest.

I saw that he slowly stretched out his hand and stared at him.

"That's it?"

In the next second, Chen Feng's body suddenly burst into a dazzling light, illuminating a radius of tens of meters

around him! The bottom of the originally dim and dull pit of dead silence was now as if an aurora had descended, and it was beautiful.

Immediately after, several azure arcs suddenly jumped in the palm of Chen Feng's outstretched hand.


A black thundercloud, carrying a heavy muffled thunder, condensed above the heads of Chen Feng and the three mole ghosts!

The blue-purple arc of thunder and lightning continued to roll in the clouds, like a dragon king of the East that was about to awaken!


in an instant, the lightning containing the breath of destruction of the world slammed down on the body of one of the mole ghosts!

The latter was suddenly hit so hard that the qi and blood in his body unconsciously flowed backwards, and several dark green blood spurted out from the seven orifices of this mole ghost!

The next moment, the body of that mole ghost turned into inky silk threads, condensed into a pitch-black inner pill in front of Chen Feng...

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